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Amelia hides her face on Frida's neck. She doesn't understand why it hurts so much, she can feel the bubbled up feeling being developed in her chest. She is trying to calm herself down, but Severus' words continue to repeat in her head over and over again. Frida whimpers against her, making Amelia snap back to reality.  She looks at Frida's eyes and smiles at her. 

"You always know how to calm me down." Amelia says gratefully. The sound of footsteps makes her become alert. She takes her wand out and stands up ready to attack. 

"Amelia? Is that you?" His voice is familiar, but she doesn't drop her guard. 

"Weasley?" Amelia asks cautiously. The figures at the opening of the hallway start to walk towards her. They only look like dark shadows making their way towards her. 

"Stop right there, before I hex you. Show yourself." Amelia says quietly, but threatingly. Both figures cast the lumos charm. 

"Bill... what are you doing here?" Amelia says quietly as she lowers her wand and walks towards him. 

"Rescuing you, of course." He says arrogantly. 

"I am sorry children, it is not the time for pleasantries. Let's get you somewhere safe, Amelia." The middle-aged man says to her. Amelia nods and puts her hood up before following them. 


They successfully arrived to Amelia's temporary home. She looks at the house with awe. SHe can hear the ruckus inside from the doorway. As they enter the house, she is greeted by Albus. 

"Amelia..." Amelia looks at Albus with anger. 

"You told me I would be safe, that my family would be safe if I went with the trial. Then I am moved to another house. I think... I think I am better on my own." Amelia says while looking at the floor. 

Trust no one...

"Amelia, nobody survives alone." Dumbledore says wisely. Amelia shakes her head. 

"Any news from my parents?" Amelia says as she looks at her luggage. She takes off her cloak. 

"Yes, I informed them about how the situation has escalated. They have decided to move to America, visiting old memories." His words makes Amelia freeze up, before she exhales slowly. 

She knows what that is code for. She keeps her mouth shut. The only one she trusts is Severus, if he told her Trust no one, and not making an exception for Albus... Then he must have had a good reason for that, that is what she thinks. 

"Good, they are not staying in one place for too long." Amelia lies easily. She looks at Umbra, wondering how will she be able to travel with her. 

"I'll take care of her." Bill suddenly says to her as he takes the cage. 

"I couldn't impose you with that, Bill." Amelia says as she tries to take the cage from his hands. 

"Don't worry about it. I will take care of her until we get back to Hogwarts next week." Amelia nods at him and takes looks at her Army Sack bag. Most of her clothes are in there, her notebook and the red book are there. She opens her luggage and takes out her emergency dog food supply and shoves it in her bag. 

"Can you take my luggage as well?" Amelia asks hesitantly, she doesn't like asking favors. 

"Of course, now go." Bill says with a smile. She nods and starts to walk outside with Frida behind her. Albus trails behind her. 

"Amelia, you would be safer here." Dumbledore says calmly. 

"But they won't." Amelia states out before disapparating with Frida. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now