Chapter 44

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Third Person's p.o.v

The whole week passed away and the things were still not normal.
Taehyung was staying at his mother's house with his little son who would miss his father a lot.

Jungkook tried to meet Taehyung a lot of times but Taehyung would refuse to even show him his face. Jungkook would return back after meeting his son only who was unaware of everything. Taejung thought he was just staying for some days there but he started to miss his father a lot.

Though his grandma won't let him feel bad. She would take him with her into the bakery where he could play all day long.

Taehyung was still hurt, his wounds were fresh and he wasn't ready to forgive his husband sooner or later. Jungkook doubted on his loyalty and it hurt him so bad.

Taejung was bored from playing, he went into the house and saw Taehyung inside the house who was washing the dishes.

"Jungie? Baby you wanna eat something?" Taehyung asked with his exhausted voice. He seemed very tired because every night he would cry instead of taking rest and his face was showing it all.

"Omma~~~ I miss appa" the little boy whined but Taehyung remained silent.

"Omma~~~ I miss appa, pwease go home, I miss grandma, grandpa too. Omma, ai want see appa" the boy whined as he hugged Taehyung's legs and requested but Taehyung remained silent.

"OMMA~~~~" He whined again and Taehyung closed his eyes in frustration.

"Jungie! Just shut up! If you'll say appa and appa again then I swear I will send you to him forever and would never meet you ever again." Taehyung shouted him out of frustration and the boy started to cry.

Taehyung was hurt, he was angry but unwantedly his anger was released on his little sunshine. And after watching him crying he instantly regretted whatever he said. Something same as Jungkook did.

Taehyung's mother came running as she heard the little boy crying.

"Jungiya? Baby what happened?" She asked and pulled him into her arms.

"I, I no talk with omma" he sobbed hardly.

"Aw baby, don't cry, I will scold your omma,
Hey you Taehyung, why did you scold my little baby? Huh? You are bad. Very bad" she pretended to scold him for the little boy.

"Don't cry baby, shh, let's go outside and get you ice cream, okay?" She said and the boy stopped his sobs.

She took the boy with her and Taehyung was crying silently after regretting about everything that he said.

"S-sorry, my baby" he sobbed into his hands.


Jungkook's condition was getting worse and worse, he was getting deeper into the pain.

His mother was worried about him. She would try to talk to him but he would fake a smile and say that he's fine.

His father tried to talk to him but he always refused to say a single word. His parents were growing worried because he was not taking care of him. His dull face with messy hair and  bloodshot eyes with dark circles were showing that in how bad condition he was.

He decided to go and meet Taehyung, no matter if he try to send him back again. He just wanted him back.


He reached Taehyung's old house and knocked on it, Taehyung thought his mother was back and he ran to the door to open it but as he did his eyes widen.

"YOU!?" Taehyung was about to shut the door but Jungkook already entered inside.

"Tae, baby please, please don't do this" Jungkook requested with his broken tone.

"Jungkook get out, get out of here. RIGHT NOW" Taehyung screamed out hardly.

"Tae~~" Jungkook tried to hold his hand but he already slapped it away.

"Don't you fucking dare to touch me. Get way from me" Taehyung warned and took steps away from him.

"Tae please" Jungkook requested but Taehyung wasn't ready to listen anything.

"What please Jungkook? Huh? What please? Afterall how many times Jeon Jungkook!? How many times do I have to forgive you again and again? You questioned my loyalty? You blamed me to cheat you when I loved only you. How could you say that about my child?" Taehyung cried as he held his belly.

"T-tae, I, I am s-so sorry. Baby please try to understand, I didn't mean it" Jungkook cried as well.

"Shut up! Just shut up. Get out, right now" Taehyung opened up the door for him to go.


"Just get out! And I will send you divorce papers sooner" and with that Taehyung pushed Jungkook out and slammed the door hardly.

He knelt down broken and regretted to say that to him. How he was supposed to live without him? He cried hardly as he laid on the ground and Jungkook went away not believing the words he heard.

He loved Taehyung ever since he came into the world, they shared 10 lovely years of beautiful relationship with each other and now why it was falling apart like that?

Jungkook was broken, be believed that everything was falling apart and he couldn't put everything together. He was trying his best but it was of no use. He was very helpless. He didn't know what to do next. Everything was just hurting him so badly.

He got drunk hardly into the bar and came back home silently in the midnight, without letting his parents know. He threw himself on his bed as he entered the room with stumbling legs.

His head was spinning around. It was hurting so badly. He flinched his eyes but only tears could fall down. Everything was so painful, his body, mind and heart, they all were hurting so badly.

He just wanted that pain to go away. He wanted some relief from that unbearable pain.

He got up and searched for the painkillers in the drawer. He found packets of painkillers in the drawer and he took them out.

He took out all the pills in his hands. He just wanted the pain to go away in anyway somehow.

He kept the fist full of pills closer to his mouth. As he closed his eyes, Taehyung was there telling him that how much he hate him. The other side his son was screaming that appa don't go.

Jungkook closed his eyes hardly and tears rushed down. He swallowed the fist full of pills in a single go.

He opened up his eyes and saw that how everything started to spin around. It was getting hard to open up his eyes. And it wasn't for too long when darkness took over him.

He fell down lifeless on the ground with the blood rushing out of his mouth.


D a m n !

I won't say hope you like it, because I didn't like it.


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