Chapter 32

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Third Person's p.o.v

Two days passed away and everything was still not fine between the couple. Jungkook would always find a way to avoid any conversation with Taehyung and it seemed hard for Taehyung to be around Jungkook like that.

Taejung was currently out with his appa, who together went to have the ice cream and other side Taehyung stayed at home because he really didn't want to go.

Taehyung decided to live at his mother's house for somedays because he was tired of the situation. He knew that Jungkook's anger was not an easy thing to handle.

Taehyung called his mother about his arrival and decided to leave a message to his husband that he was going to live at his mother's house for somedays and Jungkook's parents approved that too.

As Jungkook received the message he felt a pang of pain in his chest. He felt bad that Taehyung decided to go there all of a sudden.

It wasn't Taehyung's fault, ever since Jungkook found about that, he started to spend more time with his son, leaving Taehyung aside.

Taehyung was hurt with all of that. He tried to apologize and tried to make everything normal but Jungkook wasn't ready to hear anything. Taehyung thought that Jungkook could take care of Taejung alone as per Jungkook's thinking.

Taehyung left the house with his bags to live for a whole week. He reached his mother's house and was welcomed by her bone crashing hugs.

The other side Jungkook and Taejung reached house and the first thing that Taejung was asked for was his omma. Jungkook somehow managed to tell him that his omma just left for some days but how could Taejung would be happy with that.


It was just a single day without Taehyung but Jungkook and Taejung started to miss his presence so much.
What his importance was? they realised in the morning when they woke up late because no one was there to wake them up. Though, Jungie's grandma made the breakfast but when the father and son were getting ready for office and school, they couldn't find their dresses at proper places.

They both got late for their work and school that day and Jungkook was thinking that Taehyung wasn't responsible.

Taejung didn't want to go to the school but he had to leave. His eyes were teary as his father made him sit on his seat of the class.

Taejung was missing his omma because he had spent a day without his omma. Jungkook wasn't showing but whenever he was breathing, the regret was rushing into him.

It became hard for him to work in the office and sooner he got tired of it. He looked at Taehyung's picture in his phone then he closed his eyes because he was really missing him.

When it was the time to get Jungie from the school, Jungkook went to his school to get the boy who was upset with his father. Jungkook could feel the pain too because his wifey wasn't there plus his little sunshine was upset.

"Jungiya? Want to get some ice cream?" Jungkook asked his son while driving the car. Taejung looked out of the window with crossed arms and puffed up cheeks.


Taejung still remained silent.

Jungkook took a long breath.

"Omma?" Jungkook asked and Taejung looked at him with shinny doe eyes.

"Pwease appa" Taejung whispered with a pout and Jungkook ruffle this hair.



Taehyung was working with his mother in bakery. He was completely lost in his thoughts. He was missing both the males so much. He picked up his phone and decided to call his husband to ask about his little son.

As he called on the phone he heard the ringing of the phone, as he turned his head he found his husband and his little son standing in front of him.

Taejung went running to him and hugged Taehyung's waist. Taehyung smiled widely and tears filled his eyes with overwhelming feeling of watching the part of him.

"Omma, bogo sipeo" Taejung whined and Taehyung picked the boy up and showered his face with warm kisses.

"I missed my baby too" Taehyung said in his baby voice. Taejung dug his face into Taehyung's shoulder as he held his omma tightly with his short arms.

Taehyung patted his back slightly and kissed him several times as the little boy was in his arms.

And then there was standing Jungkook, silently admiring the two of them.

"Tae?" Jungkook spoke up and Taehyung met his gaze with him.

Jungkook stepped closer and held one of Taehyung's hand into his own.

"I am so sorry" Jungkook said and the regret was laced in his voice and eyes.

Taehyung remained silent for a while and Taejung looked at them strangely.

"I know I shouldn't have done that, I was just a little too stressed out, see I couldn't even spend a single day without you. I am sorry honey" Jungkook apologized and pecked Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung leaned over and dug his face into his husband's chest while holding Jungie into his arms. Jungkook pulled Jungie into his arms and held Taehyung closer to his chest.

The beautiful family shared a sweet moment together while holding each other. Jungkook softly pecked their foreheads one by one.

"Baby come back home" Jungkook asked Taehyung.

"Yes omma" Taejung added.

"No not yet" Taehyung said and Jungkook and Taejung looked at him with Jungshook look.

"Ani~~~" Jungkook and Taejung whined together which made Taehyung to chuckle at them.

"Just kidding babies." Taehyung nuzzled his nose with his son and pecked his husband's lips.

And then there was standing Taehyung's mother who was secretly shedding tears to see her kids happy together like that.


Hope you like it

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