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Amelia ties her boots up, puts her knife in her holster, pulls her hair up into a ponytail, and grabs her wand. She stands next to the Floo Network, waiting for Severus to come into the door. Severus enters the room by slamming the door open. He goes to talk, but seeing her ready to leave makes him go mute.

"They are in the Ministry, right?" Amelia says with no emotion. He nods at her, making her close her eyes. Severus takes a step towards her, but Amelia grabs the powder and motions Frida to stand next to her. 

"Stay here, Severus. I will come back, soon enough... I love you." Amelia says with a smile on her face. Severus looks at her with confusion because it felt like a goodbye. 

"Wait-" Amelia disappears before Severus could finish his sentence.

 Amelia walks out of the fireplace into the Atrium. She looks at Harry as he  points his wand at Bellatrix. He goes to cast a spell, but Amelia stops him beforehand.

"Harry... stop. I know you are in pain, I understand, but vengeance does not solve anything. It just brings more pain, it destroys you." Amelia says sincerely as she goes to stand next to Harry. The boy looks at her with confusion, wondering how she got here. 

"Harry, listen. It is not your fault, it will never be your fault. Remember that." Amelia says while putting a hand on his shoulder. 

Amelia smiles at him in sympathy, when Frida suddenly barks. Amelia clenches her jaw and prepares herself. She watches as Harry clenches his jaw and cranse his neck in discomfort. He suddenly turns around and points his wand at the person behind them. Amelia takes out her knife and cuts the palm of her hand. She pushes Harry and herself before the spell can hit them. She drags her bloody palm on the floor around  Harry, making a circle around him and herself, before plundging the knife into the wooden floor. 

He looks at her with wide eyes. She inhales deeply and puts a hand on his cheek. The warmth of her hand matches the warmth in her eyes and the kindness in her smile; it reminds him of a mother saying to their child that there is no need to be scared. 

"You are a great wizard, Harry. Do not step away from the circle. Not until help arrives." Amelia says quickly before giving him a kiss on his forehead and stepping away from the circle. 

"I see you are proficient with blood magic. Such ancient and lost art... Such a shame that you won't be alive for long to practice it again." Amelia whistles, making Frida run away from the pair. Amelia stares him down, her wand at the ready. 

"We will see about that, Riddle." Amelia says with no fear. She knows that she has to buy time for help to arrive. She knows that she is no match for Voldemort, but if she can just buy them a inch of time... That will be enough. 

There will always be a more powerful wizard, a more skilled wizard than you, you have to make due with what you have. 

"Are you not afraid of me?" The Dark Lord says in a bit of amusement before throwing his first spell. Amelia skillfully dodges it and counterattacks. 

"I have dealt with my fare share of monsters to know that they are all the same; little children throwing tantrums because they can't get what they want." This did not dwell well with the dark wizard. Amelia grins at him. She knows that Severus would be mad at her for toying with her opponent, but she wants to have fun. 

Five minutes and I would have had on that bet. Amelia thinks at herself with a nostalgic smile.

"Caeca caligine." The spell brings her memories of her fighting with Severus. She quickly points her wand at the fountain and makes tentacles of water  grab each limb. The dark lord quickly makes the mist disappear, but at the same time Amelia uses the Glacius charm to freeze his limbs with water. 

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