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Amelia went to her temporary room after Severus's told her no. The evening came fast, for during winter the days are shorter and the nights are longer. Her mind wanders to her parents, she can't help but to feel worry about them. She has no way of knowing if they are safe. She puts down the pen she was writting in and stares down at her notes. She has been reading the red book, non-stop since the beginning of the holidays. She is writting her own notes and the spells on her own notebook. She knows that one day she will have to return the book, but not her knowledge. She closes the books and hides them inside the wardrobe. 

"Let's get you something to eat." Amelia says to Frida while opening the door. She quietly goes downstairs, enters the sitting room. She enters the kitchen and goes diretcly to the fridge. She starts looking to see what she can cook. 

"Rummaging around like a rat , aren't we now?" His voice makes Amelia jump and hit her head against the frame of the fridge. She groans in pain and walks away from the fridge. 

"Worst guard dog ever... Sorry sir. I was just going to make myself some dinner, also for Frida." Amelia says while pointing at her dog. He sighs and closes the fridge.

"Go wash up, I will make us some supper. Always wash up before supper." Amelia nods and rushes over to the stairs. Amelia takes a towel from the wardrobe and some underwear. 

She goes to the bathroom at the end of the hallway that only contains her room and the bathroom. She is surprised by how small it is. She closes the door behind her and drapes the towel in the rack at her right. In front of her stands the sink and a mirror, on the right of the sink stands the toilet, and next to the toilet stands a antique bathtub with a showerhead. She takes off her clothes and tries to look at the healing bruise on her back. She sighs and enters the shower to escape from the cold. She finishes her shower quite quickly; she loves the fact that she now smells like Severus. She puts on the underwear and put the towel around her and heads to her room. She dresses on her usual pj's: Severus' long sleeve shirt, boxers, and knee socks. She uses a drying spell on herself and puts on a robe that her mother gave her for when people come to visit late at night. 

She goes to the sitting room and looks with  a smile at the small round table that stands in the middle of it with two plates, one in front of the other. 

"Sit down, Miss Richardson." Severus says as he comes in with two bowls of soup. She is surprised to see that Frida is eating near the kitchen entrance with her own bowl of food. 

"Thank you sir." Amelia says politely as she sits down at the seat next of the door. The food is placed in front of her, she waits for Severus to sit down before starting to it. 

"Thank you for the food." Amelia whispers before taking a spoonful of the soup. Her eyes water at how good it is. 

"Sir, the food is delicious." Amelia says before taking another spoonful. Severus looks up from his food and nods at her. 

"Thank you for the compliment... I am curious of why you say thank you to the food, your mother mentioned it once when I had the pleasure to eat lunch with you.  Unless you do it  because you are as insane as I think you are and the food talks to you." Severus says before continuing to eat.  Amelia smirks at his comment and gently wipes her mouth before speaking. 

"Well sir, if I ever was killed to become food for others, I would have liked to be thanked for it." Amelia says before eating. Severus looks at her with confusion. She continues to eat as he stares at her. 

"Such a peculiar child, you are a controversy of yourself." Severus says before continuing to eat. Amelia just smiles at his words. 

"It means that no one will figure me out." 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now