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Amelia is reading the book she 'borrowed' from the Restricted Area, writing down her own notes in her own notebook. Frida is asleep next to her. The Great Hall is decorated with Christmas decorations. She has already finished her homework and has already packed her stuff for when she leaves next week. It is lunchtime, but Amelia has no appetite. 

"Excuse me." A voice interrupts her research. She glances up at the person before looking down.

"How may I help you?" She asks coldly. The male smiles down at her, before sitting down. 

"Well hello to you too, Richardson." Amelia is annoyed by the presence of the gryffindor kid. 

"Bill Weasley is the name. I heard that you are a very capable witch." Amelia sighs and closes her book. She stares at the red head with annoyance. 

"Thank you, can you get straight to the point? Time is not something that should be wasted." Amelia says politely. The boy smiles at her and clears his throat. 

"I am actually in your defense against the dark arts class. I was wondering if you want to study together sometime. I really need to be excellent in breaking curses for my career." Amelia squints her eyes at him.
"You are in the quidditch team, right?" At his nod Amelia grins at him. 

"I'll help you if you teach me how to fly." Amelia says while putting her books into her bag. The boy smirks at him, his blue eyes glint in amusement. 

"The protégé doesn't know how to ride a broomstick?... sounds like a fair deal to me." He says with a shrug. 

"The protégé ?" Amelia asks in confusion. Bill smiles at her while crossing his arms over his chest. Amelia finds this action to be arrogant and finds it annoying. 

"You don't know what they call you behind your back?... The protégé, the punisher, The devil, the Queen of Bitches. Most of the the names are what the boys think of you. Beautiful but deadly to the touch." Amelia stands up and extends her hand at him. 

"Tell your friends that I prefer them calling me what they really mean to call me; the bitch." They shake hands, Amelia wakes Frida up before leaving the Gryffindor boy smiling to himself.

Amelia has received a parcel and a letter from her parents but today is not a day she likes. She sighs, tired of the long day. She doesn't know why she agreed to help the Weasley boy, but she would like to learn how to fly and it has been a while since she has practiced her spells. She grunts when she bumps into someone, she takes a step back and apologizes to the person.

"Well if it isn't the protégé . How unfortunate it is to bump into you." The boy says, making his little squad snicker at Amelia. Frida crouches down, ready to pounce. Amelia signals her to stand down.
"Fitting for a bitch to hang out with bitches." Amelia keeps her expression neutral, tauntings never did faze her.

"Can you please move? You are causing a scene and everyone just wants to go in to eat." She says void of emotions. People have started to surround them. They have created a little circle around the entrance of the Great Hall. 

"What if I don't?" The boy takes a step foward. 

"Then... ask what happens to those that mess with me... right boys? I am asking you nicely to step aside, I don't want any trouble. I have no trifle with you... yet" Amelia looks at the boys behind him, the one cowering behind the group.

"Thomas... just leave her, you don't want to cause trouble with her." The voice cracks a bit at the end, making Amelia's lips twitch upwards. The boy in front of her glares at her. 

"You find something funny, mudblood?" He says as he grabs her collar. Amelia sighs and grabs his wrist. But her father's words echo through her mind... he hasn't thrown the first punch. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now