Chapter 47

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Third Person's p.o.v

The whole month passed away and Jungkook was doing better. His health conditions were getting back to normal. Taehyung was getting back to the old him. Things were in the good terms.

The couple had a long discussion for days about the problems they were facing in their relationship and both were very apologetic for each other. If they could've discussed about it before. The things might be a little better and different.

Jungkook finally expressed his feelings to Taehyung, his all insecurities, his issues, his problems. If Taehyung would know it earlier he would never ever, even spare a glance at Minho but now Jungkook was fine with that.

He knew that no power in the world can separate Taehyung from him, not even after showing his worst aspect to him. Taehyung forgave him whole heartedly because he believed in the real Jungkook, whom he truly loved and would love forever.

Another news was added to double their happiness. And that was the surprise that Taehyung gave his hubby, that he was pregnant with twins.

Jungkook was the happiest and he showered Taehyung's face with kisses instantly after hearing the news.
And Taejung was very excited to meet his little siblings.

Taehyung was being a little bit off mood sometimes. He would cry over the little things. The reason was exactly that he was pregnant and would definitely have some mood swings.

"Kookie~~~, Come home, I want cuddles" Taehyung whined on the other side of the phone and Jungkook sighed.

"What happened baby?"

"Didn't you hear that? I WANT CUDDLES" Taehyung yelled, making Jungkook to flinch hardly.

"Ah, baby I am at work, I can't. Please try to understand. Ask Jungie for that, I will be back later" Jungkook said politely and Taehyung pouted which Jungkook couldn't see.

"Fine, I will never ask you for anything, I have Jungie, now goodbye" Taehyung hung up the call, leaving Jungkook to sigh at his sudden mood changes.

"Ah baby"

Taehyung called Taejung who was currently playing outside with his ball in the evening.

"Jungiya~~~" Taehyung yelled and the boy came running to him.

"Yes omma?"

"Baby come here, I want cuddles" Taehyung requested and sat on the couch. He spread his arms for the little boy to come.

"Ani omma, I am playing"

"Please baby" Taehyung requested again and the little boy stuck his tongue out teasingly.

"Please baby"


"Okay, don't come, you are so mean like your appa. Don't come to me, I am not your omma anymore" Taehyung started his fake cries and the little boy started to panic.

"Omma, so sorry, omma, pwease, I no do this" Taejung shook Taehyung's arms who was curled up on the couch like a snail.

"Then cuddle with me" Taehyung requested and Taejung jumped into his arms.

"Aigoo, my baby" Taehyung showered his face with kisses and they laid together on the couch while cuddling.

Just after a while, they fell asleep together.

Jungkook was back from his office in the night and he entered the house. He noticed that how Taehyung and Taejung were peacefully sleeping together. Jungkook tip toed towards them and pecked their cheeks softly, one by one.

"So cute" Jungkook cooed and placed his bag aside. He carried the little boy into his arms and made him lay down on his tiny bed in his tiny room.

He came back and then carried Taehyung to their room. He made him lay down on the bed. As he did Taehyung slightly opened up his eyes and Jungkook placed a peck on his nose.

"I am back baby" Jungkook said and Taehyung slightly pushed him away.

"Why are you late? Huh? I wanted cuddles but you were not here. So bad of you" Taehyung whined annoyingly and Jungkook chuckled.

"Aww baby, I am so sorry. Now that I have come back, let's cuddle"

Jungkook threw out his coat and pants and laid comfortably on the bed, he pulled Taehyung into his arms and playfully tickled him with his kisses.

Taehyung put Jungkook's hand on his tummy and Jungkook started to stroke it slightly.

"Kookie, don't go office tomorrow" Taehyung spoke up and Jungkook turned his head to him.

"Why baby?"

"I want to be with you all day long. Please for me" Taehyung whined with his pouty lips.

"Ah baby, there's a lot of work for me to do tomorrow. I am sorry I can't" Jungkook said and Taehyung sat up quickly.

"I knew it, you'll say no. I don't know anything, you are staying that's all."

"Ah but baby, that's impossible" Jungkook sat up too.

"Okay, do your job, I am nothing for you. Fine, don't stay." Taehyung turned his back to Jungkook's direction and laid down.

"Aw, why baby!? Why are you doing this now? At least look at me. Cutie pie, try to understand me" Jungkook requested and back hugged him.

"Get your hands off me"

"Oh really? Didn't you want the cuddles before?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows teasingly. Taehyung looked away, a little upset.

Jungkook laid behind him and held his waist tightly. He started to leave kisses on his neck and Taehyung just whined.

"S-stop it!"

"Why? you don't like it?" He asked and Taehyung couldn't answer because he did like it.

Jungkook turned him to his direction and showered his face with kisses. He captured his lips again and kissed passionately.

Jungkook crawled downwards and pull up Taehyung's sweater to kiss his abdomen. He kissed his tummy and Taehyung giggled cutely.

"Kookie.... Please rub your hands on my belly, babies like it" Taehyung requested shyly.

"And my baby like it too?" Jungkook asked and Taehyung nodded desperately.

"Okay my dear, I will do and you should sleep well" Jungkook rubbed his belly the whole night and sooner Taehyung fell asleep.

He was being a child again and Jungkook was loving it. He would now have four babies to look after. Taehyung, Taejung and the twins.


Just some chapters and it's ended.

The day was very, very busy and exhausting. It was the annual day in my school and still I wrote the chapter for my Lovie dovies.

Hope you like it.

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