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As soon that Amelia entered the room everyone was quiet. Amelia has never seen the dinning room with so many people. Amelia stands next to Severus and the constract is very evident between them. Amelia is wearing summer clothes, while Severus has his usual clothing. 

"Woaw, Amelia, I have never seen you such bright colors." Amelia looks down at her knitted sweater, a gift from Dianna. She looks back at Shacklebolt with a smile. 

"Gotta keep that Hufflepuff spirit." Amelia says jokingly with a very preppy tone. Severus groans in disgust and rolls his eyes at her. 

"Never thought I would see you here. I thought you would have certaintly become a dark witch after what everyone did to you." Tonks says to her. Amelia remembers her from her time in school. She was in the same year as her, if she is not mistaken. Now they are co-workers. 

"I can handle a bit of hazing and taunting." Amelia says as it was nothing

"You almost died twice." Tonks points out. Amelia snaps a finger at her

"Three times. But that is pish posh. Can we get this meeting started?" Amelia says before clapping her hand together. 

"Decided to join us?" Remus says with a hint of surprise. 

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't be here. I would just be working and minding my own business. Couldn't care less of what happens to the wizarding world." Amelia mumbles lowly with a frown. Severus goes to swat her head, but Amelia grabs his wrist. 

"Ha, saw that coming-"Amelia says triumphly, before Severus swats her with his other hand. "Not cool, Severus." Amelia says in defeat. Amelia looks around in confusion. 

"Where are the children?" She was certain that she heard Potter arrive with Mad eye. His loud thomps are unmistakable. 

"They are upstairs. It has been a while since they last saw each other." Molly says. Sirius clears his throat and sighs. It seems they were having a conversation before they arrived. 

"Getting back to the original subject... As I was saying, if anyone has right to know it's Harry. If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even known Voldemort was back. He's not a child, Molly." Sirius says with a hint of passion. Molly looks back at him with a motherly scorn. Amelia watches the interaction between the two of them. 

"But he's not an adult, either. He's not James, Sirius." Molly argues back. Sirius looks at Molly from his seat. 

"He is not your son."

"He's as good as." Molly's words made Amelia respect her even more. This woman is not obligated to take care of the child, but even in her full heart she still finds space for others. 

"We can't leave him in the dark. He will find a way to find out... Children always do. But we can't put him in the battlefield." Amelia says while crossing her arms and thinking outloud. 

"Why is that? He is grown enough to fight." Sirius remarks back. Amelia quickly looks at him in the eye with such intensity that makes him squirm.

"You don't know what battle does to a child. You don't know how much it changes them. You don't think that Cedric's death hasn't dwelled in his mind afterwards. He probably has nightmares about it every night. Has anyone asked him about it? Given him therapy? Offer help to move on from such traumatic experience? And from experience, I can tell you that that boy's going to think that it is his burden alone to deal with it... He will think that fighting is nothing, that harming people is easy." Amelia says her case and the room stays quiet for a bit.

"You are right. He has nobody else.... he is surrounded by people that care for him. He is a strong boy, but who else does he got?" Molly says with a sad tone. 

"He's got me." Sirius bites back.

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grown up to be a felon, just like his godfather." Severus says back mockingly. Amelia throws him a disappointing glance. 

"Now, you stay out of this, Snivellus....""Don't call him Snivellus." Sirius words got mumbled up by Amelia's defensive ones.

"...about your supposed reformation." She knew what he was taking about; Severus dark past. She had seen the faded mark during her stay in Severus' house when she saw him shirtless. She made no remarks about it. 

"That is a low blow, mutt. You aren't better than him, coward." Amelia says back in anger. 

"Wait outside, Richardson." Severus says in a calm tone. Amelia looks up at him in disbelief. She huffs and opens and slams the door shut. She was not expecting to see a ear dangling from a string. She looks at the cat playing around with it. Amelia sits down and leans against the doorway, watching it with a amuse expression.

These cheeky little kids are inventive...

Severus opens the door, making Amelia look back at him. He looks annoyed at everything. 

"Get your things. We have to talk." Severus says before walking down the hallway. Amelia quickly apparates to her room and gathers her small bag of overnight clothes. 

"Your name is Amelia Richardson, right? The twins told me that you went to Hogwarts when they started." Amelia turns around and looks at Harry. 

"Yeah, that's me. They told you the stories, didn't they?" Amelia says with amusement. She closes her bag and puts it on.

"A bit... I was wondering how did you know I was dreaming about that night?" Harry says quietly. Amelia frowns and motions him to walk with her. 

"I was in a similar situation as you. I killed a man when I was about 17. The man was evil, I think at the same ranks as You-know-who. But the man was  my uncle. I was young and I was trained to deal with killing since I was born, but this was different... Harry, this year is going to be a difficult one. Friends are going to push you away, people are going to bully you, you are going to feel alone... Remember that you are not alone. I know where you are right now, it is not your fault." Amelia finishes saying as they reach the narrow hallway. She looks at her right and sees the waiting Severus and Frida. She looks at her left at Harry and pats his back. 

"Take care, Potter. If you ever need to talk to someone that has been in the same position as you are. Send me a owl." Amelia says before walking towards Severus. 

"Come on Severus." Amelia says before opening the door.  

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