Chapter 30

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Third Person's p.o.v

The drive from school to home was full of awkward silence which somehow Taejung made a little less awkward with his baby songs and poems. But the main drama would start at the home.

Jungkook parked the car and entered the house and Taehyung followed him with Jungie.

"Jungiya, can you just leave omma, appa alone? Grandma is in room go and play with her" Jungkook said politely to his son who nodded in return with a smile.

"Okay appa" Jungie said and went to his grandmother's room.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung by holding his wrist and dragged him upstairs to their room.

"Taehyung? Better explain yourself" Jungkook asked with one raised eyebrow as he stared at Taehyung who was nervously biting his lip.

"K-kookie, I wanted to tell but" Taehyung whispered nervously while looking down at the ground.

"But? But what Taehyung? How many times you've hidden things from me and when I find them myself, they drive me insane. Why you always hide things from me? Why Taehyung? All the problems that we had in past was only because of the reason that you don't tell me anything and you're again doing this." Jungkook said angrily. He looked very dangerous that Taehyung couldn't even look at his direction.

"K-kookie, I am so s-sorry" Taehyung replied nervously.

"Just stop it Taehyung, it's enough. The women I hate so much, the women who was the reason behind your unfair attempt, the women who almost ruined our life is now being around my son. And how could you hide that from me? I am his father and I didn't even know who was teaching my son because I trusted you blindly. I thought you could take care of it but you let her be around our precious baby. Why? How can you be so careless?" Jungkook wasn't wrong. His anger was obvious though as a father he couldn't risk his child's safety.

"Kookie, s-she is changed, Jungie is f-fine around her"

"How can you say she's changed? I mean how can you trust someone like her so blindly?"

Taehyung hung his head low and tears rushed down his face because he was regretting about not letting his husband know.

"I really didn't excepted this from you, you know that how harmful she can be for him. Jungie won't go there anymore. I will change his school because I don't trust her and now not you either." Jungkook finished his sentence and went outside after slamming the door.

Taehyung sat down on the edge of the bed and sobbed into his hands. He felt really bad and he was lamenting about everything. The old memories started to fill in his mind, all the bed incidents started to come in front of his eyes.

He looked down at his wrist where there was the scare when he had cut his veins. Tears rushed down his face and he slipped from the bed and sat broken down on the floor. He hugged his knees closed to his chest.

He looked at the picture of his son in the picture on the photo frame. He thought that, what if he would die then and Jungie would never take birth? He was regretting to be so stupid.


The night time...

Jungkook entered the house and Taehyung heard his footsteps on the stairs. Taehyung ran outside and hugged Jungkook tightly who didn't hug him back.

Jungkook threw his coat and bag on the couch and untied his tie from the neck and he opened up his collar button.

"K-kookie? I was calling you, why you're late?" Taehyung asked politely and sat near him. Jungkook didn't answer.

"Where is Jungie?" Jungkook asked without looking into his direction.

"He fall asleep with omma - appa downstairs, dinner is ready Kookie you want me to...."

"I am not hungry" Jungkook answered coldly and went to the room.

"Kookie, please at least have the dinner" Taehyung requested and walked behind Jungkook.

"I am not hungry I said, I am taking shower" Jungkook's cold behaviour hurt Taehyung. He was feeling very bad.

He looked at Jungkook with doe eyes as he went to his bathroom. Taehyung sat down on the bed and a tear fell down from his cheek. He quickly wiped it away.

After sometime Jungkook was back from the bathroom. He then wore his night suit and laid on the bed.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked and laid beside Jungkook.

Jungkook remained silent and Taehyung didn't like it. He snuggled closer to him and tried to cuddle with him but Jungkook turned his back to his direction.

Taehyung couldn't do anything anymore. Jungkook's actions were really hurting him. He was afraid about that before and it happened.

Taehyung backed away and held a pillow closer to him. He cried silently into the pillow the whole night.


Poor TaeTae

Hope you like it

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