Chapter 2

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Jungkook's p.o.v

My blood started to boil as I spared a glance to the most irritating man in my life because of whom I was on the edge of losing my love.

That Choi Minho.....

Gosh! Why did these Chois come into my life like devils?

My anger rose as I saw him near my beauty and he was talking to him with a wide smile. I swear I wanted to break those teeth down. 

"Ahem ahem" I fakely coughed as I stood between them, parting my baby a little away.

I glared at him with my dark look but later it turned soft as my baby threw his slim fragile arms on me. I half hugged him and peppered him with kisses. I gave him the flowers and he looked very happy and he smooched my cheek lovingly.

I held him by his waist as we both stood together in front of him and I could see him moving his eyes away from us, like he was hurt and I didn't give a damn about it.

"I am really very proud of you." I said as I pulled him by his waist and left a peck on his head.

"Who else won't be after having someone like him" he spoke up in between and I swear I could've punched him if my baby and of course his momma won't be there.

"And I have him" I said and I pulled Tae more into me. I love the way Minho looked away like he just saw a ghost.

"My angel, momma's proud of you" his mom pulled him into a hug and I loved the way I saw the two being happy together.

We all were sharing a loving moment but something more romantic happened in between the crowd and I looked at them.

Third person's p.o.v

The crowd looked into the direction of the stage as Jimin tried to draw their attention by saying something.

"So I have been thinking about telling that for a very long time but I wanna say this to the one I love the most in this world and that's the best place to tell because we met here for the first time.

Min Yoongi? Will you be my life partner?"

Jimin knelt down in front of Yoongi as he held a ring out for him and the crowd cheered as a yes to say him and Yoongi did. 

He nodded his head desperately and later both shared a beautiful kiss.

"Aww! Just look at them. My heart" Taehyung said as he looked at his friends taking their relationship to the next level.

"Nailed it Jimin" Jungkook yelled and the crowd cheered the new couple.

Yoongi's face turned fully red like a tomato and he pulled Jimin closer and dug his face into his chest.

"Time for celebration" Hoseok screamed and threw rose petals on them which God knows from where he got them.

The time was beautiful and the happiness knocked on the doors of all of them and truly it was a time full of euphoria.


The couple arrived back home in the night after enjoying the whole day together with Taehyung's hand full of chocolates and a lot of sweet treats. He used to crave all the time for them as they became essential for him during his pregnancy.

His happiness was on the highest peak that day because he had finally graduated, his friends were getting engaged soon and the next day he would go on a lunch with the whole family including Jeons and Kims and of course all of his friends.

But he wanted something else that night.

He sat on the couch and tore up the wrappers quickly and started to have the chocolates like nothing else mattered for him at the moment.

Jungkook chuckled and sat beside him and pulled up his oversized T-shirt to leave plenty of kisses on his round belly.

Taehyung giggled cutely and kept on finishing his chocolate. 

Jungkook raised his head and looked at the messy face of Taehyung. The chocolate was all around his face and damn he looked super cute like that. He looked up at his husband with his beautiful innocent doe eyes  and chocolate painted face.

"Kookie? Why are you laughing?" He asked and tilted his head with a little confusion. 

"Ayi, look at my little baby" Jungkook pulled him closer in his arms and carried him to the bathroom to wash his face and hands carefully. He then wiped up his face with a towel and showered his face with kisses.

"Kookie you treat me like a baby, I am big" Taehyung whined and struggled to get out of Jungkook's grip.

"I treat you like a baby because I have two babies to take care of, now be a good boy and don't move your body or else you'll fall down" Jungkook said as he carried him back to the room.

He laid him on the bed and turned the lights off so that the couple could rest but before he could lay down peacefully on the bed, Taehyung already turned the lights of the lamp on the table beside the bed.

"Baby? Don't wanna sleep?" Jungkook asked.

"No, I want my present" 

"What present baby?"

"You said you will give me a graduation present so I need it now"

"Of course baby, anything for you" Jungkook sat beside him and looked at him with loving eyes but Taehyung's eyes were filled with lust.

"Let's make love tonight" Taehyung finished and pulled his husband and connected his lips with him to kiss him hungrily.

"No babe, not tonight," Jungkook said and pulled away.

"Please~~~ it has been three months... Please" Taehyung whined and made his way to sit on his lap.

"Babe, no! I can't risk anything, you're pregnant" Jungkook tried to pull him away and said with worries in his eyes.

"Please Kookie... I will be fine... please" Taehyung started to grind on him.

"But bab-" before Jungkook could say anything, Taehyung placed his lips on him and rubbed his clothed member.

"Okay" Jungkook said as he was defeated.


Should I write smut in the next chapter or not?

Just some chapters more and you're gonna be blessed with a little baby. 

Hope you like it

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