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A month has almost passed since Drake's death. The case was closed and it was seen that Amelia acted on self defense. Her parents have thrown away any reminder of Drake and moved away to another apartment. The magical authorities were able to dismiss the case since no magic was used against the deceased muggle. Shacklebolt reassured to Amelia that her chance to become an auror has not been ruined by her actions. The muggles found you not guilty, so you are okay, he said to her.

She sits down in front of Albus' desk. They asked her to arrive a bit earlier than usual. They wanted to figure out about the dream. She can't wait to see Frida, it has been too long since she last saw her. Dianna should bring her soon.

"You are saying that you knew what was going to happen before it happened?" Amelia nods her head at the question. Severus stands behind her. He feels guilty of letting this happen to her, he should have had listened to her.

"It didn't happened like my dream. I was able to do things differently after knowing what would have had happened." Amelia points out. Amelia leans against her chair and stares at the ceiling.

"You were able to change the outcome of the future?" Albus says with a hint of outstanishment. Amelia scoffs at his tone.

"For the worse, if I had left things as it was... He would have had still be alive and I would have had still been okay. If I try to change the future, it can take a drastic turn to the worse... The next time I have one of those dreams, I am doing nothing." Amelia promises him.

"I highly doubt that you have another one, because you are not a seer." Severus points out. Amelia throws him a glance, before staring back at Albus.

"Maybe... or maybe she has some seer tendencies... Now that she has control over her magic, and it is growing each time she practices, maybe her tendencies are growing too. Tell me about your father's side of the family." Amelia looks at him questionably. She scratches her head as she remembers what her father has told her about her family.

"Umm, well, I am the first female Richardson borned in a few generations. My father was born and raised in the US. His parents as well. I think my grandfather's grandfather was adopted from the UK. That is what I can remember." Amelia says apologetic.

"I think that your grandfather's grandfather was from a magical family, but maybe didn't developed his magic. That is why he was given up for adoption, it happened a lot during that era. Kids of known family that were born without magic were given up to muggle orphanages and told the wizarding community that they died." Amelia looks at him with doubt.

"I highly think that is not possible. No one has developed magic, until I was borned."

"It is probably because your mother held the magic gene as well and when it combined with your father's, well magic happened. Being a seer it usually passes down from female to female. One of your ancestors was a powerful seer, because even now you still have the sight. It is barely there, but it is there." Severus says, realizing what Albus was trying to say. He keeps a straight face, but now he thinks that Amelia is in even greater danger. He can see how Albus will use her for his benefit, or how the Dark Lord would want to use her.

"So, I am a Seer?" Amelia asks confused. Albus shakes his head.

"No, you are not a seer. You have weak tendencies of a seer, due to the fact that it has been passed down the line for so long. You do not need to worry, it will happen rarely... Depends how strong the gene was originally like." (A/N: BEfore you attack me, I know there isn't a magic gene.) Severus explains to her.

"Next time you have dreams like these... Inform me or Severus. For now you should learn more about divination." Albus says to her. Amelia looks at him, his eyes twinkle. Something that uneases Amelia.

"I will." Amelia lies to him. She stands up and leaves the office. Severus trails behind her. He has notice the change in her, the way she walks, the way she talks, the way her eyes shine.

"If you are here to say sorry, don't. There is nothing to apologize for... If I had been you, I would have had doubted me too." Amelia says without turning around. She walks down the stairs, leaving Severus standing alone on the plataform.


Amelia sits in front of her desk, books surround her. Ever since the event, she has been hiding away in books. She is more determined to prove Drake wrong, that she can become anything she puts her mind into. She is tired, and only wants to sleep, but sleeps evades her. Only his voice enters her mind. She has taken so many dreamless potions, that it is not healthy.

"Once Frida is with me, I can sleep." Amelia mutters to herself, as she continues to write down in her notebook. She is fascinated by the books she acquiared last month with Severus. She can't deny that the Dark Arts fascinate her. Her line of thought is, to be able to beat the Dark Arts she has to know as much about it.

Severus stands outside of her door, watching the light flood out from underneath her door. Her parents informed him about her sleepless nights. She has been staying up at unholy hours studying, and they have noticed that she has been making potions on her spare time. Her father told him to keep an eye on her training, that she has become vigorous with it, to the point of concern. Severus knows that if he points this out, she will act like everything is fine... She knows how to lie.

He hasn't stopped blaming himself for her actions. If he had only listened to her pleads before throwing her to the lion's den. He blames himself for depending to much on magic. He knows that this year will be harder on her, the mental toll of commiting murder and dealing with gossiping children will surely affect her. He can't help her like he did before, especially when the events will start to unfoil. How he wishes to be there for her, but he has a role to play. He can only make sure that she won't have one.

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