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Amelia ignores the whispers of the room. She continues to make the potion carefully. She finds bliss in the fumes and the making of potions; she finds it almost artistic. Not even Severus can ruin this for her.

"Why do I give valuable time for people who don't care if I live or die?" Amelia sings softly to herself as she cuts the ingredients.  

She has no partner, having the odd seat out. She has made it her goal to pass her OWLs with excellent markings. She is determined to become the best auror she can be, no pitiful children would stop her.
Amelia throws a glance at Severus as he walks by her cauldron; he just nods at her and continues walking to the next seat.
Amelia shakes her head with a ghost smile on her face. She wishes that his approval didn't faze her, but sadly it does. She grabs the next ingredient that she has to prepare and finds something fishy about. At the realization she frowns. She stands up abruptly and glares at her class.

"Who is the dickwad that put a lone Jobberknoll Feather in my batch of peacock feathers?" Amelia says with a hint of anger. Severus marches up to her and rudely grabs the feather from her hand. Only Amelia can see his expression. The sudden split -second of anger that appeared on his face, made Amelia freeze in fear. He quickly turns around and stares at his class. 

"Which one of you idiotic children had the grand idea of putting this here? If it wasn't for Miss Richardson's eye on details we could have all died from asphysiation because of the poisonous fumes that would have emitted and filled the room in less than a second." Everyone keeps quiet at Severus calm, but scolding words. He raises and eyebrow.

"No... then both houses will lose 10 points and everyone in this classroom will have detention with Mister Filch tonight." Severus says with a smirk before walking back to his desk. 

"It was Jenny that did it." A boy snitches on the Hufflepuff girl. Amelia looks at the girl with a bit of shock. She never thought that her own house would attack her. Jenny glares at the boy, but stares down when Severus looks her way. 

"Miss Dopplefig... detention for an entire week with Mister Filch... Class Dismissed.. except you Miss Richardson." Amelia closes her eyes as she takes a step back from the door as she tried to escaped quickly. She waits for everyone to leave before turning around to look at him. 

"Miss Richardson, it was a good thing you noticed the difference, we could have all suffer from the consequences of a petty girl." Amelia wasn't in the mood for bullshit she crosses her arms over her chest and looks at him from just in front of the doorway. 

"What do you want?" Amelia says a bit rudely. Severus raises a eyebrow at her attitude. He stands up and flicks his wrist, causing the door to shut behind Amelia. Making her jump from the sudden slam. 

"I do not take well such attitudes Miss Richardson." He drawls out. Amelia is frustrated, because he is impossible to read. His face contradicts his actions and words.

"Tell me what you want Snape, I am tired of people playing me around." Amelia says in defeat. Severus walks towards her and flicks his wand. The potions disappear from the cauldrons and the desks are clear.

"Who did it to you?" He asks seriously. Amelia tilts her head at him and furrows her brow. 

"I am not telling you." Amelia says wondering why  he cares so much. 

"Miss Richardson..." Severus says in a warning tone. He doesn't like the disrespect in her tone and how closed off she is with him, but in the end he can't denied that he feels relief of this. 

"I am not snitching... not again." Amelia says as she grips her bag to her chest. 

"Why not? They deserve punishment for what they did to you." Severus asks as he takes another step towards her. Amelia glares at the floor. 

"Because the last time I asked for help, I got everyone that I care for in danger. Not again, I'll manage on my own." Amelia says before glaring at Severus. She opens the door and leaves him standing there on his own. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now