Chapter 45

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Third Person's p.o.v

The next morning...

Taehyung was inside his room on the bed crying silently after regretting everything that he said to the one he loved so bad. But he wasn't still aware of one more thing.

His phone buzzed a lot of times but he didn't care about it. It was getting irritating when it buzzed again and again. He picked it up very frustrated.

He then noticed the loads of missed calls by Jungkook's mother. He panicked and quickly picked up the next call.

"H-hello? T-Taehyung, Taehyung please come here, J-Jungkook, J-Jungkook" she cried on the other side and Taehyung stood up quickly.

"What happened? W-what happened to Kookie mom?" He panicked.

"He, he is hospitalized. He, he tried to.... Taehyung please come here" she cried and Taehyung's phone fell down on the ground. His legs started to tremble and he was taking heavy breathes.

His condition was getting very bad after hearing what she said on the other side.
His breathes hitched, his body was shaking.

"M-mo-momma" he screamed and she came running to him.

"W-what happened Tae?" She asked.

"K-kookie, K-k-kookie. Take me, take me to him omma, h-he is in hospital" he cried out hardly and she pulled him into a hug.

"O-okay" she quickly dialed Jin's number who came to them to take care of Taejung who was alone at home.

Namjoon took Taehyung and his mother to the hospital to meet Jungkook. Taehyung was turned into a huge crying mess now. His condition was very painful to see.

He never knew that he would be witnessing that day when Jungkook would be the one leaving him.

When he reached the hospital, he ran to the room where Jungkook was staying. He finally found him, laying on the bed with his hands attached to the thin capillaries which were transferring him blood and nutrition and an oxygen mask around his face.

Jungkook's body seemed so weak, his upper clothes were blood stained and eyes were completely shut. His body seemed so lifeless. His cheek bones and face was showing that how skinny he got.

Taehyung just rushed into the room and threw his arms on Jungkook who was completely unaware of everything.

"K-kookie, K-k-kookie, I, I am here now, p-please open your eyes. Kookie, I, I will not go anywhere, I will be here with you for-forever. Kookie, Kookie talk to me, please. Please Kookie" Taehyung cried on his chest and in reply got no answer.

"KOOKIE! KOOKIE! PLEASE TALK TO ME! PLEASE KOOKIE! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU. PLEASE, PLEASE SAY SOMETHING" Taehyung screamed in pain and shook Jungkook but it was of no use.

"Please... please Kookie, please say something" he was so weak to cry anymore. He was so exhausted. His screams were of no use.

Taehyung's mother, Jungkook's parents, Namjoon, Yugyeom, they all couldn't help that. They were helpless as well.

Jungkook's father was almost about to get another heart attack, so the doctor admitted him as well. Jungkook's mother was losing her energy, she was crying so badly, well who else doesn't?

"We are really sorry but will you please leave the patient alone? The doctor needs to examine him." A nurse requested but Taehyung refused.

"No, no, I am not going anywhere, I will be here with him. I will be with my Kookie" he whined like a little child, he was completely ruined, he was behaving like a psychopath.

"Please, try to understand" she requested but Taehyung only laid his head on Jungkook's chest.

"K-kookie, Kookie see, she wants me to leave you. But don't worry, I am going nowhere" his condition broke the others more.

Yugyeom slowly walked to him and pulled him away.

"Tae, please, try to understand" Yugyeom requested with his broken tone.

"No no, I am not leaving my Kookie, no" Taehyung whined like a child and Yugyeom closed his eyes hardly, accounting for the tears to rush down.

Yugyeom had no choice left, he held Taehyung's back and waist tightly and dragged him out if the room. Taehyung threw his arms and legs, while crying crazily.

"NO! NO! PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN! KOOKIE, KOOKIE!!!" Taehyung screamed but sooner the door in front of him was shut, he was unable to see Jungkook anymore.

He hit Yugyeom's arms to place him down, finally Yugyeom put him down and Taehyung screamed out angrily. His veins on the necks were stood up.

It wasn't for too long when Taehyung felt his eyes heavy, he was very exhausted. His body was shaking and breathes were heavy. The world was spinning around him and he finally lost his consciousness. He collapsed and Yugyeom quickly held his falling body.

"Tae, Taehyung? Cupcake what happened? Oh my god" Yugyeom carried him to another room and doctors rushed to him.

They quickly admitted him as well and they were shocked to know that he was pregnant and was very weak for that. He was not carrying a child, he was carrying children.

Yes, he was pregnant with twins and he was completely unaware of the fact. His babies needed proper nourishment and care but Taehyung was in a very bad condition. He was in so much pain and stress for many last of the days.

Unwantedly he was hurting his own children by not taking care of himself.


Doctor made him lay on the bed and attached an IV to his hand to transfer some energetic nutrients. He was very weak and skinny.

And the other side, Jungkook was still not responding properly. His heartbeats were being counted only because of the machines. His blood was still containing drugs and other chemicals which were disfunctioning with his body.

Jungkook attempted to do something very unacceptable and he didn't only cost his own life but his father's and his beloved wifey's as well which were admitted just like him but no doubt he was in the worst condition. If he would think, only for a second before doing that maybe he would never try it.


Meanwhile in the midnight, Taehyung was coming back to his consciousness. He flickered his eyes and tried to open up them.

"K-kookie" he whispered slowly and tried to sat up. He noticed that the room was dark, not completely but moon rays were coming into the room through the window.

He tried to sat up and looked around. He found that his mother was sleeping right next to him on a couch.

He tried to walk away and suddenly he felt an attachment of his hand with a capillary. He just stretched the capillary out of his hand. The needle came out of his hand and the blood started to drip from his hand but he didn't care a little bit and ran away to see Jungkook.

"K-kookie" he walked into the gallery to search Jungkook's room. He walked while holding the wall for support.

He finally saw his room and entered silently. Jungkook was still on the bed between the machines.

"K-kookie, don't worry, TaeTae is here now. Don't worry" he slowly stroked his cheeks and said to him pretending that Jungkook would here him.

"I know you want cuddles, don't worry okay. TaeTae and Kookie will cuddle together" he slowly laid beside him. He pulled the blanket over him and laid with him on the bed with his head resting on his chest.

"Sleep well Kookie, we'll go home in the morning" he slowly pecked his parted lips and laid silently and closed his eyes.

If anyone would see his condition, he/she would definitely cry to see that how mentally disturbed he was. He was not aware what was going on. He was just lost in his own world where he knew that his Kookie was just fine. All fine like before.



Hope you tolerated it!

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