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The ride to London was long. They left at first light from their house and arrived at the afternoon. It was difficult finding parking. Amelia guides her parents and Drake through the Leaky Cauldron. 

"Don't say anything. Follow me." Amelia says guiding them to the back exit. The bartender greets her with a nod. Her father raises an eyebrow at this. 

"Stayed here a day or two during the summer, talked to the barkeep a few times." She says as she opens the door for them to exit. They pass and stare at the brick wall. Amelia steps foward and takes her wand out. 

"Come on.... Ah, right it is this one" Amelia says after raking her brain to remember the bricks that she needed to tap with her wand. Her parents take a step back and look at the brick wall wit awe as it opens up a passage for them. 

Amelia is the first one to go through into the busy street. Her parents and Drake quickly follow. She feels a hand on her shoulder and she smiles up at her father. 

"This...This is amazing. Look at the owls and the clothes." He says with a hint of amazement. Amelia giggles at her father's childish behavior. 

"Come on, I have to buy some books and ingredients." Amelia says as she guides them through the crowd for the infamous bookstore. 

Amelia is taking the same classes she took last year: Transfiguration, Defense Against Dark Arts, Potions, Ancient Runes, Charms and Herbology. She is glad she only has to pass five of her classes at NEWT level to become a auror. She hopes to join the duelling club that is rumored to start this year. She has also been wanting to buy some books that she saw on Severus' collection. She is able to find all of her books. She carries them with great difficulty to the counter. 

"That would be 4 galleons and 17 sickles, love." She sighs and takes out her money. She turns around and finds her parents talking to a familiar face. She grabs her new books and walks to them. 

"Mister Weasley?" She says a bit unsure. The man looks at her with a brilliant smile. 

"Amelia! How wonderful it is to see you. I am here with the twins buying their books, care to join us?" He says nicely. Amelia shakes her head with a smile. 

"No thank you. I am afraid that I have already found all of my books and have to go to the Apothecary for some ingredients. Can you please send my best regards to Bill? I feel bad for not visiting him during the summer." Amelia says with a polite tone. 

"He will be glad to hear that since he is probably lonely in Egypt." The older man says with a sad smile. 

"It is great to hear he got the job. I wished I had time to know him better... Give my best to the family, see you around Mister Weasley." Amelia says before leaving the bookstore with her family. 

She can feel her uncle's stare, which makes her uneasy. As they near the Apothecary, she stops dead in her tracks. 

"Professor?" She says loud enough for him to hear. His head turns and looks at her with a sneer. 

"If it isn't Miss Richardson... Last minute shopping I presume." Severus says with his usual bored tone. Amelia smiles at him, very much glad to see him. 

" Yes, sir. Just going to the Apothecary to buy some items for the new school year and for my own collection." Amelia says proudly. Suddenly she feels his hand slowly making its way from her lower back to her shoulder. Her eyes look at Severus with plead before she gives him a blank stare. 

"Aren't you going to introduce me, little princess?" He says into her ear. 

It took every strength from his fiber not to hex him. The way she looked at him when her uncle started touching her, made him almost lose her composure. 

"Oh, this is my Potions Professor, Professor Snape. He was also my mentor during last summer, he was also there when I was told I was a witch." Amelia says, not taking her eyes off of Severus. 

"Nice to meet you, I am her uncle. Thank you for giving her the best education she can possibly get. Now if you may excuse us, we must hurry over to the apothecary for her things." He says before guiding Amelia to the store. As they are going to pass Severus he makes them halt. 

"I suggest you don't go in there.... The smell is not agreeable to those that have never been inside a apothecary before... The smell of rotten egg mixed with other scents can be overwhelming for those that do not practice potion making." Severus says with no emotion. Amelia clenches her jaw as Drake tightens his hold on her shoulder. 

"Thank you for the warning, Severus. Can you help her get her items? We have a long drive back and wish to hurry." Marcus says a bit sheepishly. Drake looks at Marcus before looking back at Severus. 

"It will be no problem... If you want you can leave Miss Richardson with me  and you can start driving back." Severus points out. Drake goes to speak but is interrupted by Charlotte. 

"That is a great idea... but we have no way to leave... The brick wall." Charlotte points out. Severus hums at her worries. 

"Mister Weasley." He says as he sees the man carrying some books. 

"Hello Severus, I see you have met The Richardsons. Why have you called me?" Arthur says with a stoic expression. 

"Can you spare a moment of your time to guide Miss Richardson's family through the brick wall? They have a long drive back to their home." Arthur looks at him with confusion but nods anyways. 

"Of course, if you will please follow me." Arthur says with a smile as he motions them to follow. 

Drake gives Amelia a squeeze on her shoulder, before giving her a lingering kiss on her head while sending a small glare at Severus. Severus continues to watch them until they disappear from the crowd. 

"They are gone." Severus says. 

At his words Amelia drops to her knees and exhales the breath she didn't know she was holding. She shudders at the memory of his lips on her head.  Severus continues to stare the way they left, giving Amelia her privacy, places a dissilliusion charm on her. She feels the bubbled up feeling rising from her chest as she thinks of him waiting for her at home. 

"Professor, I need to go somewhere." Amelia says as the bubbled up feeling gets tighter against her chest. Severus looks down at her grabs her shoulder before apparating. 

Amelia stumbles back against the wall as they appear on a alley. She drops her books and clenches her hair

"He is going to be there, waiting for me in my bedroom. He is angry... i can defend myself, yes. I am not the defenseless girl he used to abuse... THe idea of him waiting for me with the crude ideas and plans in his head... Sir." Amelia looks at Severus with hurt. Severus takes a step foward and gathers Amelia in his arms. His long arms encircle her body, flushing her body with his. Amelia breaks down crying against his chest and hugs him back. 

The plans he had to distance himself from her comes crumbling down as he watches her cry on his chest .

"Stay with me, just for the night. You are not ready to face him, you might kill him. I'll come up with an excuse." Severus says into her hair. The idea of staying in the same house with Severus calms her, but their complicated relationship will only confuse her more. 

"Sir, I don't think it is appropiate." Amelia says with a sad tone. Severus gives in, for this young girl reminds him so much of himself when he was young; no one had offered help with his situation. He doesn't want her to make the same mistakes that he made when he was younger. 

"No, it is not appropiate. But it would be disgraceful for me as your teacher not to help you in this situation." Severus says while hugging her closer. She lets her forehead lean against his chest while she feels herself calming down. She nods and Severus goes to pull away but a noise stops him. 

"Miss Richardson... did you just... whimper?" He says with disbelief. Amelia's ears turn red in embarrassment. 

"No..." She lies while clenching her eyes shut. She clears her throat and takes a step back.  Severus watches her as she picks up her books. 

"Do you still need to go to the apothecary?" He doesn't understand why he is being so considerate of her feelings and needs... He wonders if he considers her his friend. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now