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Amelia leans against the bookshelf of the lower part of Dumbledore's office. The pillar hides her from Albus' view. She pinches the bridge of her nose with disappointment as she sees her two fellow aurors walk in with the Minister and Umbridge. She closes her eyes as she sees Percival forcefully dragging Harry and Cho inside the office. 

"Dawlish, Shacklebolt, nice to see you again.... Percival, you don't have to be aggressive with them. They would have come here willingly." Amelia already warned Albus about the Minister's plans. She lets her hand drop and crosses her arms over her chest.

They should have changed locations, it basic strategy. They were gathering with too much frequency. 

Don't forget that they are in a enclosed enviroment... The group was too big. They should have made subgroups. We should have had helped them. 

And what if I got caught? It would have ruined the bigger plans.... Amelia looks as Umbridge starts to talk.

She looks so funny when she tries to be stern. She kinda looks like a Scrooge McDuck, doesn't she princess? Amelia stiffles in a laugh and hides it with a cough. Amelia already knew that Albus was going to take responsibility. They already talked about it. 

"Amelia, will you please escort-" Amelia interrupts him. Dolores looks at her with disbelief

"I am afraid that Albus is lying... I helped the group get organized... I didn't know their true intentions though." Shacklebolt looks at Amelia with confusion. Dolores looks triumpthly at Amelia. Harry starts to shake his head. 

"Explain yourself Richardson." The Minister says while looking at her with squinted eyes. 

"The students came over to me to see if I could help them learn some spells. I show them the secret room. I didn't know they were a army or anything. But yes, I helped the group and show them some spells in secret" Amelia lies with ease. The Minister looks at her questionally. 

"Why did you do it?" Amelia looks at Harry and back at The Minister. 

Here comes the shitstorm, get ready soldier.  

"Because I believe that Voldemort is back and the children must be prepared for his full return. You are just to fucking dense to see the signs." 

"Oh damn." Shacklebolt whispers to himself as the words sink in. The Minister looks at her with hatred and Dolores looks at her with a satisfied grin. 

"I will deal with you in a second.... Dispatch a owl to the Daily Prophet. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition." The Minister says as they start nearing Albus's desk. Amelia remains leaning against the bookshelf with a carefree attitude. 

"Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore and Richardson... to Azkaban...to await trial for conspiracy and sedition. And for Miss Richardson... aiding and abetting a vigilante group." Amelia looks at her boots and frowns at the dirt on top of them. 

I just cleaned them this morning.

"Take another step closer and I'll drink your blood from your skull." Amelia says without looking up, still frowning at the dirt. Her tone was calm and carefree, as if what she just said was as common as a greeting. Dawlish takes a step back and continues to walk with the other group. 

I liked that threat. Precise and direct. 

Learned from the best

Amelia looks as the force of Albus' sudden magic sends everyone flying. 

Aaaaand that is the signal.

Amelia runs out of the office. She basically flies down the stairs and down the halls until she reaches the grounds near the Whomping Willow. She can see him waiting for her with Frida by his side. Amelia stops in front of him with a mischievious grin. 


"Sir, the aurors and Cornelius will be here soon. They are going to try to take you away. What are we going to do? Without you here, the school will be unprotected by His attacks." Amelia points out as she paces around the room. Albus watches her as she analizes the situation. 

You know what you have to do... You analized every outcome and this one brings more pros than cons. Amelia groans internally at her thoughts

IT is too risky. the school will be even more vulnerable for a attack

Voldemort won't attack if the Ministry has taken over the school, he wants to stay hidden for now. But that doesn't mean that he won't attack through the mind. Without Dumbledore here, he will get more confident in his attacks, it won't be long until If he has two weak points to enter in one space, it can change the outcome. Amelia stops pacing and looks at Dumbledore. 

"I'll leave as well. I can't do jobs for the Order while Umbridge is in charge, she will keep a close eye on me... Severus can focus more on training Harry. Severus can continue doing the jobs you gave him. Umbridge doesn't care what he does." Amelia digs around her pockets and pulls out a pen and a small notebook. She scribbles down something and gives the paper to Frida. 

Amelia closes her eyes and enters Frida's mind. She then zooms out of the office, down the stairs, dodging students left and right. She saw Umbridge greeting The Minister in the Entrance Hall. She runs faster down the dungeon, stumbling on a few steps. She finally reaches his office and starts scratching on the door. The door is pulled open so suddenly that it makes her take a step back. Severus glares down at the dog.

"What?" He says with irritation. Frida drops the letter on the floor and wait for him. With a disgusted expression he grabs the letter and reads it. 

"Richardson?" She nods her head and starts following him to her room to get her stuff. 

End of Flashback. 

"I hope it wasn't too much to ask you to pack my things." Amelia says as she grabs her bag from him. They haven't spoken since they kissed. 

"Not at all. The dog took care of you undergarments, I didn't look." Severus says respectfully. 

"I don't mind if you saw, but thank you for taking in consideration my right for privacy... I'll see you soon, Severus." Amelia says softly with a sad tone as she opens the passage that leads to the Shrieking Shack. She let's Frida walk in first before starting to make her way inside. Severus watches as she goes and grabs her upperarm. 

"Wait..." Severus doesn't know why he stopped her. Since they last spoken to eachother, it has put a lot of things into respective, especially what he thinks about Amelia. Amelia looks at his grip and up at his face. She smiles in understanding and puts a hand on his cheek before leaning foward and kissing him on the opposite cheek softly.  She pulls away and smiles at him before leaving. 

Severus watches her leave, he can still feel her soft lips  on his cheek, warming them. His heart feels heavy as he watches as the door closes behind her. 

"Take care..." Severus says to the wind. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now