Chapter 16

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Third Person's p.o.v

Taehyung was getting ready to leave the market as he had to buy some groceries for the house.

He fed Taejung before leaving and when he was asleep, he laid him down peacefully on the bed and slowly pecked his cheeks.

When he found that he was deep into his sleep then he moved away.

"Kookie, I am going out to get some groceries, take care of Jungie. He's asleep and when he wakes up feed him." He told his husband as he carried his bag to go out but his husband wasn't in the mood to let him go.

Jungkook grabbed him by his arm and pulled him until their chests collided together.

"Kookie, let me go, I am getting late" Taehyung tried to pull away but Jungkook already held his waist and pulled him closer while holding him tighter.

"Why do you have to go out on the weekends when I stay at home?" Jungkook slowly caressed his cheeks and looked into his eyes.

"I wanted to spend some time with you" 

"Aww, don't worry Kookie, I will be back soon" Taehyung said and smooched his cheeks. He slowly separated his arms from his waist.

"Don't leave" Jungkook again grabbed him by his wrist. 

Taehyung stepped closer and kissed him before leaving. He went out still smiling after his husband's request to stay with him which was truly very adorable.

Jungkook's perspective

As Taehyung left, I went into the room where Jungie was sleeping peacefully. I sat beside him on the bed and pecked his cheeks as he slept soundly.

I grabbed my laptop to complete the work that I had left to do. I was peacefully working while sipping coffee.

Just after some minutes. I heard my phone ringing and unfortunately it woke Jungie up.

I received the call and walked to Jungie to hold him who sat on the bed and started to cry. I held him in my one arm as I grabbed the phone with another.

As I was talking on the phone, he tried to push the phone away. He wanted my all attention on him. My poor Jungie. 

I ended the call and tried to make him happy. He was sobbing hard. I made funny faces for him. He found it funny and he started to giggle.

I started to talk to him in a childish voice and he replied with improper words more like he whined. 

I patted his back and started to sing a song for him. He wasn't in the mood to sleep again instead he looked at me and started to poke the mole on my nose. His actions were really very cute. 

He slowly titled his head and signed me to take him out. He was looking at the door and was whining to go out.

"Let's take you out Jungie. You wanna go out?" I asked and he smiled happily.

I took him out to the park near our mansion. He was really very happy to go out. Appa and he always went there in the mornings and the evenings. It's one of his favourite places.

He was looking all around curiously. He clapped his hands happily and his adorableness left me to coo at him.

I made him sit on the green grass and sat with him. He started to pick the grass out and then stared at his hands strangely when he couldn't pick them out.

I picked up some grass and he giggled cutely. He tried to copy me but couldn't do it. He whined a little annoyed which left me to laugh out loud.

We both were peacefully playing until a lady came to us and started to coo at Jungie.

"Aigoo, he is so cute. Wow! His cheeks are so round. Can I just hold him once." I smiled and nodded. She carried Jungie and started to talk to him in a childish manner. Jungie stared at her face because she was new for him.

"What's his name?" She asked

"His name is Taejung and we call him Jungie"

"Ayegyo, that's really a very sweet name just like him. If you won't mind can I just peck his cheeks just once." She asked me with sparkles in her eyes and I couldn't refuse. I nodded and she smiled widely and pecked his cheeks softly.

She stepped closer to me and passed me Jungie so that I could carry him. As she was doing, an old lady arrived.

"Aww, look at this beautiful family, you all look so cute" she said and walked away without knowing that we were not a family.

The young lady laughed heartily and walked away after saying Jungie bye bye. I laughed hard after that too because it was kinda weird.

But soon my smile faded away as I saw Taehyung standing behind me. 

His cheeks were puffed up and his face turned red, surely with anger. He walked in my direction and snatched away Jungie from my arms after throwing the bags on the ground.

"Oh crap!" 

He was truly pissed after what he just saw. I knew he wouldn't leave me after that. He walked away while tapping his feet onto the ground. He was really very angry.

I carried the thrown bags and followed him to the house.

"Let's get ready Jungkook, he's not gonna leave you" I said to myself after watching his expressions.


I wanted some fun to include. 😁

Hope you like it.

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