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The Welcoming Feast has everyone talking. Amelia makes sure that her uniform is adequate. She winces when she ties her hair up, her knuckles are still unhealed. She looks at herself in the mirror, staring at herself with a stoic expression. She knows that she will have to act a bit humane during the feast. She is a bit irritated to have to deal with the gossiping children, but it is something she has to endure. Her eyes twinkle a bit at the thought of seeing Dianna and Frida once again. She grabs the leather collar she bought for Frida during the summer. 

Her thoughts go back to her breakdown in the Quidditch Field, more specifically to Severus. He understands her, the stoic expression he wears is just a mask. It is not how he really feels, she knows this. They both know what is like to feel nothing and feel everything. Amelia arrives to the Great Hall, the chattering stops as she starts to walk down the hall. Everyone stares at her, whispering about her. She ignores this, the claims they make against her. 

"I heard that she killed a muggle with her bare hands."

"I heard she lured him into her bed and killed him with a smile on her face."

"I heard that she killed a student last year." Amelia wants to scoff at that accusation

More like a student tried to kill me. 

She smiles at the sight of Frida running up to her. Her eyes moisten up in relief of what makes her humane being fine. She is tackled to the floor by the dog. Amelia laughs for the first time in months as Frida jumps around her while licking her face. She had forgotten how her laugh sounded like, it felt foreign to her ears.

"Okay, okay. I missed you too, Frida." She hugs her and puts the collar around her neck. 

"Not letting you get hurt again." Amelia whispers to her as she runs her fingers around the runes she carved into the leather, she also had placed a handful of protective charms on it. She promised to herself, not to let anyone that makes her feel something get hurt again. 

"I guess you didn't miss me." Her voice makes Amelia look up and grin mischieviously at the green haired girl. She jumps up and tackles her into a hug. 

"I see that The Green Giant is your new hairstylist." Amelia says jockingly. This earns her a hard slap on the back. 

"I am glad you are okay." Dianna whispers to her with sincerity dripping from her words. This makes Amelia's heart clench a bit. 

"Not even a nuclear bomb can hurt me." Amelia says as a joke. THey break the hug and start walking to the end of the table. They sit down and Amelia immediately notice the absence of the twins. 

"They... They said that they can handle a lot of things, but hanging out with a murderer is not one of them" Dianna says sadly. Amelia knew that nothing was going to be the same, and she can't blame them for not wanting to hang out with a killer. 

"So you know... Are you okay with it? I don't blame you if you want to stop being my friend." Amelia looks at Dianna, hoping that she doesn't go. She can't force her to stay either. 

"I know that you had your reasons to do it. I know you had a good reason to do it. You have strong morals, I know you don't kill for fun or pleasure." Her words shocked Amelia. 

"My conscience is clear, now." Amelia confesses. Dianna throws her a glance as they watch the first year students walk in. 

"Was it hard to kill a man?" Dianna whispers to her. Amelia looks as the first child is called to the sorting hat. 

"It was as easy as breathing." Amelia says as her eyes trail over to Severus'. 

"But it changes you, just like being in love."

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now