Chapter 28

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Jungkook's Perspective

"Tae baby?" I asked him as I reached house but he kept on walking. He went to the drawing room with Jungie and I followed him.

"Omma?" Jungie spoke up and Tae looked at him as we sat on the couch.

"Yeah Jungie?" Tae asked him.

"The auntie said that I am cute" Jungie said while smiling.

"Oh" Taehyung looked away a little upset.

"And she said that appa is cute too" he suddenly spoke up and I sighed hardly. Oh boy!

Taehyung looked at me with narrow eyes. He seemed very pissed.

"Jungie you shouldn't have said that" I said to me.

"Ahem ahem, Jungie, Peppa pig is coming on TV just go and watch it" I said and he ran to the room to watch TV.

"Baby, she was just..." Again he stood up without even listening.


I sat on the dinning table with my face resting on my hands as I was looking at Taehyung cooking in the kitchen.

"Tae? I am hungry" I said to get his attention. He looked into my direction and I showed him my puppy doe eyes. I hope it would work out.

He walked in my direction with a plate in his hands and he put the plate in front of me. As he did I held his wrist and pulled him closer. He looked away and I snaked my arms around his waist.

"Why baby? Why are you doing this?" I asked, more like whining. He tried to push me away but I was too strong.

"Omma, I want banana milk" I heard the little monster coming. I had to release Taehyung.

"Come sweetheart" Taehyung pulled him up and put him on his hips. He started to feed him the banana milk with the sipper.

As Jungie was drinking the milk Taehyung was admiring him and showering him with kisses.

"Feed me too baby" I asked Tae and he looked away. And Jungie poked his tongue out in front of me.

Damn. I was getting jealous with my own son.

"Guess I have to feed me by myself" I sat down on chair and looked at my plate of pasta. I grabbed the ketchup bottle and put that on pasta. I put the spoon full of pasta in my mouth and I realised later that it wasn't ketchup, it was hot chilli sauce.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh" I screamed and the spoon fell down from my hands. I groaned loudly.

"KOOKIE? ARE YOU OKAY?" I saw Taehyung panicking.

"C-chilli s-sauce" I said and he came up with glass full of water. He made me drink it with his own hands and it calmed me down a little bit but my tongue was still hurting.

"You want some milk Kookie?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I, I am fine" I said to him.

"Appa, here, drink my banana milk" Jungie stood in front of me and I looked down at him.

"Thanks dear, appa is fine" I said and ruffled his hair. He went running to the room, leaving me and Tae alone in the kitchen.

"Tae?" I asked and pulled him by his arm.


"Kiss it better, my lips hurt" I pointed to my lips and he smiled.

"Why are you asking me? go ask her!" He said with his lips cutely formed into a pout.

"Ah baby, still you're not over this? C'mon"

"She was saying you cute" he mumbled with his puffed up cheeks.

"Why? I am not cute?" I smirked and looked at him.

"For me and only me" I chuckled softly.

"Then kiss me baby" he placed his lips on mine and I kissed him passionately and then I moved away after pecking his forehead.

"I belong to you and only you, my jeally bean" I nuzzled my nose with his and he smiled.


Hope you like it.

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