Chapter 18

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The story had taken a leap of 2 and half years. Jungie is 3 years old now.

Third Person's p.o.v

The alarm clock buzzed in the morning and woke the sweet family up. Jungie was sleeping between his parents, with his head resting on his omma's soft belly and his legs hitting unwantedly his father. 

Jungkook groaned a lot of times after being hit by the little boy but he couldn't ruin his son's precious sleep for that.

Taehyung stopped the alarm and looked at the two other lazy heads who didn't want to wake up. 

"Jungiya, Kookie get up" Taehyung shook them but the two males only cuddled down. 

Taehyung found it really cute and he showered both of them with his pepper kisses. 

Jungkook playfully held him tightly and kissed him back but the little one didn't approve.

"Ew, dats dross" the little boy said and sat up.

Taehyung playfully tickled him and Jungkook laughed at his naughty son.

"That's not gross that's love"

"Ith mweans omma no love Jundie"

"Aww don't say this honey, omma loves you a lot" Taehyung showered his face with kisses which made Taejung burst out into laughs because it was tickling.

As the two were sharing the precious bonding, Jungkook went to take the shower. He soon came back in his shirt and pants. Taehyung was helping Jungie to brush his little baby teeth because he had been eating a lot of candies.

"Ani, momma, Jundie hwate bdashing"

"No Jungie you have a lot of chocolates and candies, you have to brush" Taehyung scolded him and kept the brush in front of his mouth but he wasn't ready to open up.

"Kookie, look at him, he's not brushing"

"What should I say to him Tae, he's just like you, you still eat chocolates and you're scolding this poor baby" Jungkook said and Jungie clung on his father and they both poked out their tongues teasingly.

Taehyung puffed up his cheeks and his lips formed a pout.

"I'm not gonna talk to you," Taehyung said and went out of the bathroom a little pissed.

"See, omma got upset, now be a good boy, brush your teeth, quickly" Taejung nodded fastly as his father said. He brushed his teeth quickly and clung on his father's back.

Jungkook placed him on bed again and back hugged his upset wifey who was looking away with his arms crossed.

"Honey? We were just joking." Jungkook said and back hugged him. He pecked his cheeks then shoulder.

"Right Jungie?" Jungkook asked his son who was smiling while looking at his parents.

"Yup" he said. 

Jungkook playfully showered Taehyung's face with kisses and picked him up

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Jungkook playfully showered Taehyung's face with kisses and picked him up.

"Kookie, you're really spoiling your kid, see how he's watching us. Just place me down" Taehyung said and Jungkook placed him down after a small peck on his cheek.

"JUNGIYA" The couple panicked as they heard Jungie's grandpa.

"DRANDPA" Jungie ran out of the room to meet his grandfather and grandmother who were ready to take him for the morning walk.

He loved to play with his grandparents because they would always spoil him with love.

"Mmm, little monster is gone, now can we love each other" Jungkook's hands kept a hold on Taehyung's waist and the couple looked at each other with love.

They leaned over to kiss each other but before they could do the little monster came in screaming.

"W-what happened Jungie?" Taehyung asked, a little panicked.

"Momma I fowgot my shoes" Taejung came in with his eyes formed as round circles. He looked a lot like his father Jungkook because he got Jungshook at the moment like his father.

"Aigoo, let me help you" Jungkook made him sit on the bed and put on his shoes. Taejung ran away with his squealing sounding shoes which left everyone to coo at him


"Jungkook, I need to tell you something," Taehyung said after getting out of the bathroom as Jungkook was getting ready for the office.

"What is it honey?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung kept on smiling hardly.

"Huh? You're pregnant again?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung playfully hit his shoulder.

"No you pabo"


"Jimin and Yoongi hyung are going to adopt a child and I am happy they are doing so. Can we go and see them tomorrow?" Taehyung asked with his doe eyes.

"Of course babe, we will see them and what about Namjoon and Jin, they were deciding to adopt a kid too" 

"Yeah, Jin hyung lives away sometimes and it's really getting hard for them to go together and see the child. Ever since they got married they have rarely been together"

"Yeah, both are workaholics" Taehyung chuckled after what Jungkook said.

"Babe? We haven't been together for a long time too" Taehyung said and held his husband by his neck.

"What? We live together babe" Jungkook said and chuckled.

"I mean we haven't made love together in a while, we last time did when Jungie slept with his grandparents."

"He can sleep today with omma appa if you want" 


"Yeah, I am desperate to make love babe." Jungkook smirked and grabbed Taehyung by his ass and he gasped a little.

"We should make a different room for Jungie, he's a big boy now" Jungkook suggested.

"Ani, he's still so little" Taehyung's lips formed a pout.

"Yeah but he should start learning to sleep alone now, next month he will be going to school. He is no more a little baby. Our boy is growing up" Taehyung nodded understandingly after what his husband said.

"Okay then, we will get a new bed and room decors for him" Taehyung exclaimed happily and Jungkook nodded.

"Jundie no sleep without omma appa" they turned their heads to see Jungie who started to sob after hearing what his parents said.


This one's for you Gaya392 cause you wanted me to update.

Hope you like it.

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