Chapter 41

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Jungkook's p.o.v

After my meeting I came back to the cabin and dialed Taehyung's number to ask him if the meeting is over or not but he didn't pick it up.

I dialed again and again but nothing really worked out. The worries grew in me and I decided to go to the main office.

I waited outside his office and dialed his number again but still nothing worked out.

I decided to enter the main office but I didn't know where to go. I just stood in the hallway, waiting for him to come.

I sat upon a bench in the hallway and looked all around on the walls where there were posters and banners of beautiful book covers and models on magazine covers.

My eyes caught some portrait of writers and one of them was Minho. I stood up and went closer to the banner where there was his picture. The description was showing his achievements and all.

I was just looking at the picture, when my eyes caught the picture of my own baby on another wall. Tae looked beautiful as always in the picture and I wondered when did they click his that beautiful picture.

I pulled out my phone and clicked the picture. His description was still empty because my baby was a fetus writer.

I just chuckled as I admired his beautiful picture, showing his cute smile and gorgeous face.

"Oh see Mr. Minho, gosh why he is so handsome?" I turned my head to see two girls who were fangirling that man.

I rolled my eyes and decided to leave them but I heard them whispering something near my baby's picture.

"Isn't him Kim Taehyung? Aw he's so cute but I really envy him" one of the girl said.

"Huh why?"

"Ah, maybe you don't know but I heard from somewhere that Minho sir really likes him but worst part is that Taehyung is married" the girl said and I stepped backward to hear her carefully.

"Ohh, yes, I have heard too. I also heard that sir decided to stay single for his life because he couldn't have Taehyung."

"Aw, poor him. But still if Taehyung would ask him, he won't say no" the girls giggled together and I coughed loudly and they saw me.

"Don't worry Taehyung would never ask him because I am already his husband who loves him a lot" I said possessively and I saw them bowing at me. They just walked away but after setting a bomb inside of me.

I couldn't help but feel so uneasy and worried. My mind started to think the things I would never wanted to happen, "what if he leaves me?"

I just sat silently, trying to come out of my thoughts. Later, I heard the familiar giggles of someone and I turned my head to see Taehyung coming with Minho who were laughing together.

I just looked at them silently and sadly. I just didn't know why but I felt so weird.

"Kookie?" He saw me and ran to hug me and I spread my arms wide to catch him.

I hugged him tightly and dug my face into his neck as I smelled his sweet scent.

"Aw, Kookie, you came here for me?" He asked me and I hummed in response.

He slightly pulled me away and I leaned again to capture his lips and I kissed them lovingly, showing the man next to us that he belonged to me.

I felt Taehyung's cheeks turning red as he dug his face into my chest and Minho turned away with a sad expression and I felt better after that.

I just couldn't help the feeling of being jealous whenever I would see him with someone else. Anger, sadness, pain and sorrow, everything would rush to my blood.

Third Person's p.o.v

Jungkook was feeling unsure and strange about his feelings. He would not show that to Taehyung instead he would keep quiet and let it go but for how far would he take it?

Same schedule began for Taehyung, and for some important reasons, he had to meet Minho time to time and Jungkook was getting more unsure when he would see that smile on Taehyung's face when he was next to the man and the worst was that, the man had feelings for him.

He couldn't help it but things got worse for him when his own son was repeating the man's name that he hated a lot.

Taejung had met Minho a lot of times only just because of Taehyung and once the family was sitting on the dinning table, having the dinner nicely when all of a sudden the little boy spoke up that how his Minho uncle would cherish him with presents.


"Yes Jungie?"

"Appa, I want to meet Minho untle"

Jungkook dropped his spoon after hearing the request of his son.

"Why?" Jungkook asked in a cold tone.

"Minho untle is very good, he gives me candies and so many chocolates. Right omma? Minho untle is my superhero" and it was it when it was enough for Jungkook to take.

He left the dinning table and Taejung just stared with his innocent doe eyes at how he went away.

Taehyung panicked and he followed Jungkook quickly and Taejung was left with his grandparents who were surprised as well.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked as he entered the room, reaching to hold Jungkook who was standing in front of the window with his hands crossed tightly and his muscles flexed out.

"Kookie?" He spoke up again and Jungkook turned his head to him.

"Superhero? Him? Huh, now he's a superhero for my son too. Taehyung do you even have any idea that how hard I work daily for this family? But still my son, and you still have the name of someone else on your tongues...
Why? Why Taehyung? And why the hell you let him meet my son even after knowing that how much I hate it." Jungkook said with his greeted teeth and Taehyung gulped nervously.

"K-kookie, it's not what..."

"IT'S NOT WHAT? IT ALWAYS WILL BE LIKE THIS! that man hates to see me happy and you help him with that. Taehyung I swear if in this house anyone ever dare to say his name then remember it won't be fair for you" Jungkook stated angrily and went away leaving Taehyung crying silently again.

"I am sorry baby, I would tell appa about you some other day" Taehyung stroked his belly as he cried alone while sitting on the bed.


😁 No questions about the last part!

Don't get the hopes high, the worst is yet to come.

Hope you like it.

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