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Amelia waits for everyone to return with Potter. She received news that Potter got attacked by a dementor. The trial was today, she is relieved that she will see Severus again for it has been almost two month since she last saw him. Sirius gave her a room to stay in when she came in yesterday. They didn't want to cause any suspicion about it. She can hear everyone walking into the house.  She really doesn't want to deal with people. 

"Since when do you hide away?" Amelia sits up from her bed and looks at the door with a smile. 

"Severus." He rolls his eyes at her happy tone and closes the door behind him. 

"They are waiting for you down stairs. Albus told me to get you... and also to inform you to stay behind after everyone leaves. He has something to tell us." Amelia stands up and nods at him

Severus couldn't help but to stare at the sight. She wears a yellow knitted sweater that makes her eye color pop out, some light blue jean shorts, and sandals. Even in such simplicity, she looks beautiful in his eyes. Amelia's ears start to redden at Severus' stare. He frowns at the sight of the long scar in her left thigh. 

"Do you remember how I got the scar?" Amelia asks as she rubs her thumb over the long thin scar. If it wasn't for magic, it would have been a long red bump. The scar starts from the beginning of her thigh and ends at her midthigh. 

"Of course." Severus says with a deepen frown as he remembers. 


Severus was walking down the hallway,  students scurrying away from him. He can feel the small glares that they sent towards him. He was near the training grounds, making his way towards the Great Hall for supper, when he takes notice of a running student. 

"Sir, Sir. You have to help her. She is going to die." He is in shock to see Amelia's friend hysterically sobbing while clinging to his cloak and pulling him towards the direction she just came from. Severus follows her, running with her. He can feel the dread in the pit of his stomach as he notices that they are nearing the area where the Whomping Willow stands. 

He can hear from the distance something hitting the floor multiple times. 

"She has been fighting it for a few minutes, but she is going to get hit soon. She has Frida with her, someone froze her and it is making it difficult for Amelia to dodge the attacks. She dropped her wand while dodging." 

They finally reach  their destination, just in time to see Amelia get hit by a branch. Her blood-curdling scream echos through the open field. The tree pulls his limb back from the writhing Amelia. This causes her to scream out even more. Severus is quick on his feet and quickly immobilizes the tree. Dianna rushes over to Amelia and kneels down next to her. 

"oh my god, Amelia. What should I do?" Dianna panics as she fusses over her. Amelia grips her leg as it keeps bleeding. Tears stream from Amelia's eyes as she grits her teeth in pain.  Severus' heart drops to his stomach at the sight. A piece of wood has impaled her leg, blood is gushing out from various deep cut. He wonders why the tree was so aggressive. He doesn't want to think what would have had happened if he wasn't there. He thanks Merlin that he was so near. 

"You stupid girl. What were you thinking?" Severus scolds her as he reaches her. Amelia laughs painfully. 

"You really going to scold me now? When I am bleeding to death?" Amelia says with amusement. Severus frowns at the thought of her dying. 

"Dianna, go and unfreeze Frida. Get my wand and go to the Hospital Wing... Inform Madam Pomfrey  about this and I should arrive soon." Amelia says while groaning. Dianna nods and follows her instructions. Severus conjures up a stretcher. 

"This is going to hurt." Severus says before picking up Amelia. Causing her to scream out in pain. She sobs out and clenches her hands into tight fists. Severus then makes the stretcher float in the air and follow him. 

"Petrino Sanguinis." Amelia points her wand to her left leg. The blood stops gushing out. Severus walks quickly down the halls. 

"The pain is too much... Sir. I think my entire leg is broken... I lost. too. much. blood." Amelia says as she struggles to stay awake. Severus looks down at her dirty face. Tear trails stain her cheeks. She is covered with dirt, her uniform is dirty. 

"Hang on a bit more, Richardson. We are almost there." Severus says as, while maintaining a cool facade. 

"I have never seen you so freaked out sir.... Yeah, I told him already. It is no worse of what you did to me... Of course I am crying! It freaking hurts you idiot." Severus looks at Amelia with confusion. She is looking at her left and is talking to no one. 

"The blood loss is making you delirious." Severus points out. Amelia looks at him with a frown. 

"You make me delirous." She slurs out before passing out. 


Severus arrives to Amelia's bed during the evening. Her left leg has a full cast. He walks up to her side and sits down on a chair next to her. His hand trembles as it goes to brush away a strand of hair. His hand gently and shakingly caress her skin while doing so. She looks so fragile in his eyes, like if his touch would break her. He can feel himself spiralling down, for him it was af if life was a cycle and history is repeating itself. He failed to protect her and he almost lost her again; he can't go through that again. She stirs, making Severus stand up and leave the wing. 

End of Flashback. 

"You never told me what happened." Severus points out as they make their way down the stairs. Amelia cracks her knuckles and looks behind her at Frida. 

"Someone grabbed Frida and froze her. They placed her near the Whomping Willow, then they started attacking the tree with spells. The tree got real mad. It was going to attack Frida, but I was able to grab her and dodge the blow. The tree was furious, it kept attacking and I was using spells to protect myself, but while dodging I dropped my wand. It was a bit difficult to dodge, throw spells and carry Frida around." Amelia finishes explaining when they reach the landing. 

"When I went to see you, I was wondering why the willow was acting that way." Severus says before entering the room. Amelia looks at him with a shocked expression. 

It wasn't a dream. Amelia thinks to herself as she remembers a vague image of Severus sitting by her bedside with a pained and sorrowful expression. She can remember his careful touch on her side temple.  She smiles to herself and enters the room. 

My Little Soldier (Professor Snape x student fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now