Chapter 46

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Third Person's p.o.v

The morning started and Taehyung's mother was awake but she was surprised to see that Taehyung wasn't there.

She ran outside to find him but he was no where to be found. She grew worried and woke Yugyeom and Namjoon up to ask for some help.

They started to search him everywhere but when they couldn't find him. They decided to check at one more place.

They entered Jungkook's room and they were right, Taehyung was just there lying beside Jungkook. His face was dug into Jungkook's neck and he silently slept near him.

They were watching them with watery eyes. Yugyeom stepped inside and covered them nicely with the blanket and slowly stroked their cheeks.

He went outside and they all sat on the bench outside.

"Gyeomie?" Yeri came running inside with her hands full of food for everyone.

"Yeri?" Yugyeom stood up and hugged her tightly.

"Gyeomie, sorry I got a little late, see I got you all food. How's Jungkook?" She asked but Yugyeom just shook his head because he was unaware as well.
She sighed and looked down sadly.


"I wanna see O-omma a-appa, untle, I want see appa omma" Taejung sobbed as Jin dressed him for the school.

It was getting very hard for Jin to handle it. He was very hurt to see the little boy crying.

"Baby, don't worry omma appa had some work, we will meet them" Jin sighed hardly after telling him the lie.

"Ani~~I want appa, I want omma" he cried again and Jin was also getting tears in his eyes. He pulled the boy closer to his chest and patted his back.

"Don't cry my little angel, okay let's not send you school today. Let's take you out okay?" Jin asked but he shook his head.

"Aniya... I want omma, appa" Jin sighed hardly and tried to convince him but he wasn't ready to hear anything at all.

How would he tell him his parents condition? It was so heart breaking to see him crying like that.

Jin continuously patted his back and sooner he fell asleep in his arms and Jin softly pecked his cheeks and made him lay down on the bed. Tears scrolled down his cheeks after watching the tear stained cheeks of the little boy.

"Everything will be alright" he whispered and patted his hair.


Jungkook's parents and Taehyung's mother were not eating anything out of depression. Yeri and Yugyeom tried to make them eat something but they were not ready to eat anything.

They were failed to feed them. Both tried a lot but they refused.

The doctors arrived and entered Jungkook's room. They were surprised to see Taehyung there. They tried to wake him up.

"Excuse me, please rest in your room. We need to examine our patient" the doctor requested but Taehyung snuggled into Jungkook's arms.

"Please, let us do our work" the nurse requested but Taehyung wasn't ready to leave Jungkook.

Namjoon was outside and he heard the doctor. He entered the room to see what was going on.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Sir, he is not leaving and we need to examine the patient" she said and Namjoon nodded.

"Tae, dear please get up" he requested but Taehyung shook his head.

"No I am not leaving Kookie, see he's sleeping, shh, don't disturb" Taehyung said and sat up. He softly brushed Jungkook's hair.

"Sir please help us to get him out" the doctor requested and Namjoon nodded. He didn't want to but he had to do that.

He carried Taehyung and tried to take him out of the room. Taehyung cried hardly and threw his arms and legs here and there, trying to get out this grip.

"NO! KOOKIE! KOOKIE! PUT ME DOWN HYUNG! KOOKIE, KOOKIE" Taehyung cried hardly and fisted the curtains into his hands and refused to get outside.

The doctors were about to close the door but then they heard a weak voice.

"T-tae..." They turned their heads into the direction of the sound.

Jungkook was moving his hands and fingers. He was blinking his eyes weakly.

Namjoon was frozen to see his sudden action. He slowly placed Taehyung down.

"K-kookie" Taehyung ran to him and sat near him. He held his hands tightly, he kissed them slightly and watched him with a smile but teary eyes.

"T-tae" Jungkook slowly wiped his falling tears away and Taehyung kissed his hands.

"K-kookie, I, I, I am s-so sorry" Taehyung choked out and Jungkook smiled weakly.

"No baby no, I am sorry" Jungkook whispered and Taehyung closed his eyes and laid his head on Jungkook's chest.

"I am so sorry for being so mean, I am so sorry honey. I shouldn't have done that. I can't forgive myself for that. I am so so sorry baby, please, please don't leave me, I, I can't l-live without you." Jungkook whispered weakly and tears started to come out of his eyes.

Taehyung wiped his tears away and leaned to capture his lips. He kissed him shortly but lovingly.

"I will never leave you Kookie, never ever" Taehyung said and they smiled at each other.

"Thank you so much dear, I promise to be better for you. I promise you to be the better me, baby"

"You already are the one in a million, you are my everything Kookie, I love you so much as you are. I love you a lot"

"I love you so much babe" they shared another sweet kiss and sooner the room was filled with the whole family who was very happy and overwhelmed to see him fine again.

Everything was going to be fine.


Decide the name of the twins.

And sadly, book gonna be ended soon.

Hope you like it.

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