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The wind whistles as Amelia sits upon a lawn chair near the ledge of the roof. She can see the entire city from her chair. The wind blows her hair away from her face as she continues to get lost in her thoughts. Frida sits next to her, with her head on her knees. She hums to herself as she pets her head.

Severus enters the roof and stares at the sight before him. He stares at the Amelia, never he has seen her in her most natural state. It brings him a sense of serenity. He can feel himself relax a little bit.

"Like the view, Professor? Being away from everyone, brings me a bit of calmness... I personally prefer a more natural view. Right, Frida?" The dog barks at the mention of her name. Amelia giggles at her and kisses the top of her head. She stands up and turns to look at Severus, the glimmer in her eyes slowly dimmers as she returns to her professional self.

"Sorry for the events at lunch. I hope we didn't cause you much discomfort." Amelia says walking towards him.

"Do not fret, Miss Richardson... We will begin theory here, and when we get practical, we will go to Hogwarts." Severus says while walking towards a table. Amelia follows him and sits on a stool.

The table and the two chairs are next to the roof entrance. The ten books are laid on it. Severus takes the chair that its next to the entrance, it hides him if someone comes in.

"May I ask why sir?" Amelia says while taking out a book and notebook. Severus sighs at her ignorance.

"Because, Miss Richardson, you are still a minor. Until you are 17, you can't perform magic outside of school...unless you want to be apprehended." Severus says as he runs a hand through his hair.

"No magic until December. When I am here, when I am 17, can I do magic? Even in front of my family?" Amelia looks up at him.

"Yes... your family will be in the registry. Only your family, Miss Richardson... if we are done with the interrogation, we shall begin with chapter one of your potion's book... I will begin explaining the effects of all the ingredients of the Antidote for Common poisons... please do keep up Miss Richardson." Severus says in a cold tone.

As the sun set they decided to take their class inside. Amelia sits in the floor in the living room, Severus sits on a lone chair while she continues writing down what Severus said.

"Honey, I am going out. If you need anything, you know the number of the landline." Charlotte says while going out.

"Good night Mom, have a great day at work. Hope they don't break any glasses." Amelia shouts out. At the sound of the door locking, Amelia looks at him to see him watching. She continues her work

"Mother works in a pub down the street. Got it because the owner is a veteran and is a big supporter to military families... The place is full of veterans, and mother knows how to handle soldiers... I work there during the summer... I should be working there now... Why am I telling all of this?" Amelia says while shaking her head in disbelief.

"I really don't care, Miss Richardson... It seems that it is already past seven, I will see you tomorrow Miss Richardson, and I expect you to have read the entire chapter by then and part of Chapter two. I will read your notes and quiz you on both chapters. Good night." Severus says as he stands up to leave. Amelia stands up and awaits for him to apparate.

"Will do sir. Good night, professor Snape." Severus nods at her and vanishes. Amelia sighs and slumps down to the floor. Frida climbs into her lap as Amelia runs a hand through her hair.

"Why do I tell him about my life?" She says while staring directly at Frida's eyes. The dog licks her face, making the girl giggle.


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