Chapter 1

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Third person's p.o.v

Three months after their wedding-

It was a very fine morning and the couple was cuddling together in the sheets. 

Taehyung snuggled more into the warmth of his husband's manly arms but before he could find his comfort in the bed his eyes opened up wide as he felt something coming up.

He ran straight to his bathroom and threw out everything. 

Morning sickness had become a part of his daily routine. Every morning he used to wake up and throw out everything present in his stomach.

Jungkook woke up as he heard the sound of water running into the sink of the bathroom.

"Baby are you okay?" He ran into the bathroom and helped his beloved wifey to clean his face up.

"Kookie, I am feeling better now," the blonde assured him. 

Jungkook helped him to brush his teeth. He cleaned up his teeth carefully and then he did his own. After brushing up their teeth, the hubby carried him to the bathtub and both bathed into the warm water.

Jungkook cleaned him up carefully with his hands and after bathing he wiped the excess water away with a towel and carried him again to the room.

The day he found that his wifey was pregnant, he refused Tae to do any work in the house even though his own work wasn't allowed but Taehyung somehow managed to convince his husband to send him to the college as he had his exams of the last semester.

It was the time of Taehyung to graduate from his college and he would be all grown up and mature. 


"Kookie you're coming with me" Taehyung clutched the shirt of his husband and looked at him with his round doe eyes.

"Sweetheart, I have very little work to do, I will be there after you okay? I called Jimin and you two will go together." Jungkook said and put the tie in his collars.

"Please Kookie, it's my graduation day and you have to be there with me, I won't deliver the speech if you won't come" Taehyung whined and his lips formed a pout and he crossed his arms a little upset.

His husband cooed at his little cute upset wifey and he carried him into his arms and showered his face with his warm kisses but Taehyung didn't kiss him back.

"No poppo for Kookie?" Jungkook asked and pointed to his lips.

Taehyung looked away with his arms crossed.

"Okay then, appa will kiss baby" Jungkook leaned over and pulled up Taehyung's top, revealing his little round stomach and started to leave some kisses on his belly which left Taehyung giggling as the kisses tickled him.

"Appa loves you... Muah" Jungkook left a last sweet kiss before pulling away and stood up to kiss his upset wifey.

"I will be there before your speech, it's a promise" Jungkook kissed him sweetly.

Soon the romantic kiss was ruined by the knocks on the door.

Jungkook groaned annoyed as he had to pull away from the kiss which left Taehyung chuckled.

He went to open up the door. 

"Jiminie~~~" Taehyung exclaimed and hugged his best friend tightly.

"Hey TaeTae, how are you and how is my tiny winy nephew?" Jimin asked.

"We are all fine," Taehyung replied with a wide smile.

"How are you hyung?" Jimin asked as he saw Jungkook smiling at them.

"I am good and you?"

"Me too" the mochi smiled and Taehyung already held his arm.

"Will I be there soon, okay? Love you" Jungkook kissed his wife before leaving and then he sat inside his car.

Taehyung waved bye to him with a wide smile. Later he and Jimin left for college.


Jungkook's p.o.v

I checked my wrist watch and saw the time. Oh! Shit I was already late. 

I asked appa in the office before leaving and he scolded me for being late for Tae's graduation day.

I took my car keys and drove to his college as fast as I could because I didn't want to miss his speech. Gosh! He's gonna be mad at me.

I brought him some flowers before reaching and I ran straight to the hall of the college where the graduated students were assembled with their parents.

I took an empty seat at the bottom and sat down as my eyes searched for my baby.

And I saw him. He was standing near the stage, biting his lips nervously and he looked at the ground. Aww, my baby must be nervous about the speech.

He raised his head and looked all around, seeming like he was searching for something. He looked at the ground again and I could see his friends besides him, mumbling something into his ears and he was just nodding.

Aww my little baby.

Later the professor announced his name on the stage and he looked up with his doe eyes and I could see his swollen bottom lip. My baby was so nervous.

He stood in front of the mic stand and flinched as he saw the crowd in front of him. He slowly opened up his eyes to find someone, maybe me. 

"Come on Tae, you can do this!" I heard a lady screaming in the front seat and it was Taehyung's mother, my mother-in-law.

He smiled and nodded. His eyes searched for me again and I raised my hand and shook it so that he could find me and then he saw me. His lips formed a huge boxy smile and he held the mic to start his speech.

I am glad I made my promise to attend his speech.

He took a long breath and started.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
First of all I would like to congratulate all of the students here including myself for finally graduating.
Every end has a new beginning. Today might be the last day for some of us as students, but I believe our learning will actually start from today. 
I want to thank my mom for giving me birth and making me all healthy and grown up to achieve my goals. 
I want to give my special thanks to my Husband, Mr. Jeon Jungkook, for standing with me during all the worst and best days. Thanks to him for helping me during exams. Thanks to him for being with me.
Thanks to my friends, Jimin, Yoongi hyung and Hoseok hyung for making my college time even better.
Thanks to the teachers for teaching me the best and I will try to serve my best to the others.
Finally congratulations once again and wish us good luck with the future ahead. Have a great day
Omma and Kookie Saranghae.
Thank you." 

And I could feel the tears in my eyes as he ended his speech. I stood up from my place and clapped as loud as I could. I was really proud of my baby.

He smiled widely at me, he waved his hands to me and I could only feel my chest getting wider as I was really very proud of him.

After the speech section he received the certificate and the people left their chairs to meet with their loved ones who graduated and I ran to search for my baby in the crowd with flowers in my hands.

But before I could reach him, he was busy talking with Minho and of course he was introducing his mother with him.

Not him again.



First chapter and a new twist already, how cruel I am but don't worry nothing bad gonna happen. 

Hope you like it. 

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