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After the meeting Amelia went to the kitchen to get away from everyone. She wonders if she made the right choice. She had a life in the muggle world, staying out of the conflict that is starting to rise up. She wants to become a auror and she finally got her wish, but she wanted to stay out of the conflict. After her tour and her slight vision, she wanted to stay out of wars. She leans her body against the kitchen island. Her arms supporting her as she closes her eyes at the memories. 

"How have you been, Amelia?" She frowns at the sound of his voice. She keeps her original position. 

"You are a unbelievable person, Albus. If it wasn't for Severus, I wouldn't be here... You used my and Severus' situations to make us become closer. You used Severus so I would literally die for him.... Using people's emotions for your gain... It reminds me of my uncle." Amelia says disgusted. She hears him sigh behind her. 

"I'll like to let you know, that it was not  for my gain... " Amelia grips the table and lets her head droop. His words make her feel anger. 

"Leave..." Albus leaves the room. Amelia exhales slowly, letting the anger disappear. 

She wanted to avoid getting involved. She has only had two visions in her life. Her visions are from her perspective. She thought if she avoided the conflict, then they wouldn't happened. But it is too late, she knows that after seeing Severus hurt that she can't leave. She knows that Albus knew that, and that is why he called her; to get her involved. 

Severus stands by the entrance and watches her hunched back. He tried to not get her involved during the years and he was succesful until now. It won't be long until The Dark Lord gets word of Amelia's involvement in the war to come. He really tried to protect her, but now there is little to nothing he can do. Seeing her, after all these years, made him feel dread and relief. Seeing her alive was enough for him to continue to fight. Seeing her next to him made him feel that she is in danger. 

"It has been a while... Hasn't it?" Amelia says in a tired tone. Severus crosses his arms in front of his chest. 

"It has been a while... I heard that you passed the exams. How are your parents?" Severus says feeling the awkward tension. The last time they were together alone in a room was when Amelia confessed to him. Amelia turns around and leans against the counter. 

"Father is fine, working in a pub... Mother is staying at home, her condition is a bit weaker..." Amelia mirrors his stance with a sigh. 

"And you?" Severus asks. He can't deny that during this past six years he has wondered how she has been. He believes that he made the right choice of distancing himself from her. No one knew about her after the trial. Nobody mentioned about him taking in a mudblood or befriending one during his meeting with the Dark Lord. 

His question makes her scoff. She grits her teeth at him. Her love for him is undying and loyal, but his question ticks her off. 

"So now you wonder how I am? Six years of unanswered letters... If you had read one, you would have known how I was." Severus looks at her with a stoic expression. He knew about the letters, but  he had to cut the link between them. If he had read them, it would have had been harder to distance himself.  He goes to speak, but Amelia interrupts him. She is angry at him.

"Now you ask how I am. Not when I killed a man, not when I was bullied during my last year, not when I send you weekly letters.... You did nothing, NOTHING. I killed a man and I needed my closest friend with me, I was suffering because of it. You didn't wonder how I was doing during that year?" Amelia slams her fist down the counter. She bites down her anger and shakes her head. 

"I changed... Maybe it was a mistake coming here." Amelia says softly she makes her way to the entrance. Severus grabs her forearm and pushes her back. 

"You don't get to say your piece and not hear mine, Richardson... I can still see the old you inside, burning with passion." Severus scoffs in amusement. Amelia smiles sheepishly and looks up at him. 

"I guess you bring that out of me." Amelia says truthfully. Severus takes a step foward and closes the door behind him. 

"I had to do it.... As much as I didn't want to, I had to separate myself from you. I did it to prevent this from happening." Severus motions his hand at everything. Amelia looks at the floor as the realization hits her. 

"You knew that the Dark Lord was going to return... That you had a role to play in this. So you distanced yourself from me, to protect me?" Amelia says slowly. Severus steps foward and grabs her chin and makes her look up at him. 

"What have I told you about looking at the ground, Richardson?" His warm actions makes Amelia to smile at him. She hugs him and cries out in relief. 

"I missed you so much... When Albus told me that you were hurt I thought my heart was going to burst. Even though I played right into Albus' plan, I am glad I came here." Severus hesitantly returns the hug. His hand holds her head against his chest and the other rests on the middle of her back. 

"That is what I tried to prevent from happening. You have to be careful... You have to keep a low profile. We have to maintain distance, like it has been through the last few years. I can't protect you all the time, my friend." It pains for him to admit it, and to admit his failure in protecting her. Amelia smiles to herself and closes her eyes in accepting. 

"No need to protect me, Severus. I am the one that will be helping you this time around." Amelia promises him. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now