Chapter 42

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Third Person's p.o.v

The next morning, everything seemed to be normal. Taehyung started the daily routine and prepared breakfast for the family.

During the preparation of the breakfast he heard Jungkook and Taejung playing together. His lips automatically formed a smile as he saw the adorable sight.

They all joined on the table after getting ready and Taehyung silently served. Jungkook seemed normal unlike the last night but Taehyung was still scared to ask anything. He remained silent.

After the breakfast, the two of them were ready to leave and Taehyung kissed his son before leaving. He was about to turn around but he felt a hand on his wrist which turned him around.

Jungkook placed a small peck on his head and then grabbed his bag to leave to the office and carried his son who continuously waved bye to his omma.

Taehyung smiled widely, he believed that things were normal. Jungkook was trying, truly trying his best.


After getting some free time, Taehyung decided to write on his laptop. He was working peacefully until he heard the bell of the door and he quickly stood up and went to the gate.

There was standing him, Choi Minho.

"Sir?" Taehyung smiled.

"Hey! Just have a great news for you" he said as he pulled the smaller male into a hug.

"What happened sir?"

"Hmm, so, the magazine decided to take interview of some celebrities and I have given your name in the final list to write them" he exclaimed with a smile and Taehyung looked at him with twinkling eyes.

"Really? Oh wow. Thank you so much sir but still I am very scared about it" Taehyung said slightly nervous.

"Don't worry, here have these files to give you an idea about it. I could've called you but I decided to come so that I can give you this. Just don't worry." He said and Taehyung nodded excitedly.

"Sir why are you standing there? Come here, and sit" Taehyung asked as he tried to pull him by his arm.

"Uh no, it's okay dear. I am just leaving, I have some work. Just wanted to tell you this. Okay then see you later"

"Oh okay sir" they hugged one more time before leaving and then the door flew open.

Revealing Jeon Jungkook standing at the gate.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked as he looked at his husband who was staring at them with expressionless face.

"Oh Hi Mr.Jeon, well Tae see you later okay, must think about the interview" Minho walked away after smiling widely at the two of them.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked politely and stepped closer but Jungkook just walked into the room.

"I was here to get the files only, sorry if I disturbed you" it was it all that Jungkook said before going out of the house after slamming the door.

And Taehyung knew everything was fucked up again.

Jungkook was trying, he was trying his best. But he couldn't help the feeling of being suppressed by his own emotions.

They needed to talk to each other about it and that's what Taehyung had decided to do that night.

He wanted to clarify everything, he wanted to make sure that his husband wasn't feeling bad over the fact that he was meeting his teacher.

He also had a very cute secret to share. He knew that even if Jungkook would be mad over other reasons but he would be happy after hearing the truth.

Jungkook had always asked the same question again and again from Taehyung and this time Taehyung had the good answer.

Yes, he was pregnant again.


After reading a bedtime story to his cute son, he decided to wait for Jungkook to come. He took a pleasant shower and sat on the bed after wearing his nightdress.

He sprayed some perfume on him to smell nicely. He smiled widely as he looked down at his belly and stroked it slightly after murmuring a sweet melody.

He waited for Jungkook to come and sooner he heard some footsteps. He knew Jungkook had arrived at the house. He grabbed the pillow and hugged it shyly.

Jungkook entered the room silently, without saying anything to him or without greeting him.

Jungkook silently sat on the edge of the bed with his back in Taehyung's direction who was still looking shy.

"Kookie" Taehyung spoke and crawled to him. He back hugged Jungkook and rested his head on Jungkook's back.

"Kookie, I need to tell you something" Taehyung whispered as he now rested his chin on his husband's shoulder.

Jungkook remained silent, very silent. Taehyung didn't notice one thing out of excitement that Jungkook was drunk at the moment.

"Kookie at least turn your face to me" Taehyung requested but no response again.

"Hmm, okay then, I am telling now, you always wanted that to happen nah? It finally happened....
...Kookie I am pregnant" Taehyung whispered the last part and dug his face into Jungkook's back who just sat frozen with an expressionless face.

"Kookie? W-what happened? Are you not h-happy?" Taehyung asked slightly scared and he sat near him to look at his face. He noticed his bloodshot eyes and a pathetic smirk on his face.

"K-kookie?" Taehyung asked slightly scared.

"Pregnant? Huh? With whose child?" Jungkook stared at him with his cold eyes.

Taehyung gulped nervously and his eyes widen, what the rubbish Jungkook was saying?

"K-kookie?" Taehyung asked in disbelief. The tears rushed down his face.

"With my child? Or Choi's?" And it was it when Taehyung had a lot. He raised his hand and slapped Jungkook right on his face and the sound echoed in the room.


Uh oh! Tae snapped.
Here comes the drama!

Told ya worst is yet to come.

Hope you like it.

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