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Months pass by quickly. Amelia was bullied every week,but she never retaliated. She managed to avoid any confrontation with Severus. Any time she saw him walking her way, she turn around and quickly escaped. She has returned the red book. She has pass all of her owls with excellent markings. The Marshalls twins have distanced themselves a bit from her, since she became colder than usual. Only Diana talks to her and sits in front of her when they eat. The Weasley boy stopped asking Amelia for lessons, noticing that she wants to be alone. Amelia can now finally go to Hogsmeade, she needs some ink for her pen and wants to properly thank Aberforth for helping her a few months ago. 

Amelia thugs the dogtags on her neck. She left Frida in her room, she doesn't like people looking at her. She enters the small store and sighs in relief at the change of temperature. She quickly gets the item and pays for it. As she leaves the store she notices a familiar face. She almost drops the ink as she marches outside. 

"Ivan, what are you doing here?" Amelia asks him as she grabs his elbow and drags him to the side of the building. He holds his hands up as a sign of peace.

"Hey, I am here in good tidings... You were right, I left that shitty job. I got some information that might be helpful for you." Ivan whispers to her. Amelia slowly lets go of him and takes a step back. 

"Spit it out." Amelia says as she tugs her shirtsleeves. Iven clears his throat and pulls her away from everyone's view.

"They are closing in on your parents location... Someone saw them near Maryland last month, that was the last info I got from a reliable source. Tell them to move away." Amelia's eyes widen at the information. 

That is almost two states away from his house.

"Thank you... Why are you helping me, Ivan?" Amelia asks, curious why the sudden change in heart. 

"Because... You are a good kid. You have a big heart and your parents don't deserve to suffer from something that is not their fault... I hope I see you around kid." Ivan says with a apologetic smile. Amelia smiles and nods at him. She then leaves the narrow space between the buildings and goes to walk to the school. 

After she is out of sight, she gets on a carriage. She quickly arrives to the school. She runs to the owlery, takes out a piece of spare parchment that some students left there conveniently, her pen. 

Get out, they are almost there. Go to safehouse. I love you. -Gunner.

Amelia ties the note to Umbra and sents her flying. She sighs in relief as she looks at her owl flying to the horizon. She turns around and takes a step back at the sight of Severus blocking the exit. 

"Professor, are you here to send some letters?" Amelia asks with feign innocence. 

"What were you doing with Ivan Triston in the alley?" Severus stares at her in the eye. Amelia can feel him probing her mind. She rubs her head and stumbles back as he easily breaks into her mind. She pushes him out, when Amelia saw Ivan. 

"Stop it." Amelia says sternly. Severus doesn't listen. He is worried, during the last few months he has seen the changes in her; the way she acts and the things she does. She reminds him of himself when he was young and seeing her with a man that is acquaintance with Death Eaters worries him to the bone. Amelia slumps to the floor when her walls are completely broken. She sees herself fighting with Ivan for the first time, she pushes him out.

"Please stop." Amelia whines out, not liking this side of Severus. Her tone makes Severus look at her, truly look at her. He sees what she is at the moment; a scare and tired woman. Severus frowns at the sight. 

"Get up." Severus says with a disgusted tone. Amelia stands up, but doesn't look at his eyes. 

"What has happened to you? Since when you stopped being a fighter?" Severus says as he closes the door of the owlery. She raises her hand as he takes a step foward.

"Stop, don't get near me. I can't handle it. I can't have you or anyone near me."Severus rolls his eyes and grabs her wrist. Amelia twist his arm and steps away from his hold. Severus turns around to look at her with irritation. 

"You were my first friend, my best friend. I trusted you and i thought we actually had a bond... Then you tell me I am nothing special to you, that you were only doing this because it was an order... During the times I was with you I forgot I was a soldier, but then I forgot that you too are one. You broke my heart and then you tell me that no one is safe around me. I trust no one, only you. SO when I tell you do not get near me, is because I don't want to see you get hurt because of me." Amelia says with anger. She sits down next to the door and watches as Severus leans against the stone wall in front of her. The owls hoot and screech every now and then. They keep quiet as the somber mood overwhelms them. 

"What are you going to do this summer? Where are you going to stay?" Severus asks quietly. Amelia sighs and runs a hand through her hair. 

"I'll go from place to place. Frida will stay with Diana, can you take care of Umbra?" Amelia asks with a soft tone. Severus nods at her. 

"You can't live on the run for two months." Amelia huffs at him. 

"Then what to I do, sir? Should I confront them head on, and try to make my case of why their son must be put in the worst prison ever?" Amelia stays quiet at her words and tilts her head a bit. Severus pushes himself off of the wall and goes to kneel in front of her. 

"Oh no, you are not doing that." Severus says while grabbing her chin a bit roughly. Amelia glares at him. 

"Then what? Do I run for the rest of my life? Will I never see my parents again? Shall I never care for another again? And who are you to say what I can and cannot do?" Amelia says confidently. Severus' grips tighten a bit. 

"I am telling you not to." Severus says while glaring back at her. Amelia scoffs at him with a smirk. 

"Or what? You can't tell me what to do. And what if I want to? What are you going to do, chain me to a room so I can never leave?" Amelia says mockingly. Severus leans in, making Amelia clench her jaw. 

"Do. Not. Test my patience... Amelia Richardson." Severus growls out softly and slowly. Her eyes widen at the sound of her full name. Their noses are almost touching and the tension arises with each second. She looks at him with determination. 

"And do not test my resolve, Severus Snape." She says before slapping his hand away and standing up. She roughly opens the door and leaves the room. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now