Chapter 19

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Taehyung's p.o.v

I was working in the kitchen but suddenly a little monster attacked my legs. 

"Jungie let me work, please" I said as he hugged my legs tightly. Ever since he found that we were thinking to separate his room, he became very clingy.

He would always hug my legs or cling on me because he thought that I would leave him. I couldn't help but feel bad for my little angel.

As I was done with my work, I pulled him into my arms and he dug his face into my neck. I slowly patted his back and he soon fell asleep.

I peacefully laid him down on the bed and shut the door quietly. I heard the clicking sound of the door knowing that Kookie was home from the office.

"I am home honey" he exclaimed as he entered. I put my finger on my lips and signed him to keep quiet.

"Jungie just fell asleep" 

"Oh okay, get ready babe we'll go and see Jimin and Yoongi" Jungkook said and put his suitcase down. 

Third Person's p.o.v

He came closer and softly pecked Taehyung on the lips and Taehyung ran to his room to get ready. 

He saw Jungie sleeping silently. He was peacefully cuddling his tiny Tata doll. Jungkook sat beside his asleep son and he softly stroked his hair and leaned to place a peck on his face.

"He's growing so fastly, my little monster" Jungkook playfully poked his cheeks. Taehyung sat near him and kissed his little boy on the cheek.

"Yeah, he's growing so well" both slowly chuckled and silently went outside while shutting the door.

Taehyung snaked his arms around his hubby. The couple slowly kissed each other with love. Jungkook slowly roamed his hands under Taehyung's shirt in return his hand got slapped away.

"U mad? Omma appa are downstairs" Taehyung said, a little panicked.

"Why? Can't I just make some love to my darling?" Jungkook leaned and attacked his neck, leaving pepper kisses all over his skin.

"We are getting late, now get away" Taehyung slightly pushed away and Jungkook groaned annoyingly.

"That's not fair" 

Taehyung just smiled teasingly and went to the stairs. Before he could step down, he heard loud sobs. Jungie just woke up realising that his parents were leaving somewhere.

"Ohh Jungie?" Jungkook slowly pulled him into his arms but the poor little child only kept on crying on his father's shoulder. 

"Baby? Talk to appa what happened?" Jungkook tried to comfort him and Taehyung slowly wrapped his arms around both.

"O-omma, appa, no leave Jundie" the little boy sobbed with hiccups.

"Aww, Jungiya, we aren't leaving you anywhere. Don't cry baby" Taehyung pulled him into his arms and Jungie clutched his omma's clothes. 

"Kookie, he has really become very clingy ever since he heard us. I feel so bad for him."

"Aww, Jungie, don't be like this. We love you a lot. Okay let's take you out with us. Tell appa what you want?" Jungkook asked lovingly and Jungie smiled excitedly. Taehyung found it really cute and he softly wiped his baby's tears filled eyes.

"Appa... I want candies and chocolates." Jungkook nodded and carried him on his back. Jungie laughed after getting the piggy back ride.


They reached Yoongi and Jimin's house. Jungie was jumping around while chewing on his candies. 

"JIMIN UNTLE! YOONDI UNTLE" Taejung yelled and ran into Yoongi's direction who was welcoming him with open arms. 

"Gotcha" Yoongi said as he carried the little boy in his arms.

"Aigoo you look so cute Jungie" Yoongi pecked his cheeks.

"Come in guys, Jimin's inside"

Jungkook and Taehyung entered the house and found Jimin playing with his son. They adopted a baby boy and they were pleased to have him.

Jimin could play all day long with him. While Yoongi used to feed the baby and used to help him in getting a nap.

Jungie was jumping all around, the baby excitedly because he was no longer the youngest. He was an elder brother now. 

"He's so lilly and cute appa" Jungie said to his father and everyone chuckled.

"Wanna hold him?" Jimin asked and Jungie nodded desperately. Jungie sat on the couch and Jimin slowly laid the baby onto his tiny lap. He stared at the baby who was just sleeping.

"Untle, why is he sleeping? I want to play with him" Jungie's lips formed a pout.

"Aww when he'll be awake you can play ok?" Jungie nodded after what his uncle said.


They all were on the dinner table, having dinner peacefully while talking to each other.

Yoongi fed the baby and currently the baby slept on his lap. 

"Taehyung, have you heard about the college getting back together?" Jimin said between the dinner.

"What? Back together? When? I didn't hear about it?" Taehyung asked, slightly surprised.

"Yes, maybe next week. Don't worry you'll soon get a call about it. Well we all will leave together to the party. Okay?" 

"Yeah maybe" Taehyung looked at Jungkook's direction because he wasn't sure if his husband would be free.

"Well babe, I can't promise but I'll try," Jungkook said and Taehyung smiled widely.

They soon found Jungie sleeping on the dining table. His chin was resting on his plate and the ketchup was all over his face. They all laughed at his sight.

Taehyung cleaned up his face and pulled him onto his lap.

Later they went back to their house.


Bored af

Hope you like it.

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