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********************TRigger warning, abuse***********************

Amelia enters her room, only to see him waiting for her sitting on her bed. Her parents aren't home, probably out on a date night. He slowly stands up as Amelia takes a step back. If she were to attack him with magic before he attacks her, she can get in trouble

"Amelia, I was wondering when you would arrive home...We don't have much time together, before you leave for school." 

Amelia's eyes widen as she quickly notices the hip rotation, she rushes out of the room. She drops her things and is next of the kitchen entrance when she feels his arm snake around her waist and pulls her back against his chest. She elbows him in the gut and then up his chin. He tightens his hold and starts dragging her to her bedroom. She remains calm, knowing she is stronger now

"Let me go, Drake." Amelia says warningly as she struggles against his hold. 

"Never, little princess. You are mine and I think you have forgotten that... I'll remind you again whose body is this." Drake says as harshly gropes her boob, making her hiss in pain. 

"NO." Amelia thrashes against him, being able to let a arm loose. She takes his hand and pulls it back. She turns around and punches him in the face, making him stumble back while craddling his nose. She wastes no time in running towards the door. She falls to the floor as she reaches the door, when Drake throws something at her head. She can feel him dragging her to her bedroom as she falls in and out of consciousness. 

"No. Noo, stop." Amelia mumbles out incoherentely. She can feel something wet on the back of her head. She is thrown on her bed, mustering all her strength to keep herself conscious, she takes out her wand. 

"Petrificus Totalus." Amelia throws the spell towards him. 

********************************end of trigger********************

Amelia gasps as she sits up straight on her bed. Her breathing is uneven, she is covered in cold sweat. Her brow scrunches up in confusion of her dream. She points her wand at the door as it suddenly slams open. They both lower their wand as they recognize eachother. 

"Richardson... what happened?" Amelia puts her wand under her pillow as Severus enter the room. 

"I-I don't know sir... I had a dream about him, but it wasn't a dream or a memory..." Amelia clears her throat at the dryness. Severus sits down on the bed, in front of her. 

"Are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare?" Amelia shakes her head furiously. 

"I know when I have a nightmare or a dream... this felt different sir. It felt like a memory, but it has never happened before... I think I just foresaw the future." Amelia pales at the thought of what is waiting for her back home. Severus frowns at this, he knows that Amelia is not a Seer, and it is very uncommon for wizards to suddenly develope such a talent. 

"That is not possible, you are not a Seer... I suggest we go talk to Dumbledore as soon as possible... Try and get some sleep. I will drop you off tomorrow." Severus says before standing up and leaves the room. 

Amelia knew that she will have to fight once she arrives home. She can feel it in her blood. If she wasn't ready before, she has no choice but to be ready now. Ready to face him. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now