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It took time for Severus to persuade Amelia to go home. That it was just a dream, that her parents were home and he would not attack her. Amelia opens her door, only to be greeted by darkness. She looks up at Severus with dread, the house is deadly quiet. Only the hum of the refridgerator fills the house. 

"Don't you dare say that the house is empty. He is waiting for me, in the darkness." Severus takes out his wand and points it at the hallway. 

"Homenum Revelio." Nothing happened, making Severus exhales in relief. Amelia is still not at ease. 

"Nobody is here. You can relax, Amelia. Go to your room and lock the door. Do not come out until morning... I wish you would tell your parents." Severus says sincerely.

"One of us is going to go over the edge tonight... And I do not intend to die at his hands. Come back in ten minutes and you will see. " She says lowly enough for him to hear. The look in her eyes... It reminds Severus of her father's. 

"You are worrying over nothing, Miss Richardson. The spell revealed that nobody is here, it was just a bad dream." He says to her trying to ease her mind, but also to convince himself. 

I did the spell correctly and no muggle can hide from magic.

"Goodbye, professor." Amelia looks at him with dull eyes and locks the door. She didn't sleep last night, thinking how to prevent her dream from coming true. She knew that she couldn't convince his stubborn mind that something will happen. She places her items on top of the dinningroom table. She takes out her wand and also ties her hair up. She has a plan, but it is risky. She can't use magic against him, she will get in trouble and it will jeopardize her chances to become an auror. She has to do this the muggle way. 

She walks into the dark hallway until she reaches her door. She slowly opens it, her wand at her side. Just like in her dream, her uncle was sitting on her bed. His head was droop down and his arms on top of his knees. 

"Hello Uncle." She flicks her wand, causing him to lundge foward and take it from her hand at unrealistic speed. He throws it away from her. 

"You need a reminder of whose body is that." He growls out as he grips her wrist and pulls her into her room. Amelia stumbles a bit, but turns around quickly. He closes the door behind him and the click of the lock echos the room. He turns on the light, slightly blinding Amelia at the sudden change. She doesn't let down her guard. 

"How were you able to escape the revealing spell?" Amelia says as she gets ready to fight. Drake smiles a handsome smile to her, that would have had any other woman swooning. Amelia looks at him with disgust. 

"I was outside, the fire escape... I remember when you were little, how sometimes you knew when I was in your room before entering it... And I thought, maybe there is an actual spell for that." He unbuttons the first few buttons of his shirt. 

"How I have missed you, my love." His words make Amelia's blood boil. 

"I am not yours. Never been, never will be." Amelia says angrily. The sound of his belt unbuckling, makes Amelia freeze a bit as the memories fill her mind. 

No, no more. 

"Oh, you have forgotten... You belong to ME." He says before he lundges towards her. Amelia punches him in the face. Making him cradle his nose. He growls out and throws a punch, hitting Amelia in the cheek. He goes to uppercut her, but Amelia dodges to the left and uppercuts him. 

*********************************TRIGGER WARNING**************************

She can feel him going easy on her, he doesn't want to kill her. She just wants to survive. He throws a punch at her right cheek with such force, that makes her fall on the bed. He takes the opportunity of the punch and gets on top of her. He uses his belt to quickly to tie her wrists together. She squirms against him, tries to knee him in the groin, but his weight on top of hers makes it almost impossible. She goes to scream, but he shoves his tongue into her mouth. She bites it enough to draw blood. Making him pull away and punch her in the face again.

"You fucking bitch. God, I love you." He says as he grinds against her. Making bile rise from her stomach. He pushes her to the middle of the bed and to her pillow. He tores her shirt open, Amelia trashes around.

"NO, STOP. STOP. GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME. LEAVE ME ALONE. WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS AGAIN?" Amelia screams out in frustration. He slaps her and puts a hand on her neck. 

"Quiet little princess. Good girls are quiet... It has been too long since I have had you. Let me taste you again." He says before going down to her neck and starts kissing it, while groping her breasts. Amelia stares at the ceiling with a blank stare. 


***************************END OF TRIGGER******************************

Her hands are above her head. Her hands rummages under her pillow. She grips what she was looking. She slowly pulls it out. As she brings it over her head, she flips it and stabs Drake in the back. Just between his shoulderblades. He screams out and sits up and tries to pull out the knife. He looks at Amelia with disbelief as she starts to sit up. He stumbles back and pulls out the knife. He growls out in anger and goes to attack her. She quickly redirects his anger-filled attack to him, stabbing himself in the chest.

"You dare stab me with my best friend's knife?" He says before he falls to his side on the floor, next to the bed. 

"You dare rape a person." Amelia says with disgust. 

She spits on him. She sits on the edge of the room, her hands still tied together. She lets her head hang as she places her arms over knees. As if years of torture suddenly lift from her shoulders. 

"I told you it wasn't just a dream." Amelia says before she stares up at the figure standing on the dark doorway. 

Severus looks at the scene with shock. Amelia sits on her bed with her wrist tied together. Her lip is swollen and cut. Her cheeks are red. She has a bruise forming on her left eye and cheekbone. Her shirt is broken. Her uncle, lies unmoving on the floor with blood pooling underneathe him. He has a knife stuck on the right side of his chest. But what made his blood run cold was Amelia's eyes. They look unforgiving, cold, dull, dead, but a hint of relief glazes over them. Suddenly Severus gulps as Amelia throws him a award winning smile; the scene will never fade away from Severus' mind. 

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