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It has been three days since Albus and Severus visited Amelia. Before they left, Albus gave Amelia a thick book about the Wizarding World. She took it gratefully and has been reading non-stop. Her mother is the most excited one. She gushes on and on about magic and how proud she is of her. Amelia just couldn't feel the same as she thought about her father. 

"We cannot tell father about this through mail. We have to tell him face-to-face." Amelia says to her mother when she started telling her how proud her father will be of her. 

"Melia, your father needs to know about this, why shouldn't we tell him?" Charlotte says while cooking breakfast. 

"Because remember that sometimes they check the mail over there. Remember what Albus said, magic must remain a secret from the muggle world. It is the law, and now I have to follow it if I want to be part of the magical world." Amelia lies to her easily. 

What she really wants to avoid the confrontation about the subject with her father. Charlotte hums at her words and turns off the stove. A knock on her door makes Amelia answer it. She opens it and reveals Severus' tall and intimidating form. He does not intimidate her, for she has grown up around intimidating men through out her life.

"Professor, please do come in." Amelia says politely. Severus walks in and Charlotte looks at him from the open space of the kitchen wall.
"Severus! You came just in time for breakfast. Would you like some, dear?" Charlotte says with a motherly tone. Severus looks at Amelia with a raised eyebrow. She groans, but refrains the harsh comment she wanted to say to her mother.
"Mother, please do refrain yourself from calling my professor dear... it is very unprofessional and I do believe it makes him uncomfortable." Amelia says as she goes into the kitchen.
"I just want him to know that he is always welcome here. But i will try, no promises though." Charlotte says while handing Amelia a English muffin.
"Are you taking Frida with you?" Charlotte asks while cleaning up the small kitchen. Amelia nods as she goes and puts Frida on a leash. When she comes back Severus looks at the dog with a sneer.
"We are not taking that creature with us." He declares Amelia looks down at her dog with a frown.
"Albus said that Diagon Alley is very crowded... I have very sensitive ears and too much noise makes me sometime overload and panic... Frida is my anchor in such situation. Also, I want her to become familiar with magic." Amelia explains cooly. Severus shakes his head and pinches bridge of his nose.
"As much as I would love for the mutt to come with us, this is not the way to introduce it to magic. She will be overwhelmed and it will be just a hazard." Amelia looks at him with her usual stoic expression.
"Yes, sir." She says coldly she and lets go of the leash. She goes to eat her food, but a hand grips her wrist.
"You do not want to eat that now. After we get there, you can eat. Trust me, Miss Richardson." His rough hand makes her freeze in her spot and nod softly. He slowly guides her hand away from her face.
"Ready to go, Miss Richardson?" His voice was soft and it did not hold any emotion. Amelia clears her throat before answering.
"Yes Professor Snape. Mother, I will be back at lunchtime." Amelia says before nodding at Severus. He holds out his arm at her.
"Take my arm, Miss Richardson. And if you value your life... do not let go." He says the last part harshly. Amelia grips his arm as they apparrate.

They arrive at a secluded alley. Amelia stumbles as she leans against a wall and dry-heaves. When she is done, she looks at her hand and throws the muffin away. She looks back at Severus, who looks at her impatiently. 

"Sorry about that. If Frida was here, she would have had it worse than me, so thank you for not letting me take her." She says while walking out of the alley. Severus trails beside her.
"You really care about that mutt." Severus says as they walk down the street. Amelia hums and follows Severus.
"I don't have friends and I learned from a young age not to be emotional. People tend not to approach me, which I prefer... Frida is my only friend and the only one who knows who I really am..." Amelia stops talking as they arrive to Diagon Alley. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now