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(A/N: Chapter is a bit steamy. When you see the italics, skip it if you don{t want to read steamy stuff)

One of the chores that Severus has made her do is wood chopping. She has to chop wood for the fireplace. She doesn't mind the manual labor, in fact she thinks it is a great training for her strength. She takes Frida outside so she can run around the snow covered yard while she chops the logs. Amelia grips the ax with her gloved-covered hands. Amelia can hear the children riding their bikes around the neighborhood; it makes her wish she could walk around. She knows that the town where Severus lives is a industrial one. She only knows this from the smoke-filled sky and the type of house he lives in. 

Amelia conjures up a rubber ball and charms it so Frida can chase after it. She throws it, making the dog run after it. Amelia smiles at the sight and misses the simple days. The days when her only worry was evading Jeremy. In her eyes, her life was filled with so much shit that if she was anyone else they would have ended it already. The list of shit was long: obsessive border-line stalker, abused emotionally, physically and sexually by a man she trusted and love, never really had the stability of a home, her father was absent most of her life, bullied in school, has a emotional attachment to her superior and older man, people are after her and has almost died twice already in her 17 year old life. 

But even if all this bullshit has happened to her, she can't helped but to feel glad she is in the place that she is. She has made friends, she has found her passion, she has started a new part of her life that has brought her a change in her mindset. That life is just like a coin toss, the outcome is unpredictable, but there is always a chance of it to be better. 

She turns around and starts chopping wood. From the window of  his room, Severus watches her cut the wood that he left her there and the dog chase around the enchanted ball. He wonders how long will he be able to protect her? If Dumbledore is correct about Amelia... Their lessons might become more harsher, boderline abusive. He will have to break her limits to close her wounds.  If they finish their training soon... everyone runs risk of getting hurt. 


Amelia finished chopping the pile of wood and quickly enters the house, trying to escape the cold. She uses magic so the snow on Frida and herself disappears. She walks to the cupboard and takes out a mug. 

"God, it is too fucking cold out there. Some hot chocolate sounds amazing right now." Amelia mutters to herself. She grabs some packets and starts to make them. She takes of her wintercoat and boots while she goes up the stairs. She puts her things in her room, takes her robe and as she goes to go back downstair, she stares at Severus' room. With a sigh she ventures downstairs. 

Amelia sits down in her usual seat in front of the fireplace with a book on her lap and a mug of hot chocolate on the table next to her. She curls into the chair and starts to read. Her mind soaks in the words of the dark book. 

"The dark arts are so interesting, don't you think, professor?" Amelia asks as she turns the page. Severus stares at the beautiful girl sitting in the old chair with a book in her lap. Any boy would be lucky to be with her. 

"They are  dangerous, not to be taken lightly." Severus says with a hint of warning. Amelia smiles at his words as she continues to read. 

"And yet you surround yourself with it... They are seductive, but how they are made is very interesting." Amelia says as she hears him sit down on his seat. She throw a glance at him and couldn't stop staring at him. Everything about him is a mystery to her. 

"It is time for your training... We know now that you react when you are overwhelmed, but Dumbledore has a theory that your magic is very attached to your emotions. I highly doubt it because I have seen you angry and never sensed that you will lose control.... But, he says the cause of this isn't anger, but emotional pain, loss." Severus says as he stares at her eyes. Amelia feels like he can see her entire soul with that penetrating stare. Amelia sighs and closes the book on her lap. 

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