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The week passed by quickly, she has gotten closer to the trio. Severus has permitted Frida to be inside the classroom, but she has to stay on the corner next to the door. The weekend is upon them. Most of the students, including Amelia's new friends are going to Hogsmeade, but Amelia has decided not to go. Ross is going on a date with the Ravenclaw girl, Dianna wants to buy more ink, and Rosie wants to buy some candy. She has decided to use this time to study for her classes. She has finished writing a letter to her mother, giving her a brief summary of what has happened during the week and has already sent it with Umbra. 

She is now in the library looking information for her DADA class. Amelia looks at the restricted area with interest, she hasn't found any information on a spell and wonders if she can find a book there that will help her. The library is empty, she quickly makes her way over to the Restricted Area, she enters it and steathily skims over the covers. A red leathered book calls her attention, she quickly grabs it and tries to open it. She hears some footsteps and quickly exits the restricted area. She gathers her stuff and runs to her room. She sits down in front of her desk and takes out the book. Frida whines at her as she tries to open the book, but fails.

"It seems to be locked... You can't tell anyone about this, Frida." Amelia whispers at her dog. She looks at the cover.

" What is this engraved into it... Look Frida, it is my favorite flower! A sunflower." Suddenly a click is heard in the room, causing Amelia to slowly open the book. She reads outloud the epigraph

"Whom it may concern, this book contains dark spells and light spells. Every dark spells has its consequences (which will be written as a side note for each spell). The dark spells are divided into two levels; level two is not for the weak-hearted. The book is divided into two: light and dark. I have to warn you that through out the years, I was foolish enough to create some very bad magic due to hatred and have suffered deeply because of it. Please do not use my creations for selfish reasons and vengeance. Use them to protect yourself and those whom you care for.

Count Dracula" Amelia start to read the dark book with awe.


Soon night came upon her. She missed lunch and dinner, she couldn't stop reading the book. She knows that she broke a rule, but to her it was worth it. She closes the book and looks at her window.

"You must be hungry, my friend." Amelia takes out some dog food from her supply and pours some in Frida's bowl before leaving for her lessons with Severus. She rushes out of her room while tying her boots. As she descends to the dungeon she pulls her hair up to a ponytail.

"You are late, Miss Richardson. I thought you forgot about our little sessions." Severus says as Amelia enters his office. She takes her seat in front of Severus' desk.

"Sorry sir, I got caught up reading something... how are your wounds, sir?" Amelia asks as memories fill her head from the last time she was inside Severus' office.

"They are all healed, Miss Richardson." Severus then stands in front of his desk with his wand out. Amelia cracks her neck and closes her eyes.

Severus enters her mind. Memories flood through, none of them stopping. Amelia pulls up the ones that are revelant to the training.

The face of the man is always blurred. It takes Amelia's entire strength to do so. But this lets Severus take control of the memories. If she wants to stop a memory and push Severus, she must have her entire strength.

************************Trigger warning: sexual and physical abuse content ahead*****************

"My little princess... where are you? You know that hiding will only make it rougher for you." A voice calls out as Amelia hides in the fireplace. It is summer, and the fireplace has not been used. She is climbing up the chiminey, she is concentrating her magic so the dust doesn't fall down. It is floating underneath her. She can hear him arrive at the livingroom, but she continues to climb.

"You little devil's bride! where are you?! " The man growls out as his temper gets worse.

Suddenly, Amelia sneezes. The room is filled with a deafening silence. She is 1/4 way up the chiminey. She screams as a iron fire pick grabs her by the abdomen and pulls her down. She struggles against the arms that pulls her away from the fireplace. She is bleeding through her shirt. The cut is deep and long. The gash runs three quarters of her abdomen.

"This what you get for trying to run away. I am only trying to help you, you ungrateful bitch!" The man yells at the ten year old. Amelia cries as he grips her wound. He hits her in the face causing her to pass out.

She then wakes up on a bed with the man on top of her. She sobs in pain because of the wound and of him violating her. Amelia's vision is blurry because of the tears.

"AAAAAAAGH!" Amelia shouts as she pushes Severus out of her mind. Severus looks down at her with no emotion as Amelia lifts her shirt and runs a hand over the red scar.

"You didn't have to see that... That was the worst night... He did it over and over and over again. From dusk till dawn non stop, he only stopped to drink water and pee. I didn't understood why until he dropped me at the hospital where my mom was in. I got sick right after, I told them it was just a cold. We went to Spain that time and I met Frida..." Amelia says as she tries to control her emotions. Severus gives her a cup of tea. Amelia grabs it with a shaking hand.

*******************************End of trigger**********************

"He can't hurt you anymore, Miss Richardson. He has no power over you, he has no control over your life." Severus says as he looks for a calming draught.

"That is were you are wrong. He has control over my life. He is my father's superior, his best friend... Imagine that, he can ruin my father's life in a snap of his fingers." Amelia says as she takes a sip of her tea. Severus comes back with a calming draught, but Amelia says no to it.

"I have to learn how to deal with it." Amelia sighs and closes her eyes.

"I never asked, how did you transformed into him?" Amelia asks, remembering the time in the Forbidden Forest. Severus puts the calming draught down.

"I remember the house in your memory and apparated there. I saw his uniform, got a piece of loose hair from it and mixed it into polyjuice potion. I apparated to the Forbidden Forest and changed there... I do not know how he looks like, I can see that is the question you really wanted to answer." Severus says as he goes to his cabinet and takes out another vial.

"These are just memories, I cannot hold on to them. I can't drag the past with me. I can only learn from it and move towards the future." Amelia says as she sets down her cup of tea next to the calming draught.

"There is nothing wrong with holding on to memories, only hold on to the ones that makes you a better person." A voice suddenly interrupts them. Amelia looks behind and stands up.

"Headmaster." Amelia says with a tired smile. He keeps standing by the doorway with his hands behind his back. Amelia turns around when she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"Here is some potion for Dreamless Sleep. Take only four drops of it before going to bed..." Severus says as he hands her the vial. Amelia nods at him, they had explained to her what happened after their first session during the summer.

"Amelia, I will escort you to your room." Dumbledore says as starts to walk down the hall. Amelia waves at Severus and rushes over to Dumbledore. The walk is quiet, making Amelia a bit nervous. They quickly arrive to her room.

"Amelia, I don't know if you know this, but a book has been missing from the Restricted Area from the Library... I trust that you will take care of it, next time just ask permission." Albus says before sending her a wink. He leaves her. Amelia opens her door and goes inside.


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