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Amelia looks at herself in the mirror and smiles at her attire. November has started and it brings good and bad tidings. She leaves her room with Frida at tow. It was lunchtime. The students look at her and make comments of her clothes. She stands in front of the Great Hall, waiting for her guest to arrive. 

"I see that the preparations are done." Amelia looks at Albus and she gives him a grateful smile. 

"Thank you, sir. It means a lot for me to have the day off. I hope it doesn't trouble Severus, having to take on my classes as well." Amelia says. She was a bit hesitant to ask Severus such favor, but it is tradition in her family to celebrate this holiday. 

"I have to go inside and talk Severus of that exactly." Amelia nods in understanding. She continues to stare at the Entrance. She had asked Filch if he could help escort her guest to the Great Hall, so she could give her morning classes without worry. 

Amelia smiles brightly at the pair walking to her. His booming laughs brings joy to her. 

"We should go out drinking, Filch. You seem like a great drinking companion." He says before slaping a hand on the greasy man back. 

"Ere ya go, Professor." Filchsays with a scowl before leaving. Amelia looks at her father in his uniform and salutes at him. It brings him pride to see his daughter in her own uniform. It pains him that people do not consider her a veteran because she was not part of the army, even though she fought along side them. He salutes back with pride. 

"How is mother? She always writes her condition in such vague answers." Amelia asks as she starts walking into the Great Hall, knowing that her father will like to thank Albus for letting this happen. 

"She is better. The doctor says that she will be back to her full strength in a couple of months..." Amelia sighs at his words. She didn't mean to damper the mood. She knows that her father has great concerns for her mother's health. 

"Marcus, I am glad to see you." Marcus takes off his hat and shakes Albus' hand. She can tell that he is being civil with him. After finding out that Albus and Severus knew about the abuse and did not informed him, Marcus was furious. 

"Likewise. Thank you for granting a day off for Amelia." Marcus says with a smile. 

"What is a muggle doing here?" Amelia internally groans at the sound of it's voice. 

"Good afternoon. I am Staff Sergeant Marcus Richardson, Professor Richardson's father." Marcus says while extending his hand towards Umbridge. She hesitantly shakes it, not wanting to seem rude to such a big man. 

"That still doesn't explain why is he here?" 

"Marcus is here to celebrate Veteran's day with Miss Richardson. It is a day that muggles in the United States dedicate to people that fought in the army. Correct?" Amelia smiles at Severus' explanation. She is happy that he actually listened to her during last night's supper. 

"I bet your country is grateful for both of your service." Albus says with kindness. Amelia smiles sadly at her feet. 

"Thank you, sir. But I belonged to a private military company... technically, I am not a veteran, more like an ex-mercenary." Marcus frowns at her words. 

"No daughter of mine is a mercenary. You would never betray your fellow men for money. And the goverment was the one that hired your company to fight. In my eyes and in your family's eyes, you are a veteran.... Now, do you have everything?" Marcus asks with a raised eyebrow. Amelia looks up at her father with a grin. 

"You know it." Amelia says as she pulls the knife out and takes off her dogtags and his. Amelia looks down at the bottle in his hand and takes a step back. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now