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The school year is about to start. Amelia's study sessions are over, much to her disappointment. After treating Severus' wounds, she and Albus had a private conversation in his office. He has told her that she will continue staying in her private chambers not only for her safety, but also for those around her. Since she is still not completely in control of her outbursts, Frida will accompany her to the classes. Once a week she will go to Severus office to complete her training.

Her mother and her have arrive to the train station. Amelia is carrying her army kit bag (it is like a sack), Umbra's cage, Frida's leash and a suitcase. Her mother has been crying almost nonstop since yesterday. They stand in front of the wall that Albus told her she had to run into. She looks at her mother with a sad smile.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay without me mother?" Amelia says worryingly. Charlotte hugs her and kisses her forehead.

"Of course, sweetie. Remember to eat three meals a day and write to me every week." Charlotte says while wiping her eyes. Amelia nods at her words and looks at the wall.

"If Jeremy gives you any trouble, do not hesitate to tell Victor or Grant... I love you." Amelia says as she kisses her cheek before running into the wall.

Amelia opens her eyes and stares at her surroundings with astounishment. The plataform is bristling with young wizards and witches as they make their way to the train. Amelia hastly makes her way to the train, making sure that no one steps on Frida. She enters the train at the last car, just like she ways instructed to do. She finds and empty cart and puts her luggage where it should go. She leaves Umbra's cage down and next to her. She puts on her headphones and hits play to her cassette player.

They soon arrive to the school, Amelia has already changed into her robes. She fell asleep during the ride, but was awaken by a conductor. She was instructed to leave her luggage inside the cart, for it will be picked up by someone soon enough. She had an argument about whether or not Frida was luggage; she won.

"Hello Hagrid, how are you this fine evening?" Amelia says as she walks up to him. The gatekeeper turns around and smiles brightly at her.

"ello Amelia. Just making sure them young ones get to the boat in time. ello' Frida, she looks mighty fine." Hagrid says making Amelia smile at man. She goes to the carriages and is astounished by how they are pulled by nothing. She takes her seat and Frida sits infront of her legs. The three other people in the carriage look at her dog weirdly. She ignores their stares and continues to listen to her music.

Albus had given instructions a week ago about what she must do at her arrival. Amelia gets out of the carriage and goes where the first year students are standing. They all look up at her with curiousity, and some of them gush at her dog. Frida wags her tail at the attention she is getting.

"Desperate much?" She mumbles to herself as she looks down at Frida.

"Miss Richardson, you are to go to the back of the group, you are the last to be sorted." Professor Mcgonagall says as she starts to guide the students into the Great Hall. Amelia nods and takes Frida out of her leash. She takes off her headphones and lets them hang on her neck.

She tries to ignore the stares she is getting from the students that are sitting in the long tables. Amelia's finger start to twitch as her anxiety builds up. Frida already knows her signs and brushes her body against Amelia's leg and bumps into her every now and then, distracting her. Amelia smiles down at her companion.

She looks at the professors' table in search of him. She finds him and throws him a timid smile, which he replies with a glare. She sighs and looks at her dog.

"We are going to be here a long time, won't we Frida?" Frida looks up at the mention of her name. Amelia is excited and nervous about which house she will be sorted into. She doesn't really mind any of them, but she just wants to be able to not be in the spotlight. She wants to be a background character.

"Amelia Richardson!" She looks up and sees that she is the only one standing. She straightens her back and walks to the stool where the hat she has seen so many times on her visits to Albus' office. Amelia sits down and Frida stands in front of her.

"Sentada." Amelia commands her. Frida sits down, her head laying on top Amelia's lap. AMelia start to unconsciously pet Frida's head as the hat starts to talk.

"Let's see here. Well, we have a soldier in our hands. Very brave indeed... cunning too, not a girl easy to fool, but fools others easily. Loyal to the bone.... Caring to those that have earned it. What controversy is this... I have the perfect house for you... Hufflepuff!" The hat suddenly shouts the house where she has been sorted. Amelia looks at the table that started to cheer and clap with a smile. Amelia sits down at the front, Frida sits next to her on the long bench. She greets everyone with a short nod and smile, being respectful.

She looks back at the professors' table and looks at Albus, he sends her a subtle wink. She looks at Severus only to find him frowning at her. The feast begins, but Amelia has no appettite at the moment.


Amelia goes to her room with a bittersweet heart. She always knew that Severus was biased to his house, but it leaves her a bitter taste in her mouth the way he looked at her; like she was scum. She readies for bed, after preparing her stuff for tomorrow. She looks at the already sleeping Frida... Hagrid built her a small doghouse for her, it says pupwarts. Amelia knows she won't be filled with house spirit during her school years, she was taught to always appreciate and be humble of your opponents skills. No house is better than the other in her eyes. But God forbid that she won't be the best student to walk these hallways. She will become the most capable witch of her age, no matter what. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now