Chapter 5

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7th month of Taehyung's pregnancy

Taehyung's p.o.v

I woke up with the same pain in my back and legs. I got used to it now. I really gained a lot of weight and my face turned all round. My own clothes didn't fit me anymore and I wore Kookie's shirts and hoodies all the time.

I used to worry about the increase in my weight and it made me really worried about myself. What if I get fat and won't look beautiful as before? What if Kookie won't love me anymore?

The thoughts sometimes used to make me cry but I couldn't pull up a diet because I didn't want to hurt my baby. 

Kookie really hated whenever I used to cry and once he found me crying in the night and I couldn't help that. I asked him what if he leaves me when I get fat? He got really pissed after knowing the reason.

He said he loves me in every way and I shouldn't be worried about that. He always kisses me and carries me all around like I am still a baby for him.

In the last few months I had a lot of mood swings and I always made Kookie do the things that I wanted but he had never complained about that. 

I always wonder what I did in my previous life to deserve a man like him. He's truly my world. He was with me on my first day of life and I want him to be with me on the last day of my life too.

I got lost in my thoughts and didn't realise that my eyes left some tears. 

I was sitting on the edge of the bed in my bedroom and then suddenly I heard the clicking sound of the door, which means Kookie's at home.

"Sweetheart?" He spoke up and I couldn't reply to him back.

"Baby?" He asked again and entered the room.

He walked to me and I tried to wipe my tears as fast as I could but unfortunately I couldn't hide them.

"Tae? What happened? Are you okay?" He pulled me close into a warm hug and I threw out all of my pain in my heart. 

"What's wrong baby? Talk to me"

He wiped my tears away and cupped my face. 

"Kookie, I-I love you" I didn't know what to say.

"Aww, baby, I know it. I love you too. Now tell me what's wrong?" 

"I-I am s-so sorry for always being like that, I make you worried and always annoy you...." I cried harder than before.

"No.... No, not at all baby, you're so sweet honey, don't say this"

"I know I am always stupid, I-I don't deserve y...." 

Before I could say anything, he smashed his lips on mine. He kissed me softly and passionately. 

My tears were still leaving my eyes with the overwhelming feeling. I held his neck and pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. I loved the taste of his lips on mine.

He held me by my waist and made me sit on his lap without breaking the kiss. I felt myself running out of breath and Kookie pulled away as he felt that. He looked into my eyes and kissed the tip on my nose.

I snaked my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder and he caressed my belly and left some warm kisses on it. 

"You know baby? You are the world to me. You gave me the biggest happiness in this world, you made me a father. I can't thank you enough for that. Don't ever say anything that would hurt me. You owned me baby and anything you ask me to do is my duty. I promised your mother to cherish you and fulfil your wishes and I can't even imagine disrespecting her. I love you wholeheartedly and I know you love me too. Don't think anything like that, I always told you that you are everything to me and still I am saying that you're my everything. If you'll be hurt then I'll be hurt so please don't hurt me" 

My eyes again left tears but that time I was overwhelmed with his words. He wiped my tears away again and we touched our foreheads together. 

His presence was enough for me. I felt something moving inside my stomach. The baby was moving inside. Kookie noticed that and he chuckled softly and put his ear on my belly to hear. 

He played with the baby and the baby was moving here and there in my womb. It was a weird feeling but I loved the way the baby was moving as he heard his father talking to him.

We chuckled together and I felt complete with my whole family playing together.

"Baby? I have to tell you something?" Kookie asked me. 

"Yes? Kookie" 

"Eomma & Appa want us to live with them from now on. They said we should live with them and I know they really want us to be there."

"That's great Kookie! We should live with them. I will be so happy with them"


"Yes Kookie, it will be so fun" 

I really couldn't control my happiness because it would be so awesome to live with them because being between family is always fun.

"Tae? Eomma planned something for you." Kookie said and I looked at him with excitement.

"What Kookie?" I asked desperately.

"She planned a baby shower" 

"REALLY???? Wow this is so great. I am really happy Kookie. What should I wear on that day? Oh by the way when it's happening? Can I invite my friends too? How many guests will be there?"

"Tae, Tae, wait, listen to me. It will be next week so please calm down. All of your friends are invited. Okay?" 

"Thank you Kookie" I smooched his cheeks excitedly.

"You can call whoever you want okay?" 

"Mmmm.... Jimin, Yoongi hyung, Hobi hyung, Jin hyung, Namjoonie hyung, Gyeomie and....mmmm.... Minho sir too" I said after thinking.


Kookie furrowed his eyebrows and sounded a little pissed. 

Not again.


Fun ahead guys!

Want a baby shower of Tae and his baby? 

Hope you like it.

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