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Amelia looks at Sirius with a smirk as she lays down her cards on the table. Sirius groans and throws his in frustration. 

"Read them and weep..." Amelia grabs her reward with a smile. 

"You already had three. Just give me one." Sirius whines out.

 Amelia arrived to the Grimmauld place yesterday, after being a week and a half away from Hogwarts. She has been doing the orders Albus gave her. She doesn't like following his orders, but she promised Severus that she will. She has kept Albus informed when she got a signal from the Order to go to Headquarters. She pities Sirius, not being able to go outside, not being able to help out. He just wants to help, but orders are orders. 

Amelia jumps out of her chair when Sirius grabs her chocolate frog. 

"Give it back, Black, I won that fair and square." Amelia says warningly. She can see the mischief in his eyes. 

Just what I needed, a kid adult

"Or what?" Sirius says tauntingly. Amelia looks at the chair behind her, where her trenchcoat lays upon, and her knife. 

"I'll rip it out of your hands." Amelia says calmly. Sirius goes to open it. Amelia jumps over the table and tackle Sirius. They roll around, trying to get the other to give up the chocolate. Amelia straddles Sirius and grabs the chocolate. 

"Ha! In your face, Black." Amelia says as she opens the container and eats half of the chocolate in one bite. Suddenly Sirius pushes his torso off the ground grabs the other half that rest on her lips with his mouth. Amelia reacts in lighting speed, she grabs him by the neck and roughly slams his head on the floor. 

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" Amelia says angrily. They had almost kissed, and Amelia couldn't help but feel like she betrayed someone. He passed the line. Sirius continues to chew the chocolate and stares at her.

"You really love him?" Sirius says out of nowhere. Amelia loosens her grip at the sudden words. She looks up at the hallway where the person in subject is standing. 

"Of course." Amelia stands up and grabs her trenchcoat. 

Severus had watched as they started to fight playfully for the piece of chocolate. The ugly emotion of jealousy and defeat rushed through his vein as he watched Amelia straddle Sirius. He didn't miss the look Sirius gave him when he realized that he was watching them. Relief washed over him when he saw Amelia's reaction. 

"The Dark Lord wants to see you." Severus says as Amelia stands in front of him. A somber mood appears before them. Amelia exhales loudly and puts on her trenchcoat. She whistles and suddenly Frida appears next to her. 

"Then let's not keep the lord waiting." Amelia says with ethusiasm. They leave the house and apparate near Knockturn alley.  The streets are dark, and the rain doesn't help with the visibility. 

"They were smart to choose a day like this to capture me. Frida can't smell them very well, so if I wanted to follow them afterwards, it would be impossible." Amelia says as the rain drenches her. Severus looks at her with worry. 

"I won't be there to protect you. Whatever you do, do not give him what he wants..." Severus shuts up at the sound of the famous cackle. Amelia looks at him as he looks at the end of the alleyway.

"Go, before they put the anti apparition jinx." Amelia orders him as she starts walking towards the direction he was looking. at.  Amelia walks out of the alley with Frida next to her. 

"Stop lurking in the dark. Let's just get this over with. I will willingly go with you guys." Amelia says loud enough for the DeathEathers to hear. Bellatrix is the first to walk out. 

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