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After the study session with Professor McGonagall, Amelia went directly to the library. She flipped off Peeves as he tried to approach her. She grabs all the books of Transfiguration she could find and sit down on a corner of the library. Frida whimpers next to her, making Amelia cry out.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Amelia says as she cries into Frida's neck. A spell had gone wrong in the end, the professor quickly reversed it, but Frida was whimpering in pain afterwards. It broke Amelia, harming something she loves. She only shows this moments of weakness to her, to her companion. She hugs the dog closer to her body as she calms down.

Hours pass and night is already upon the grounds. Sniffles can be heard inside the Library.

"Miss Richardson?" Amelia looks up with her red swollen eyes at the owner of the voice. She stands up and rubs her eyes. She clears her throat.

"Professor Snape, I didn't hear you come in. Sorry for my appearance, I must look dreadful." Amelia says while picking up the books from the floor.

"That you do. Dumbledore has ordered me to tell you that your lessons with him will be given in his office." Severus baritone and soft voice calms Amelia down, the familiarity of it calms her. Amelia nods and shifts the books, not knowing what to say. Severus turns around and walks away. He pauses and throws her a glance.

"May I give you a suggestion, Richardson... The red leathered book in your hands is a good one for improvement. Give your dirty mutt some water and some rest and it should be better. Good night, Miss Richardson." Severus says before going around the corner. Amelia looks down at the pile of books in her arms and takes out the red one.

"Come on Frida, lets go study. tsk tsk." Amelia says with a smirk before leaving the library.



Amelia stands in front of the Headmaster's office with Frida next to her. Before she can knock on the door a voice interrupts her.

"Will you stop wasting my time, Miss Richardson and open the blasted door?" Amelia knocks lightly on the door before opening it.

"Good morning to you too, professor." Amelia says as she enters the room. Albus is standing in the center of the room.

"Good morning Amelia, please leave Frida outside. I am afraid she will not be helpful for today's lessons." Albus says with a small smile. Amelia stops walking and nods at him.

"Frida, afuera y sentada." (outside and sit) Amelia orders Frida, which she dilligently follows them. Severus closes the door after Frida sits outside.

"Amelia, today you need to be strong. We are going to invade your mind to help you achieve the control that you need." Albus says kindly at her. Amelia shakes her head.

"I am sorry Headmaster, I am not going back there." Albus sighs at her words. Amelia eyes widen at the slight nod he makes.

"No!" Amelia shouts as she ducks when Severus attempts to restrain her with a spell. Severus quickly grabs hold of her and pulls her to his chest.

"Please don't. I don't want this. I don't want to hurt you." Amelia says as she tries to escape his hold. Frida starts to bark and claw at the door at the sound of her owner's plead. Amelia could easily escape his hold, but she doesn't want to hurt her professor.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now