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Severus walks down the hall of the school with his usual stoic expression. The school has been grim since the leaving of Albus and Amelia. He worries of her, since it has been three days since he basically left her in the establishment. He misses her, all of her. Her smile is something he wishes to protect, always. He can only imagine what happened during her visit. 

She probably almost got into a fight with Lestrange during her visit with the Dark Lord. Severus opens the door of his office and takes a step back in fright. He was not expecting to see Frida sitting in front of his desk with a stick in her mouth. Severus steps inside and closes the door behind him. Frida walks up to him and drops the stick. Severus takes it and looks at it before looking at Frida. 

"Whomping Willow?" Severus sighs and stands up. 

"Your owner is a insane woman. Coming here while Umbridge is in charge." Severus grumbles to Frida as they take a secret passage that leads them near the training grounds. He can hear his heartbeat increase as they near the Whomping Willow. He just wants to know that she is alright, that she came to no harm, and in a selfish way to see if she missed him as much as he did. 

"You can step out. All the students are in class at the moment. She has stopped giving flying lessons. Umbridge is running a rather... tight ship." Severus keeps his expression neutral as he sees her stepping out from behind the trunk. 

"I missed you too, Severus." Amelia says as she looks up at him with a smile. He looks at her appearance. Her trusty black combat boots, the cargo pants, a white tanktop and her black leather trenchcoat.

How can something so simple look so beautiful when she wears it. Severus ignores his thoughts as he feels a sense of guilt for thinking of her in such a way. He can't deny it, his feelings for her are stronger that he would like to admit. 

"Severus, I got to tell you something." Amelia says with a serious expression as they start walking towards the training grounds to go throught the secret passage. 

"Tell me." Severus says with a hint of worry. It must be serious if it got her in serious mood. 

All of the sudden fireworks are heard from above. They both look to their right and see two boys flying on brooms Fireworks going off around them. Severus pulls her towards the wall, to keep hidden from sight. Severus stares up, to see if they are seen. Amelia looks at him. She quickly grabs the front of his frockcoat with both hands and pulls him towards him. She smashes her lips to his. Severus stands still, frozen by the sudden action. 

Severus slowly melts and wraps his arms around her. He starts to move his lips, slowly, hesitantly. Amelia takes a few steps foward, until his back hits the stone wall. The kiss deepens and gets more heated. Amelia throws in all of her emotionsthat she feels for him; the passion, the happiness, the respect, the love that she feels. This kiss, they could tell it was different that the first one they shared. She suddenly pulls away, but keeps being in his arms. 

"I love you, Severus. I always will. Never forget that." Amelia says in between breathes. Severus looks down at her with a bit of fear at the strong emotions he feels for her. He goes to speak but Amelia stops him.

"I know. You don't have to say anything, I know. I get it, you still love her and saying that you love me will feel like you are betraying her. You care for me, strongly, but you love her and that is okay. I got enough love for the both of us." Amelia says the last part jokingly before kissing his lips again. 

How does she know how I feel. It is like she read me like a book. Severus pulls away and guides her to the secret passage. 

Through the walk Severus tries to find the words to say to her. He knows what he feels for her, but saying it.... He can't do that to Lily. He feels ridiculous still pining over a woman that never loved him. He now has a woman that loves him the way he is, makes him smile, and still he thinks of Lily. They arrive to his room. He drags her to his room, closing the door before Frida could step in. 

"I- I care for you. I can't deny that my feelings for you go beyond friendship. I get jealous at people that make you smile, and I know that is awful, but I want to be the only one that sees your smile. I love it when you take no crap from anyone. You are beautiful and what are you doing to me?" Severus looks at her with frustration. Amelia takes off her coat and walks up to him. 

"The same thing you did to me. You are falling." Amelia says with a smile before kissing him. Severus takes off his cloak and starts walking foward until both of them fall on top of the bed.

"Why do I feel warmth inside when I am around you?" Severus says curiously as he brushes away a strand of hair from her face. Amelia smiles up at him and caresses his cheek. 

"That is the fire of life burning inside of you. You are starting to feel like you are alive. I just hope that it can keep burning even without me, that just the thought of me will keep it alive, just like the thought of you keeps mine alive." Amelia says before kissing him softly. Her hands wander down to his frock coat and starts unbutton it as Severus rips her shirt off. 


Amelia lays awake on the empty bed. She stands up from the bed and starts picking up her clothes. Severus left soon after they were finished, he was summoned by Umbridge. She can still feel his hands, his lips on her, his gentle touches and rough ones. She smiles at the freshly made loved filled memory. She takes a quick shower and puts on her clothes. She sighs tiredly, knowing it was almost evening. She writes a small note for Severus and leaves it on the bed, it says where she is that she will be waiting for him. 

The time is here.

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now