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It has been a week since the incident. Everyone parts ways when Amelia walks through the halls. Nobody approaches her dog. The slytherin boy has kept his promise and has done what Amelia has told him to do. The two Slytherin boys apologized to her and Frida. Only the trio approaches her and talks to her like nothing had happened. Amelia is still shaken up by Albus' words: she will inform you father about this.

Right now she is eating lunch with her friends. She laughs and bumps her shoulder with Dianna's. Since Ross started dating, Dianna's started sitting next to Amelia, the girlfriend got jealous at Dianna for sitting next to Ross. A hand on her shoulder makes her look up and stare at Severus with confusion. 

"You are needed in the courtyard." Severus says as he starts walking towards te exit. Amelia quickly follows him, Frida in tow. She jogs over to his side and walks quickly to match his pace. 

"Can I ask why, sir?" Amelia says looking up at Severus while they enter the courtyard. 

"Amelia Richardson!" His voice makes Amelia tense up. She looks at the man and looks down at her uniform. She goes down the few stone steps before standing in attention.

"Yes, sir!" She salutes at the man that approaches her. He is still wearing his uniform. The tall muscular man stands a few feet away from Amelia and looks her up and down.

"Is this how you treat your uniform?!" The man says sternly.

"Sorry, sir." Amelia says as she tidies up her uniform. The man walks up to her, goes behind her and pulls her hair up. Amelia clenches her jaw in pain as he harshly pulls her hair up into a tight ponytail. He finishes and stands in front of her.

"At ease soldier." Amelia stands in position. The happy Amelia has return to her natural state. Severus can see the change in her. It reminds him of how he change when Lily was present. 

"My little soldier, give me a hug." The man says suddenly in a soft voice. Amelia runs up to him and jumps into his arm. Her arms wrap tightly around his neck and her legs around his waist

"Father..." She mumbles into his neck. She feels a arm let go of her and her eyes widen up by it. She immediately lets go and drops to the ground before the knife cut her back. She rolls away as he goes to stomp her. She stands up and goes to stand in front of the steps again. 

"Did you think you were off the hook? Your mother told me what happened... Fighting and detention, that is not what I taught you... I am very disappointed in you. MY daughter, fighting and getting detention in school! That won't do." Marcus says as he walks towards her.

Severus takes out his wand ready to protect Amelia, but suddenly a hand grabs his wrist. He looks down at Charlotte, but only  sees her shaking her head with closed eyes. Severus lowers his wand with a clenched jaw  .

"Father, look what they did to Frida. I don't see you in three years and this is how you greet me, by almost stabbing me in the back. What a fucking great father." Amelia spits out harshly.

"You watch your language young lady. This is not the young soldier that I left at home." The man says as he swipes his knife at her, Amelia shoves his arm away before throwing a kick at his side. He dodges it easily. She discardes of her school robe.

Amelia puts her fist up ready to fight. Marcus does the same with a knife on his left hand. They continue to fight. They are close to the fountain when Amelia is able to kick the knife away from his hand and quickly jumps away from him. The knife falls away from them. They both look at it before looking back at each other. Amelia looks at her father before running towards, she jumps on the stone circulare base that surrounds the fountain,) before jumping to her father while throwing a punch on his face. While groaning by the force of the punch, he grabs her by waist, he quickly turns her upside down and drops falls backwards; one would think he is a wrestler. Amelia grunts and groans in pain as her back hits the floor with force. She archs her back as she turns around and starts to stand up, she coughs up blood.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now