Chapter 49 (Epilogue)

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5 years later...

Third Person's p.o.v

The beautiful 5 years were nicely spent in peace. The family was so fulfilled now.

Taejung turned 9, and the twins were 5 years old who were double trouble. Taejung was nothing compared to the little two kids who were very chaotic and naughty and would mess around in the house. The boy was named Jaehyun and the girl was Taerin.

Taerin was his appa's lil princess who was spoiled with so much love and Jaehyun, Taejung were omma's princes who were showered with Taehyung's overloaded kisses and love.

Fortunately, the couple had never been in some serious issues and problems after that because they were having three children now and the children would not let the couple be together in peace.

Namjoon and Jin had also adopted a daughter and a son which were Jaehyun and Taerin's friends and in the family get togethers they would mess around together.

Yoongi and Jimin's son Yeonjun was now 6 years old who was also added to the children gang. He was comparatively shy and less chaotic but his cuteness was enough to capture people's attention.

Hoseok found a new girlfriend with whom he was officially dating. They decided to marry sooner. Hoseok was the most favourite uncle for the kids because he would play along with them and would never scold them.

Like uncle Hoseok, Yugyeom was also in their favourite list because he would give all the children some funny nicknames. Yugyeom was going to be a father as well. Yeri and Yugyeom got married and she was now pregnant with his child and they were also living happily together with each other.

Minho was no more single now. He realised that it's of no use to wait for someone who would never be his. He found a partner for him and was engaged like Hoseok.

Taehyung was a known writer now. Minho's guidance helped him to achieve his goals and Jungkook was thankful for his teacher to help him throughout his career. Minho and Jungkook could finally call each other as friends now. They were no more into problems like before.

Jungkook's father was retired from his designation of CEO, Jungkook was now leading the company as being the new CEO of the Jeon's company. Yugyeom and Namjoon were promoted in the company too.

Jungkook had bought larger mansion for the whole family, where his children could nicely live with the grandparents and the couple could have some time for each other too.

Taehyung's mother was living with them too. Taejung and the twins were nicely raised with their grandparents and parents who would love them so much.

Everything was going on so beautifully and the couple didn't even realise that it was the 10th year of their wedding anniversary and 15th year anniversary of their relationship.

Taehyung was complete 29 and Jungkook was 35 years mature man. By the time, Jungkook turned out to be more mature and manly whereas Taehyung was completely Jungkook's baby still. He would show his mature side to others but when it came to Jungkook he would be the same whiny baby. And sometimes Jungkook would feel like that he had four children.

On the great day of their anniversary, the couple decided to throw a party at their new mansion to celebrate their great time.

The whole family was invited along with the friends. The mischievous children gang was also gathered at the party in which Taejung was the leader because he was the hyung of them all.

They were messing around in the big mansion while playing and jumping in a chaotic manner and the elders were just happy to see their blooming sunflowers.

Taehyung was dressed into the same clothes that he wore at the wedding and Jungkook wore the same suit he wore at his wedding.

They were looking like the young bride - groom at their wedding. They were kinda getting married again at the great occasion and the family and the friends were there to give their blessings.

When the party was over, the people went back to their houses and the children of the house were completely exhausted who fell asleep quickly.

It was now the time for the couple to be together and to spend some time with each other which they would rarely get ever since they became parents.

"Ahh, finally baby, I will get to hold you" Jungkook hugged Taehyung from behind and whispered into his ear. Taehyung was standing in front of the large mirror where he was undressing his silky white shirt.

"Kookie, let me change my clothes"

"No baby, let me admire you in this. This reminds me of our wedding day when you arrived in the hallway while wearing this beautiful masterpiece on you. You are still looking as beautiful as always." Jungkook complimented and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"You are the one who is still the same, hot and sexy man. I am no more the old me. See my cheeks are so round now" Taehyung whined and sadly looked down. Jungkook turned his body to face him.

"Aw baby, you are still so beautiful instead you look so cute with these round cheeks. I can't help to smooch them. I am very lucky to have you in my life. Never think you are less, you are definition of perfection baby. You will always be gorgeous" Jungkook captured his lips and kissed him passionately.

"Ah, I have gain weight see my belly" Taehyung whined after pulling away and pointed to his fluffy cute tummy. Jungkook chuckled and Taehyung formed a pout.

"Is that maybe you are pregnant again?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and Taehyung hit his shoulder.

"No not at all. I already have three mischievous children and don't want anymore" Taehyung whined and Jungkook giggled.

"Aw baby, why not?"

"Ah that's so painful to give birth to a child" Taehyung whispered and Jungkook's eyes soften. Jungkook quickly pulled him into a warm hug.

"You are such an angel my baby. I can't appreciate you enough for being you. You completed me and the family. I love you so much and thank you so much for carrying my babies" Jungkook pecked his forehead.

Taehyung pulled a little away and looked into Jungkook's eyes with his doe eyes.

"What if I am really pregnant?"

"Mmm... Then that's great"

"And what if I am not?"

"Well, then let's make you pregnant again"

With that Jungkook pushed Taehyung on the bed and hovered over him quickly. He instantly undressed himself and Taehyung.

"Ah, go and get some condom and lube, I swear I don't want to get pregnant again" Taehyung spoke up in between their make out session.

"No, I want to keep it raw and rough baby" Jungkook smirked.

"Ahhh" Taehyung whined again but sooner was pulled into another hot kiss.

And with that they continued it for the whole night and fell asleep after their three rounds and Taehyung whined the whole night because he knew, he would be pregnant again.


Every starting has an end, so does this book.

Well this book is ended here.


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