Chapter 11

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Taehyung's p.o.v

"Where's Jungie?" 

My body tensed up and the tears filled my eyes.

Then suddenly...

I felt an arm around my waist, trying to turn me.



I finally took a long breath of satisfaction when I found Kookie holding Jungie in his other arm.

I held Jungie desperately and snuggled into Kookie. He held me into his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"I was so scared"

"What happened baby?" Kookie asked, a little worried.

"I woke up and Jungie wasn't there"

"Aww baby, I didn't mean to scare you. I just came and saw that you were sleeping. Jungie was awake and I pulled him into my arms to kiss him but I found his pants were heavy. I was changing his diaper in the bathroom."

"Kookie, you should wake me up, I was so scared. When did you come!? How are you? You know I missed you so much. Jungie missed you too. Kookie~~~" 

I couldn't say anything anymore because Kookie pulled me to share a sweet kiss.

"I missed you too honey" he whispered when we pulled away.

"And appa missed Jungie too" he said and leaned to kiss Jungie who was smiling at his appa.

"Come here lil champ" Jungkook took him into his arms and playful tickled the baby's stomach with his kisses. 

I smiled warmly at them. 

Jungie was looking very happy after watching his appa after a long time.

"Aww....." I pecked his cheeks and tried to talk to him and he only replied with gentle gestures of rubbing his face and moving his limbs but I still loved it that how he tried to communicate with me.


After taking a shower, I started to prepare breakfast for Kookie. Eomma-appa weren't home because they already went out and maybe they'd be back in a week.

I was peacefully cooking until I heard some laughs from behind. I saw that Kookie and Jungie both were there.

Jungkook was playing with him and Jungie was giggling cutely in his arms.

Kookie laid him down on the carpet and started to do push ups above Jungie. Whenever he used to lean, he kissed Jungie on the nose and Jungie would laugh hard. Kookie continued it.

The house was filled with their giggles and laugh.

"Breakfast sweeties" I said and prepared the table with breakfast and a bottle of milk for Jungie.

"Jungie~ yah" I carried Jungie in my arms. I laid him on the couch and peacefully fed him with the milk.

 I laid him on the couch and peacefully fed him with the milk

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He looked at me while I fed him with the milk. He sometimes giggled and moved his hands here and there.

I couldn't control but giggled at how tiny, little and adorable he was. 

"Aigoo, baby, my little cutie pie. Want a poppo from eomma? Jungie wants a poppo from omma?" I asked him and showered his face with my kisses. 

Jungie just giggled at me while sucking his little fingers.

"No poppo for Kookie?" I heard Kookie after he had his breakfast. His lips formed into a pout and he sat beside me.

I leaned over and kissed my sweet husband too. 


"Yeah baby?"

"I missed you so much" Kookie smiled softly at my words and he pulled me closer to kiss me again and again.

We then saw Jungie strangely staring at us when we were kissing.

"Jungie wants poppo too?" I asked and kissed Jungie too.


Jungie peacefully slept on the bed and I asked Jungkook to take care of him because I had to leave for the shopping with Jimin and Yoongi hyung because they were getting married soon and they asked me to help them with the shopping. 

I agreed to meet them because it was the weekend and Jungkook had to stay at home.

"Kookie, take care of Jungie, he's asleep now, the milk is in the fridge, must warm it before feeding him when he wakes up. And call me if he wakes up and cries." I told Kookie after getting ready.

"Why are you going?" Kookie resisted me from moving and held my waist with his hands.

"Kookie I am getting late, let me go" 

"Don't leave please" he leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Kookie, they're my friends, I need to go" I tried to move him but he was only holding me tighter.

"No, don't leave" he left some pepper kisses on my neck.

"Kookie please let me go"

"Ani, aniya" he whined like a baby.

"They'll be upset Kookie if I won't go"

"Let them be, your husband missed you"

"Kookie~~~ if they'll be upset then I will be upset with you. I swear I won't talk to you" and my warning worked out. He left me and I smiled after my victory.

"I will be back soon okay?" I pecked his cheeks before leaving.

As I was about to walk to the door, he held my arm and pulled me closer.

"Come back very very soon. Okay?" I nodded and he pulled me closer by my neck to kiss me. 

He kissed me passionately and later it turned out to be a make out session. I chuckled between the kisses and playfully pushed him away.

"Ahh Kookie, let me go now. Don't be naughty now" he just chuckled and I left.


Fluff and fluff ahead guys. Angsty twists will come a little later.

Hope you like it

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