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Amelia takes off her bloody gloves and wipes the sweat off of her brow. She bandages his torso before standing up. She looks at the three persons in the room before looking at Severus. 

"I have to arrange somethings in the muggle world. I'll be back before dusk." Amelia looks at the window and sighs tiredly as the light of dawn starts to appear. 

"Frida, arriba." Amelia says while tapping the table. Frida jumps on the table and sits above Severus' resting face. 

"Molly, come here." Amelia motions the older woman to walk towards her. Amelia grabs her hand and holds it in front of Frida's snout. 

"Frida, solo ella. Protegelo y ataca el que se acerque. Ella no." (Frida, only her. Protect him and attack whoever gets near. Not her.) Amelia says while Frida takes Molly's scent. 

"Every half-hour, check his pulse. If it weakens, give him this vial. Every three hours give him half of that vial. Check if he has a fever every hour. If he has, tell Frida 'hot'." Amelia takes her jacket and puts it on, she looks at the mess she has made with a frown. Bloody cloths surround the table, and ingredients. 

"Don't worry, love, I will tidy it up. Now go." Moly says with a reassuring smile. Amelia leaves the room with hast. 


She apparates into her room and starts to shove her little belongings into her old trusty bag. It reminds her of her first trip to Hogwarts. Her mixtape cassette, her player, the little casual clothes she has, her cash and toilletries. She leaves the room and goes to the main offices. She quits on the spot and pays the fee of breaking the contract. She leaves her keys and signs some papers. 

"Are you sure you want to leave? If it is money, we can discuss this. You are one of our best fighters." Her agency manager says while Amelia signs the papers. Amelia puts her pen down and stands up with a small smile. She looks at the photos of her winning championships on the wall behind the agent with no emotions; they mean nothing to her. 

"Thank you ma'am. But I made a promise a long time ago." The memory of her lying down on the bench as snow falls on her and his cloak on top of her rushes through her mind. 

A few hours pass before Amelia returns to the Black's house. She puts her bag next to the table and stares down at the sleeping Severus. Six years have passed since that bittersweet farewell. Her heart swells at the sight of him. Seeing him overwhelms her with emotions that she has not felt in years. 


Amelia watches as her peers get on the boats to go across the Black Lake one last time. Something always happens to her when she gets near it. This year was hard for her, but it still pains her to leave...To leave him. The thought of not seeing him everyday makes her clench her fists. 

She turns around and starts to march up to the school with determination. 

"Amelia! Where are you going?" Dianna shouts at her. 

"I'll be back in a few minutes. I forgot something." Amelia shouts back at her. Amelia is grateful of her friend. Dianna was with her every step of the way, even if Amelia had become even more dettached than before. 

She walks down the halls. The thought of his eyes, of his voice, of his being, of not seeing them again makes her heart clench. He is one of the only people that makes her feel anything good. She goes down to the dungeon. She runs down the hall as she feels her heart beating faster and louder. She arrives to his office and slams open the door. She looks as Severus is pointing his wand at her. 

"What in Salazar's name are you doing, Miss Richardson?" He says irritated at her. Amelia takes a deep breath and looks at him in the eye. 

"I wanted to see you one last time, before I left sir. I wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me in the last two years. I know that I don't mean much to you, but you mean the life for me... I meant it what I said in the quidditch field last year. My life is yours." Amelia says with a serious tone. Her eyes start to water up as she comes to realize that she won't see him again. 

"Miss Richardson..." His soft tone, makes Amelia blink back her tears. She clears her throat and smile kindly at him. 

"Sorry, sir. I consider you as a friend... but I need you to know that... I love you." Her confession makes the room silence. The atmosphere becomes heavy  as Severus realizes that Amelia is serious. 

"Miss Richardson, I-" Amelia can see by his reaction that he is doesn't feel the same, she is no fool. She holds her hand up and shake her head. 

"I know you don't feel the same and I was not expecting anything out of this. I just wanted you to know." Amelia walks foward and extend her hand at him. He grabs it and holds it. 

"You are a remarkable woman, Miss Richardson. Anyone that says otherwise is a fool. It was a memorable experience to be your professor. Take care." His words make Amelia's heart swell up with joy. She smiles brightly at him with unshed tears. 

"You too, professor. I will never forget you." Amelia says before quickly giving him a peck in a cheek. She turns around and leaves the room. The pain and love of her farewell, makes it impossible for her to look back.

End of Flashback

"He looks almost angelic while sleeping, doesn't he?" A voice behind her says, Amelia ignores him and goes to sit next to Severus. 

"Stop the pleasantaries, Dumbledore. I know what your plan is, why you really called me." Amelia says with void of emotion, how she normally is. She pets Frida's head, causing her to hop off the table and stand in front of the entrance of the dinning room where Albus stands. 

"Don't act like you care. You saw a oppportunity to get me involved in the war that is coming and you took it. You need me and you got it, but don't act like you did it because you care." Amelia looks at Albus in the eye. Albus smiles at her warmingly and looks at her hand that holds Severus'.

"How do you know that there is a war coming?" Albus says feigning ignorance. Amelia looks at Severus' face with a frown. 

"I dreamnt it during my tour..." Her hand automatically touches her side torso at the mention of her only tour. 

"I suggested that we should have let  Snivellus die, But Dumbledore was dead set in letting the greasy old bastard live." Sirius says jockingly as he senses the mood damper down. He pushes himself off of the cupboard and plays with a strand of Severus' hair. Amelia shoots up from her seat in anger. 

"DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM." Amelia growls out in anger. While she pulls her mouth in a snarl. At the same time that Amelia started to shoot up from her chair, Frida was growling at Sirius, ready to pounce him, they both snarl at him. Albus looks at Frida and back at Amelia. 

"My dear child, what have you done?" Albus says as he walks into the room. Amelia calms down and sits down. 

"My soul is hers and her soul is mine." Amelia looks at Severus with kind eyes. 

"The book." Albus says with a frown. Amelia nods. 

"I tweaked it a bit. We bonded. We are connected. I knew Frida was going to die soon, so I gave her my timeline. She dies shortly after I die, I die shortly after she dies." Amelia takes off her jacket and drapes it over her chair. She stands up and puts her medical bag on her chair. 

"Tell Mrs. Weasley, that I need her help." She says to Sirius while unbandaging Severus. Albus eyes Amelia's torso a bit with a frown. 

"Sir, you have to leave. Go back to the school, someone will inform you later." Amelia says as she takes out her wand from the inside of her jacket. 

"What do you need?" Molly says as she rushes in from the kitchen. 

"I need you to make sure that nobody interrupts me. Everyone to remain quiet. Frida will stand guard at the entrance. I need you to make sure that no one makes a sudden noises." Amelia says as she takes out her headphones and walkman. She puts them on and waits for everyone to leave. She then cuts the first stitch and slowly closes the area with magic.  

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now