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The weeks passed by quickly. Amelia has been reading the dark book non-stop. She has become incredibly close to Dianna. Frida has become the unofficial mascot for Hufflepuff during the quidditch games; Dianna takes her. During Halloween they gave her a scarf. She lets Frida walk around the school alone, everyone knows who she belongs to. Her sessions with Severus have gone great, but she still doesn't show his face. She has never been happier in her life.

She is on her way to the Library to meet up with Dianna for a study session. Suddenly some commotion draws her attention. She goes over to the area, pushing her way through the crowd and her eyes tear up. Someone had cut off the tips of the ears of her dog. Everyone was whispering and pointing at the dog. Blood was pulling around the whimpering dog. Amelia rushes over to it and kneels down in front of her. Anger started to rush through her veins. She turns around and looks at the crowd analyzing the faces.

"Who did this?!" Amelia snarls at the crowd. She feels guilty, because she gave Frida the orders not to attack anyone, no matter what. Everyone takes a step back as if sensing she is going to kill. She looks at some whispering Ravenclaw girls.

"Was it you?" She asks while taking a step towards them.

"No, why would we do that? We love Frida." The girls squeaks out. Amelia looks at some Slytherin boys from head to toe. The shoe of one has specks of blood on it. It is a splatter pattern.

"You... did this. Were your actions alone? BE honest and I'll take that into consideration." Amelia says holding back from attacking the boy.

"They force me to do it! They said that they would throw me into the Black Lake if I didn't do it." The kid quickly confesses while pointing at the two boys at Amelia's right. Amelia slowly turns around and looks at the boy.

"Do you deny or confirm these allegations?" Amelia says calmly and coldly... too calmly. The two boys scoff at her words.

"Why would we do this? I take offense of such allegations." The boys say. Amelia grins at them.

"YOu are not denying it then... That means that you did it." Amelia says as she steps foward. Both boys take out their wands, but Amelia was quicker.

"Expelliarmus." Amelia says clearly. Both wands fly out of the boys hand into Amelia's left hand. She throws theirs and her wand to the floor. She punches one in the face and throws one over her shoulder.

She had so many dark spells she wanted to use against them. She was tempted that is why she threw her wand away; she remembered the plea of the author. She straddles the one she threw over her shoulder and starts punching him in the face over and over again. Blood splattering all over her shirt as she broke his nose. She feels a hand harshly pulling her shoulder. She grabs the hand and twists it. She stands up and pulls the arm backwards, before elbowing the arm, breaking it. She knees him in the face and punches him in the gut. Anger stills pumps through her veins. She has a reing over it, but it is slipping. She picks up her wand and point it at them. She goes to attack, but a voice interrupts her.

"Miss Richardson! That is enough!" Everyone gets out of the way for Severus to pass through. He passes as he sees the bloody scene. Amelia steps back and walks towards her dog. She gathers her into her arms and starts walking. Everyone makes way for her to pass.

"Miss Richardson. Stop. Right there." Amelia stops and looks behind her at Severus. Her eyes have almost lost their entire shine. She looks numb and murderous. Severus walks up to her and growls into her ear.

"My office, now." Before turning around and dealing with the almost unconscious students. Amelia looks at the trembling slytherin boy, the one that actually did the deed.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now