Part Two. Chapter 1

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Six years later....

The crowd goes wild as she starts walking to the ring. She can't hear them, her headphones keep her in her own state of mind. She can see her opponent rilying up the crowd. She pays no mind to it. She enters the ring as her manager motions her to. She stands in the corner, taking off her robe. She puts on her mouthguard, and she looks at her opponent. The woman mocks her, trying to get something out of her, but she only watches her, assesing her weak points. 

Her profile said that she had a operation on her right shoulder after a motorcycle accident. She has a mean left hook, even though she is right handed. Gotta end this quick, Frida needs to be fed. She takes off her headphones and makes sure that her two frenchbraids are still intact. 

"Got something to say bitch." The referee gives her opponent a warning look while she tilts her head in confusion. 

"I want a nice, clean fight. You know the rules: No hair pulling, No hitting in the pubic area, No poking eyes, no biting. Shake hands." Her opponent gets close to her face, and spits on her face. The referee blows the whistle and it happened in a blink of an eye. 

She grabs her right arm, punches her shoulder, punches her armpit. This causes her opponent to yell out in pain. Before her opponent can retaliate, she elbows her in the face. While still holding her arm with her left hand, she knocks down her right leg and throws her to the floor. She straddles her and starts throwing punches at her face. Her opponent hits her twice with her left hand in her ribs and face, but she pays no mind to it. She continues punching, and punching, until she hears the whistle. She gives her a quick jab before standing up and moving away from her. 

"The fighter is knocked out, the winner is Private Killer..... AMELIA RICHARDSON." The crowd goes wild at the annoucement of the winner. Amelia sniffs as she feels blood running from a cut on her nose. 


She opens the door of her apartment. The complex is owned by her agency. Her agency manages different types of career: from singers to athletes. Her floor is where fighters stay. Amelia takes off her silk robe and sits down in her bed. It has been a few weeks since her last fight, due to the off season. She heads to the shower. It has been six years since she graduated from Hogwarts with a bittersweet farewell. She stills visits the wizarding world for her auror training. She can already become one, but she hesitates to do it. 

The water is steaming when she steps in. The water washes away her sweat, blood , thoughts and sins. Her mind becomes empty, something that happens quite often. She steps out of her shower while drying her hair with her wand. She is careful not to touch her bruised cheekbone and eye. She steps into her room at the same time as a glowing light enters it. Suddenly Albus appears in shape. Amelia frowns and dashes to her wardrobe.  before the patronus can relay its message. 

"Amelia, Severus needs you..." The Patronus says. She puts on a sports bra while wincing at the contact of her bruised side. Her opponent carry a strong punch. She puts on her cargo pants and boots. She finishes tying her boots when she hears it.

"He is injured, we need your help." Amelia dashes to her closet again and grabs two army grade medical kits and her old jacket uniform. 

"Frida!" She shouts, the dog runs towards her owner and quickly stands by her side. Amelia apparated to the building Albus told her. 


Everyone stands around the wounded Severus. He is laid down on the dinning room table. They have tried using healing spells, but it has only brought him pain. The house lacks the items they need to create a potion. Everyone stops talking when they hear the door slam open. 

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