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A forthnight has passed since Amelia's revelation. She has continues to excell in her studies and has kept calm during such. Unknown to others, Severus has been doing research on how to help Amelia. Severus apparates to her house, only to find it dark and almost empty. He walks to the kitchen openwall to retrieve a paper with his name on top.


I am afraid that our session will have to be reschedule to a later time, for my mother is sick and I have to fill in her shift. I will be in Rupert's Pub down the street if need be. If you wish to visit me, I have placed some normal clothing next to this letter. The commoners will not take well your attire as I do.

With care,

Amelia Richardson.

He huffs at this and looks at the clothes in front of him. He needs to talk to her about the upcoming assignment. He growls and snatches up the clothes with hatred.


Amelia ignores the rowdy crowd as she serves a pint to the loyal customer.

"You okay there, Norman?" She says as she puts the beverage in front of him. The red-faced man holds a thumb up before taking his drink. The common folks that dwell in the bar are veterans and a few local men. She leaves the bar to pick up some glasses in the few empty tables. When she returns she smiles at the brooding man that leans against the barcounter next to the small space she needs to pass.

"Professor, didn't expect for you to visit me." She says as she walks behind the counter and starts to clean up the empty glasses.

"Yes, not my type of establishment to dwell upon... but I have need to inform you about our next week's assignment." He says while watching the rowdy men with distaste.

 She throws him a glance and couldn't helped to appreciate his form. The clothing that she took from her father's closet fitted him well. A long-sleeved black sweater from her father's college years and some black jeans, he remained with his shoes. Something is missing. After she finishes with the glasses she walks up to him.

"May I?" She asks as she takes a hairband from her wrist. He looks at it with distaste, but knows that he has to blend in. He turns around and lets her pull his hair into a short ponytail. She smiles at her accomplishment and moves away.

"Amelia, serve me a another one." A voice yells from the other end of the bar. Amelia holds a finger up to Severus before walking to the man.

"Of course, Johnny, but this is your last one. If I am not mistaken, tomorrow is inspection day." Amelia says sternly while serving him scotch into his glass. Johnny grins at her and swirls his glass.

"I wish I had a wife like you, Amelia. Beautiful and caring... will you marry me?" The man says slightly slurring his words. Amelia chuckles at his words and denies his proposal.

"Johnny, I can't. I am a minor and you already have a wife... And here she comes." The woman grabs Johnny by the ear, slamms a few bills on the table before dragging him away.

"I love you, Amelia!!! Nobody can keep us apart... Well who is this angelic woman." He starts to flirt with his wife who smacks his head. Amelia scoffs at this and starts to attend the bar. She returns to Severus and wipes her hands with a rag.

"Sorry you had to see that, Professor. They are good people, at least most of them. Give me a few minutes to attend the customers and then we can talk... Do you want anything from the bar, sir?" She asks politely. He denies her offer, not wanting a student to see him drink. She nods and leaves him.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now