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Amelia walks out of the stand and looks at the court. She goes to walk towards the seat, but a hand stops her. She looks behind her and frowns at him. 

"Your wand, Miss Richardson." Severus points at her boot. 

"Right, sorry." Amelia says as she bends down and takes out her wand from her boot. She hands it over to Severus with hesitation. 

"Sorry, sir. I just got this and I don't like the idea of someone taking it away." Amelia says honestly. Severus just grabs it and quickly returns to his seat. Amelia exhales slowly before making her way to the seat that stand in the middle of the room. Amelia sits down and she can feel the magic binding her to the chair. Frida jumps and sits on top of Amelia's lap.

"No familiars in court." The Minister for Magic says to Amelia. Amelia goes to argue but a voice interrupts her. 

"Millicent, I hope you make a exception for Miss Richardson. Her familiar helps her keep calm and prevents her from having any anxiety attacks." Dumbledore says as he puts a hand on the elegant chair where Amelia is confined to. The Minister looks down at Albus and nods. 

"Just because you ask me Albus, I am willing to make the exception... Now who is representing the minor during the trial?" 

"I will be presenting Amelia Richardson during the trial. I have a written permission of her parents stating that I will be the representation of themselves during the trial." Albus explains and hands over a the written testimony.

"Miss Richardson, it is not the first time that Mister Slater has attacked you with the unforgivable spell 'Crucio'. Is this correct?" Millicent starts the questioning. 

"That is correct." Amelia says full of confidence of herself. She sees a quill writting down her answer. 

"Can you explain what happened during the second attacked?" A person on her right vision asked her. 

"I was swimming in the Black Lake when Thomas Slater used a spell to drag me down deeper into the water, used a full-binding spell on me, popped my bubble-charm and then used the spell 'crucio' on me. He then swam away, I do not know the reason why. He left me for dead" Amelia says slowly and choosing her words carefully. 

"Why were you swimming during winter?" She looks at the man who asked the question and goes to answer the question, but is interrupted by Albus. 

"It doesn't matter why she was swimming, what matters is that she was attacked." Albus says with a his warm voice. 

"Did Thomas Slater said anything to you before he casted the spell?" Amelia nods at the question. She closes her eyes to remember the words he used. 

"That it is my fault that his family had shunned him and that when he saw me walking on the boardwalk, he decided to have a little swim."

"From what you have said and the memory that Mister Shacklebolt has given us are consistent... If I am not mistaken, you told Shacklebolt during the first attacked you didn't want to press charges against Thomas Slater. Why now?" The Minister asks her. Amelia sighs at the question and looks down at Frida as the memory rushes through her mind. 

"The first time, I could see that he casted it because he was scared. Humans react when they are afraid, it is a survival instinct. He just reacted out of fear; he reacted wrong, but it was fear... Now, he just did it out of pure pleasure. He is responsible of his action this time, and should suffer the consequences. He thought it through and went with it; it was a calculated decision." Amelia says with confidence and smiles when Frida licks her cheek. 

"Bring in the prisoner." The sound of shackles makes Amelia look behind her and the sight makes her heart sunken. The once handsome boy looks lifeless, his cheeks are sullen, his skin is dirty, his hair is disheaveled and his skin is paler. 

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