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Lunch was a pleasant time for Amelia. She likes Dianna, she likes her mischievious behavior, her wisedom and her smile. Her smile is contagious. After lunch, both of them had a free period, usually Amelia would have used it for studying, but she spent it with Dianna by the black lake. They talked about their lives and about life.


Amelia leaned against a tree as Dianna skipped rocks on the lake. Amelia liked listening to Dianna, about her ideals and what is wrong with the world. Dianna, being a half-blood, has arguments for both the muggle world and wizarding world. Dianna listened to Amelia with glistering eyes and awe when she started to talk about the places she has lived in and how she found Frida.

"So your father is in the army?" Dianna said while she continued skipping rocks. Amelia hummed at her answer while she stared up the tree.

"I don't like the army... of any country." Dianna said. Amelia sighs at her words.

"Not a lot of people do." Amelia says with a hint of disappointment.

"What about you?" "Huh?" "Do you like the army?" Dianna says nonchantally.

"Well it is a honor to serve in the army and fight for America's freedom." Amelia says like she has said it so many times. Dianna turns around and looks down at Amelia.

"I bet it is, but that doesn't answer my question." Amelia looks at Dianna. and back at the tree.

"To be honest... I don't know. I have been raised to become the perfect soldier, it is the only bonding experience I have had with my father. My future is already planned; I am to join after my 18 birthday. And I used to be estatic about it, but now... especially after finding out that there are more possibilities for me... I don't know if I like to join." Amelia is shocked at her words, never before has she ever expressed this doubt before. Dianna sits down next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"You still have time to figure this out... I would first talk to your father about this first, maybe you can come to a compromise. Now, tell me more about the time you were stationed in South Korea. It sounds exotic." Dianna says trying to lighten up her mood.

End of flashback...

It is supper time already. The Great Hall is filled with the students all of them chattering about their day. Amelia sits in her usual seat, Dianna in front of her, but now two of Dianna's closest friends are sitting with them. Rosie and Ross, pureblood twins, one is from Hufflepuff another one is Ravenclaw. Ross sits in front of Rosie and, Rosie sits next of Amelia. They continue to eat and laugh at Ross' dilemna.

"I mean, how can I score that?! She is the most beautiful girl in school." Ross says before slamming his face on the table. Making everyone around him look at him. Amelia has been dishearted by the relevation of her doubt about wanting to join the army, but now she is feeling better.

"Well, and I hope I am not being too foward. First of all, don't say 'score that', she is not a goal or a sport. Secondly, ask her out. You have been taking classes with her for the past five years and with what you have told me you talk about things other than class... Third and final thing, where is she?" Amelia says to the boy. He lifts his head and leans foward to whisper to her.

"She is the girl with the curly brown hair and green eyes. Ravenclaw." "Play along." Amelia whispers to Ross as she stands up and clears her throat. She motions Ross to stand up with her head and eyes. He scrambles to stand up from the table.

"It is sooo nice of you Ross to show me the wand movement we learned today in Charms class, I just don't seem to get it." Amelia says loudly enough for the table next to them to hear. Ross goes quickly around the table, they are at the end of it near the professors' table.

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