Chapter 34

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Third Person's p.o.v

The same schedule began and now Taehyung started to look after his son as usually. Everything was fine between the beautiful couple and they both were very happy about it.

The same morning...
Jungkook reached his office to start his daily job.

"Hey man" Jungkook turned his head to see his friend coming into his cabin.

"Hey Gyeom" he greeted back and his friend sat on the chair in front of his desk.


"Well, all good now, what about you?"

"I am always awesome bro" Yugyeom exclaimed and Jungkook chuckled.

"You were looking quite stressed out in last some days? What had happened?" Yugyeom asked.

"Well, yeah I was stressed out but don't worry everything is fine" Jungkook smiled and Yugyeom nodded with a smile.

"Um, Kook? Did you change Chocochip's school?" Yugyeom asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, I did" Jungkook sighed.

"Why? What was wrong there?"

Jungkook took a very long breath before starting.
"Jungie wasn't safe there"


"Yeri, she's back and this time as his teacher. Taehyung knew about it but he didn't tell me and when I found out about it I was really mad at him that we were in really bad terms because of that issue. I couldn't let her be near my son after what she did to Taehyung and I hated it when Taehyung said that she has changed. I mean how could he trust her after all of that?" Jungkook said with frustration and Yugyeom remained silent.

Jungkook noticed that how Yugyeom didn't react to it. Like, he was already aware about it.

"Gyeom? Don't tell me that you already knew about it" Jungkook asked in a doubtful manner with narrow eyes.

"Hey man, I wanted to tell you but..." Yugyeom spoke up and Jungkook rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"But? But what? Yugyeom, when were you thinking about to tell me? When she would've done something to my son? I mean, I didn't except this from you." Jungkook stood up and stomped his hands on the desk with anger.

"Hey, calm down. At least listen to me. When I first saw her around chocochip I was scared too but she is really changed and she is also very apologetic for her past. I know you won't believe but she isn't harmful." Yugyeom said politely but Jungkook just looked at him with a frown.

"Oh come on Yugyeom, I trusted you blindly and you were hiding me about her? You and Taehyung are the closest persons to me and you two were hiding? Yugyeom how can you say that she isn't harmful? I mean did you forget her first meeting? She was being so polite and respectful but what she actually turned out to be? How could you even say that?" Jungkook asked with his voice laced with anger.

"Kook, listen, I know I should've tell you but at least try to understand. She is really changed and I could feel it. I know cupcake might feel that too that's why he didn't overreacted. You have no idea that how sorry she is for doing all that" Yugyeom defended and Jungkook couldn't take it anymore.

"Yugyeom, can you please stop defending her. I know you had feelings for her and it doesn't mean she is right this time. You are my best friend and I can't thank you enough for all the things that you've done for me and my family but this time I won't hear you. And I really don't want any discussion about it" Jungkook said in a calmed tone.

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