Chapter 36

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Third Person's p.o.v

Taehyung was getting ready in the morning because he had to meet his teacher with his husband. Jungkook just stood there silently, lost in his thoughts.

"Darling?" Taehyung stepped closer to him and cupped his hubby's face.

"You're ready?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded.

"OMMA~~~, APPA~~~" their little son came running in.

"Where are you going?" He asked with his pouty lips.

"Ah, just in a meeting. Baby you should stay here we will be back soon" Taehyung said and leaned to kiss his son.

"Aniya~~, I will go with you. Pwease" the little boy showed up his doe eyes.

"Baby, didn't you hear what omma said? Baby stay here with grandma okay? Appa will get you ice creams" Jungkook said and ruffled his hair.

"No~~~, pwease appa" Taejung's bottom lip whimpered because he was on the edge of crying.

"Aww, no baby, try to understand. You are a nice boy don't you?" Taehyung asked and Taejung shook his head in disagreement.

"Jungiya, let them go, we will go to watch the movie. Come here, we will have ice creams together then." Mrs. Jeon came in and said.

"See, I got the tickets." She showed up and Taejung jumped excitedly.

"Yee grany" he hugged his grandmother's waist tightly and she ruffled his hair.

"Say bye to omma and appa" she said and Taejung nodded.

"Bye omma, bye appa" Taejung waved bye and walked away.

Taehyung smiled and waved back.

Later the couple sat into the car to go to the cafe where there was Minho waiting for them.

Jungkook was silently driving with his furrowed eyebrows.

"Kookie? Something's wrong?"

"No" Jungkook answered and stared focused on the road.

Taehyung just sat quietly and bit his lower lip nervously as he watched his husband driving.

Later they reached the cafe and both went out of the car. They went together inside the cafe and there was sitting the familiar man in front of them.

He stood up to offer a hug and Taehyung hugged back but Jungkook just kept his hand in front of him to shake and Minho shook.

As Minho hugged his gorgeous wifey, Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and coughed loudly. They pulled out quickly.

"How are you Tae?" Minho asked and Jungkook hated how he just called him by his nickname.

"I am good sir, how are you?" Taehyung asked with a wide smile.

"I am good too, well have your seats" he offered and they sat down.

"WAITER! Three coffees with some desserts" Minho said and the waiters took the order.

"So, yes Tae, what do you want to discuss?" Minho asked and smiled at the gorgeous blonde in front of him.

"Umm, sir as I have told you that I had applied in many magazines and now they sent me emails to join but I am not sure what to join?" Taehyung said everything with his pouty lips.

"Oh wow, that's not a thing to be worry about. You can work in the same magazine brand that I am working in. All the brands are good but you should join my one" Minho said excitedly.

"If all the brands are good then why to work in yours only? He can work in the others too" Jungkook said possessively and Taehyung palmed his husband's thighs under the table to make him quiet.

"Well Mr. Jeon, it's not like that, I mean the company in which I have worked is really very good and I know why because I have worked in it. Actually I am still working, not usually but yeah, whenever I am free. I still write some articles. It is really suitable for him" Minho said to Jungkook who was just looking at his phone while shaking his legs.

"Yes Kookie, if he's saying then I should work in it. What do you say?" Taehyung asked as he looked at his husband.

"Well, what do I say now when you have finally decided" Jungkook answered coldly.

"Then that's final you're joining it. Right?" Minho asked and Taehyung nodded nervously as he looked at his husband.


The couple were in the car after their discussion in cafe.

"Kookie?" Taehyung put his hand on his hubby's hand before he could start the car engine.

"Kookie? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked as he turned to face him.

"Nothing" Jungkook looked out of the window.

"Look at me" Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer and held his face into his hands.

"Kookie? What's wrong? Is that because of the work I have decided to do? Or Minho sir? If yes, then fine I won't work." Taehyung said and Jungkook's gaze soften.

"Hey, no babe, it's not that. I have no problem. You can work dear"


"Yes babe."

Taehyung smiled and pulled his husband and kissed him shortly.

"Then tell me what's bothering you?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed exhausted.

"Baby, it's about Yugyeom"

"Gyeomie? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked desperately.

"He, uh how to say?"

"Tell me Kookie"

"He, he is actually dating her. He's dating Yeri and I don't know how and when did it happen? I just don't know what to do?" Jungkook said and Taehyung looked at him silently.

"Kookie, it doesn't matter, he's a nice guy no matter whom he's dating plus Yeri isn't the old her. Kookie, please don't stress yourself. Just calm down. I think he had realised the new her and it's good if they are starting something new" Taehyung said sincerely.

"But baby, he is my friend. My best friend. How can I see him with a girl I hate so much? How could you forget that what she had done to you, I just..."

"Shh, Kookie, it was just the past. Let it go. I had forgiven her and you should too"

"No not all"

"Please, for me, for your friend? Please?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook sighed defeated.

"Tae, how can I? How can I after all of that?"

Taehyung crawled on top of Jungkook and sat on his lap. He straddle him and held his neck for support.

"Just don't think about it. Nothing matters when you and I are together" Taehyung leaned and connected his lips on him and kissed his husband lovingly.

Jungkook held his waist as they kissed passionately into the car.


Yo! Didn't have time to write because of the comeback. Gosh it was lit!

Keep on streaming ami♥️

Hope you like it.

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